


1)        图像灰度图、彩色图和二值化三种格式文件的打开和存储功能;

2)        支持版面局部纠偏功能;

3)        图像去污功能;

4)        支持图像局部浓淡调整功能;

5)        支持去除图像黑白边功能;

6)        支持部分磨白功能;

7)        擦除图像功能;

8)        自动和人工二值化功能;

9)        对图像提供横、竖拆页功能,图像人工、自动拼页功能;

10)    图像进行左、右旋转,翻转及改变图像亮度操作功能;


#pragma once
#include "api/dibapi.h"
#include "api/ImgConv.h"
#include "api/CompConnect.h"

class CArdpsImg  : public CObject

 CArdpsImg &operator =(const CArdpsImg &ArdSrc);
 CArdpsImg(const CArdpsImg &ArdSrc);

 HANDLE  LoadNonDibHandle(BOOL *bBmp, char* szImgFileName);
 bool    ConvertGray(int nMethod, UINT uiRWeight = 114, UINT uiGWeight = 587, UINT uiBWeight = 299 );
 bool    ConvertBinary(int nMethod /* = 0 */, int nTh /* = 0  */);
 bool    SaveNonDIB(HDIB hDib, CString strFileName, ImageType nDestFileExtType );
 bool    GrayEqual();
 bool    GrayStretch(int nMethod, BYTE x1,BYTE y1,BYTE x2,BYTE y2);
 bool    EliminateDirt(int nMethod, const CRect rct);
 bool    EliminateDirt(int nMethod, const int nCircleX, const int nCircleY, const int nRadius);
 void    SetDirtSize(CSize szMax, CSize szMin);
 CRect*   GetDirtPos( int nMethod, int *nCnt);
 bool    AutoEliminateDirt(int nMethod, int nMinArea);
 bool    AutoEliminateDirt(int nMethod, CRect *pRect, int *pFlag, const int nNum);
 bool    RotateImage(int iRotateAngle = 0);
 bool    AutoRotatelImage( RECT rtROI);
 bool    CutFrame();   
 bool    SplitImage(POINT pt1, POINT pt2, CArdpsImg *pNewArd);
 bool    MergeImage(CArdpsImg *pSrcArd, int nMethod = 0);
 bool    MergeImage(CArdpsImg *pSrcArd, int nPos1, int nPos2, int nMethod = 0);
 bool    SaveTiff(char *szImgFileName);
 bool    AjustLightAndContrast(int brightness, int contrast);
 bool    Zoom(double fRatioX, double fRatioY);
 bool    AdjustBinPos( int nMethod = 0);
 bool    ColorEqual();

 bool    SaveGrayDIB(); // for debug

 void    Serialize(CArchive& ar);
 bool    IsEmpty();
 bool    Read(CFile *pFile);
 bool    Write(CFile *pFile);
 bool    Create(LPBYTE lpDIB);
 bool    Create(LPBYTE lpDIB,  WORD  wBitCount);  
 bool    UpdateInternal();
 void    Destroy();
 bool    BuildBitmap();
 bool    BuildPalette();
 bool    Display(CDC* pDC, int x, int y, DWORD dwRop=SRCCOPY);
 bool    ConvertFormat(WORD wBitCount);

 WORD  GetBitCount();
 LONG   GetWidth();
 LONG   GetHeight();   
 LONG   GetWidthBytes();
 WORD  GetPaletteSize();
 HANDLE  GetHandle();
 WORD  GetColorNumber();
 LPBYTE  GetBitsPtr();
 bool    Attach(HDIB hDib);
 ImageType GetFileExtType(CString strExt);
 CPalette*  GetPalette(); 
 bool  IntensityMean(const BYTE *pbGray, const int nImgWid, const int nImgHei, int &nIntenMean );
 bool  ThreshImage(const BYTE *pbImg, BYTE *pbBinary, const int nImgWid, const int nImgHei, const int nTh);
 void  OtsuTh( DWORD nW, DWORD nH, BYTE *lpBits, int  &Th);
 void  ExtractComponent(Line * Li, BYTE *pMotion, UINT grayBytesPerLine, BYTE bCur ) ;
 inline void  add(int a,int b,char **flag,int *&stack,int **InStack, int &top,int &topin,int c,int d,component *ctail, BYTE *pMotion, UINT grayBytesPerLine,  BYTE bCur  );
 void  AnalysisComponent( Line * Li,  BYTE *pbBinary, UINT unBinaryBytesPerLine, UINT minArea, const BYTE bValue);
 bool  AnalysisDirtPos(Line *Li, CSize maxSize, CSize minSize, int nHeight, int *nCnt);
 bool  ConvertBinary2Gray(const unsigned char * pbBinary, const int nWidth, const int nHeight, unsigned char *pbGray);
 void  SetBinary(CRect rect, BYTE *pbImg, UINT unBinaryBytesPerLine, const BYTE bValue);
 int   OutputNormalImageUnderAngle(BYTE *DesImg, const BYTE *SrcImage, int nWidth, int nHeight, double dk);
 bool  FindTopEdge(BYTE *pbOutImage, BYTE *image, RECT rtROI, int nWidth);
 double DetectSkewAngle(BYTE *pbImage, RECT rtROI, int nWidth);
 RECT GetEdgeImageBoundary(BYTE *pbImage, int nWidth, int nHeight);
 RECT  GetBinImageBoundary(BYTE *pbImage, int nWidth, int nHeight);
 int   FindEdgeImage(BYTE *pbOutImage, BYTE *image, RECT rtROI, int nWidth);
 RECT SetRectValue(int left, int right, int top, int bottom);
 bool  VerticalSplit(int nX, CArdpsImg *newArt);
 bool  HorizntalSplit(int nY, CArdpsImg *newArt);
 int   CompVPrjValeSum(int *pnRamBuff, const BYTE *pInImg, int nImgWidth, int nImgHeight, int nRotAngle);
 void  SmoothingArray(int *pOut, int nR, const int *pIn, int nStart, int nEnd) ;
 int   DeleteVtlSmallLine(BYTE* pImg, BYTE* pBuf, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nTh);
 HDIB  ReadBinTiff(char* szImgFileName);
 void  Img32to24(BYTE *pbImg32, BYTE *pbImg24, int nWidth, int nHeight);
 void  ReversBits(BYTE *pbIn, int nWidth, int nHeight, DWORD nBitCnt);
 void  ReversColors(BYTE*pbIn, BYTE *pbOut, int nWidth, int nHeight);
 void  ReversColors(BYTE*pbIn, int nWidth, int nHeight);
 void  MoveBin(BYTE *pbIn, int nWidth, int nHeight, RECT rtOld, RECT rtNew,   int nMethod = 0);

 HDIB  m_hDib;  //DIB handle of CDib object
 HBITMAP  m_hBitmap; // handle of DIBSection
 CPalette*  m_pPalette; //related to DIB's palette CPalette object
 CBitmap* m_pBitmap; //related to DDB's CBitmap object
 HDIB  m_hNewDib;

 // private member data
 // for drawing in DIB
 CDC *  m_pMemDC;
 CBitmap* m_pBitmapTmp;
 CPalette* m_pPaletteTmp;
 CSize  m_DirtSize;
 CSize  m_minDirtSize;
 CRect  *m_dirRect;

 virtual ~CArdpsImg(void);



#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "ArdpsImg.h"
#include "api/ImgConv.h"
#include "api/CompConnect.h"
#include "api/tiff/tiffio.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <windowsx.h>  // especially for GlobalAllocPtr


const UINT  uiRWeight   = 114;
const UINT  uiGWeight  = 587;
const UINT  uiBWeight   = 299; 
#define PI 3.14159
#define RADIAN(angle) ((angle)*PI/180.0)

#define EDGE_STEP 4

DWORD buf[256];
double bufi[256], varience[256];
// 5. the cos value(*65536 or * (2**16)) with angle from 0 to 180 and the step is 1
const int g_nCos[180] = {   
 65536, 65526, 65496, 65446, 65376, 65286, 65176, 65047, 64898, 64729, 
 64540, 64331, 64103, 63856, 63589, 63302, 62997, 62672, 62328, 61965, 
 61583, 61183, 60763, 60326, 59870, 59395, 58903, 58393, 57864, 57319, 
 56755, 56175, 55577, 54963, 54331, 53683, 53019, 52339, 51643, 50931, 
 50203, 49460, 48702, 47930, 47142, 46340, 45525, 44695, 43852, 42995, 
 42125, 41243, 40347, 39440, 38521, 37589, 36647, 35693, 34728, 33753, 
 32768, 31772, 30767, 29752, 28729, 27696, 26655, 25606, 24550, 23486, 
 22414, 21336, 20251, 19160, 18064, 16961, 15854, 14742, 13625, 12504, 
 11380, 10252, 9120, 7986, 6850, 5711, 4571, 3429, 2287, 1143, 
 0, -1143, -2287, -3429, -4571, -5711, -6850, -7986, -9120, -10252, 
 -11380, -12504, -13625, -14742, -15854, -16961, -18064, -19160, -20251, -21336, 
 -22414, -23486, -24550, -25606, -26655, -27696, -28729, -29752, -30767, -31772, 
 -32768, -33753, -34728, -35693, -36647, -37589, -38521, -39440, -40347, -41243, 
 -42125, -42995, -43852, -44695, -45525, -46340, -47142, -47930, -48702, -49460, 
 -50203, -50931, -51643, -52339, -53019, -53683, -54331, -54963, -55577, -56175, 
 -56755, -57319, -57864, -58393, -58903, -59395, -59870, -60326, -60763, -61183, 
 -61583, -61965, -62328, -62672, -62997, -63302, -63589, -63856, -64103, -64331, 
 -64540, -64729, -64898, -65047, -65176, -65286, -65376, -65446, -65496, -65526

// 6. the sin value(*65536 or * (2**16)) with angle from 0 to 180 and the step is 1
const int g_nSin[180] = {
 0, 1143, 2287, 3429, 4571, 5711, 6850, 7986, 9120, 10252, 
 11380, 12504, 13625, 14742, 15854, 16961, 18064, 19160, 20251, 21336, 
 22414, 23486, 24550, 25606, 26655, 27696, 28729, 29752, 30767, 31772, 
 32768, 33753, 34728, 35693, 36647, 37589, 38521, 39440, 40347, 41243, 
 42125, 42995, 43852, 44695, 45525, 46340, 47142, 47930, 48702, 49460, 
 50203, 50931, 51643, 52339, 53019, 53683, 54331, 54963, 55577, 56175, 
 56755, 57319, 57864, 58393, 58903, 59395, 59870, 60326, 60763, 61183, 
 61583, 61965, 62328, 62672, 62997, 63302, 63589, 63856, 64103, 64331, 
 64540, 64729, 64898, 65047, 65176, 65286, 65376, 65446, 65496, 65526, 
 65536, 65526, 65496, 65446, 65376, 65286, 65176, 65047, 64898, 64729, 
 64540, 64331, 64103, 63856, 63589, 63302, 62997, 62672, 62328, 61965, 
 61583, 61183, 60763, 60326, 59870, 59395, 58903, 58393, 57864, 57319, 
 56755, 56175, 55577, 54963, 54331, 53683, 53019, 52339, 51643, 50931, 
 50203, 49460, 48702, 47930, 47142, 46340, 45525, 44695, 43852, 42995, 
 42125, 41243, 40347, 39440, 38521, 37589, 36647, 35693, 34728, 33753, 
 32768, 31772, 30767, 29752, 28729, 27696, 26655, 25606, 24550, 23486, 
 22414, 21336, 20251, 19160, 18064, 16961, 15854, 14742, 13625, 12504, 
 11380, 10252, 9120, 7986, 6850, 5711, 4571, 3429, 2287, 1143

typedef bool (*PFN_ImageConvert)(const unsigned char * pSrcData, int nSrcDataLen, ImageType itSrcImageType,
         unsigned char * * ppDestData, int * pnDestDataLen, ImageType itDestImageType);
typedef bool (*PFN_ImageDelete)(unsigned char * * ppImageData);


 m_hDib  = NULL;   //CDib对象所表示的DIB句柄
 m_hBitmap   = NULL;   //DIB对应的DIBSECTION的句柄
 m_pPalette  = NULL;   //和DIB相关的CPalette调色板对象
 m_pBitmap   = NULL;   //和DIB相关的CBitmap DDB对象
 m_hNewDib = NULL;
 m_DirtSize.cx = 5;
 m_DirtSize.cy = 5;
 m_minDirtSize.cx = 2;
 m_minDirtSize.cy = 2;
 m_dirRect = NULL;

CArdpsImg::CArdpsImg(const CArdpsImg &ArdSrc)
 if (this != &ArdSrc)
  if (m_pBitmap != NULL)
   delete m_pBitmap;
   m_pBitmap = NULL;
  if (m_pPalette != NULL)
   delete m_pPalette;
   m_pPalette = NULL;
  if( m_dirRect )
   delete []m_dirRect;
   m_dirRect = NULL;
  if ( m_pMemDC )
   delete m_pMemDC;
   m_pMemDC = NULL;

  this->m_hDib = ArdSrc.m_hDib;
  this->m_hNewDib = ArdSrc.m_hNewDib;
  this->m_pBitmap = ArdSrc.m_pBitmap;
  this->m_pPalette = ArdSrc.m_pPalette;
  this->m_dirRect = ArdSrc.m_dirRect;
  this->m_pMemDC = ArdSrc.m_pMemDC;
  this->m_pPaletteTmp = ArdSrc.m_pPaletteTmp;
  this->m_pBitmapTmp = ArdSrc.m_pBitmapTmp;
  this->m_DirtSize = ArdSrc.m_DirtSize;
  this->m_minDirtSize = ArdSrc.m_minDirtSize;
  this->m_dirRect = ArdSrc.m_dirRect;

 if (m_pBitmap != NULL)
  delete m_pBitmap;
  m_pBitmap = NULL;
 if (m_pPalette != NULL)
  delete m_pPalette;
  m_pPalette = NULL;
 if( m_dirRect )
  delete []m_dirRect;
  m_dirRect = NULL;

CArdpsImg & CArdpsImg::operator =(const CArdpsImg &ArdSrc)
 if (this != &ArdSrc)
  if (m_pBitmap != NULL)
   delete m_pBitmap;
   m_pBitmap = NULL;
  if (m_pPalette != NULL)
   delete m_pPalette;
   m_pPalette = NULL;
  if( m_dirRect )
   delete []m_dirRect;
   m_dirRect = NULL;
  if ( m_pMemDC )
   delete m_pMemDC;
   m_pMemDC = NULL;

  this->m_hDib = ArdSrc.m_hDib;
  this->m_hNewDib = ArdSrc.m_hNewDib;
  this->m_pBitmap = ArdSrc.m_pBitmap;
  this->m_pPalette = ArdSrc.m_pPalette;
  this->m_dirRect = ArdSrc.m_dirRect;
  this->m_pMemDC = ArdSrc.m_pMemDC;
  this->m_pPaletteTmp = ArdSrc.m_pPaletteTmp;
  this->m_pBitmapTmp = ArdSrc.m_pBitmapTmp;
  this->m_DirtSize = ArdSrc.m_DirtSize;
  this->m_minDirtSize = ArdSrc.m_minDirtSize;
  this->m_dirRect = ArdSrc.m_dirRect;
 return *this;
void CArdpsImg::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
 if (ar.IsStoring())
bool CArdpsImg::Read(CFile *pFile)

 DWORD dwSize;
  // read DIB file header
  pFile->Read(&bmfHdr, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
  // is DIB file?

  if (bmfHdr.bfType != DIB_HEADER_MARKER/*"BM"*/)
   return false;
  DWORD dwLength = pFile->GetLength();
  if (bmfHdr.bfSize != dwLength)
   bmfHdr.bfSize = dwLength;

  // read DIB buffer
  dwSize = bmfHdr.bfSize - sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
  lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, dwSize);
  DWORD dwCount = pFile->Read(lpbi, dwSize);
  // read ok?
  if (dwCount != dwSize)
   return false;

  // Check to see that it's a Windows DIB -- an OS/2 DIB would cause
  // strange problems with the rest of the DIB API since the fields
  // in the header are different and the color table entries are
  // smaller.
  // If it's not a Windows DIB (e.g. if biSize is wrong), return NULL.
  if (lpbi->biSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER))
   return false;

  // fill color num item
  int nNumColors = (UINT)lpbi->biClrUsed;
  if (nNumColors == 0)
   // no color table for 24-bit, default size otherwise
   if (lpbi->biBitCount != 24)
    nNumColors = 1 << lpbi->biBitCount; // standard size table

  // fill in some default values if they are zero
  if (lpbi->biClrUsed == 0)
   lpbi->biClrUsed = nNumColors;
  if (lpbi->biSizeImage == 0)
   lpbi->biSizeImage = ((((lpbi->biWidth * (DWORD)lpbi->biBitCount) + 31) & ~31) >> 3) * lpbi->biHeight;
 CATCH (CException, e)
  return false;

  // create CDib with DIB buffer
  bool bSuccess = Create((LPBYTE)lpbi);

 return bSuccess;
bool CArdpsImg::Create(LPBYTE lpDIB)
 if (lpDIB == NULL)
  return false;

 DWORD dwSize = DIBlockSize(lpDIB);

 HDIB hDib  = GlobalAlloc(GHND, dwSize);
 // Check that DIB handle is valid
 if (! hDib)
  return false;

 LPBYTE lpbi  = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(hDib);
 if (! lpbi)
  return false;

 CopyMemory(lpbi, lpDIB, dwSize);

 m_hDib = hDib;
 LPBYTE ptmp = (LPBYTE) GlobalLock(m_hDib);

 return UpdateInternal();
// 功能:调用DIBToDIBSection函数,创建并更新DIB的DIBSECTION和DDB
bool CArdpsImg::BuildBitmap()
 if (m_pBitmap != NULL)
  delete m_pBitmap;
  m_pBitmap = NULL;
  m_hBitmap = NULL;
 m_hBitmap = DIBToDIBSection(m_hDib);
 if (m_hBitmap == NULL)
  return false;
 m_pBitmap = new CBitmap;

 return true;
bool CArdpsImg::BuildPalette()
 if (m_pPalette != NULL)
  delete m_pPalette;
  m_pPalette = NULL;
 HPALETTE hPalette = CreateDIBPalette(m_hDib);
 if (hPalette == NULL)
  return false;
 m_pPalette = new CPalette;

 return true;

//UpdateInternal function 更新CDib对象所对应的调色板、DIBSECTION、DDB对象
//调用BuildPlaette 和BuildBitmap函数,重建CDib对象的,m_pPalette、m_hBitmap
//和m_pBitmap 成员数据
bool CArdpsImg::UpdateInternal()
 return BuildBitmap();

void CArdpsImg::Destroy()
 if (m_hDib != NULL)
  m_hDib = NULL;
 if( m_hNewDib != NULL )
  m_hNewDib  = NULL;

bool CArdpsImg::Create(LPBYTE lpDIB,  WORD  wBitCount)  // bits/pixel
 if (lpDIB == NULL)
  return false;
 if (! Create(lpDIB))
  return false;

 if (wBitCount == wBits)
  return true;

 HDIB hNewDib = ConvertDIBFormat(m_hDib, wBitCount, NULL);
 if (! hNewDib)
  return false;

 m_hDib = hNewDib;
 return UpdateInternal();
CPalette* CArdpsImg::GetPalette()
 return m_pPalette;
bool CArdpsImg::Write(CFile *pFile)

 BITMAPFILEHEADER    bmfHdr;     // Header for Bitmap file
 LPBITMAPINFOHEADER  lpBI;       // Pointer to DIB info structure
 DWORD               dwDIBSize;

 // Get a pointer to the DIB memory, the first of which contains
 // a BITMAPINFO structure
 lpBI = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if (!lpBI)
  return false;

 // Check to see if we're dealing with an OS/2 DIB.  If so, don't
 // save it because our functions aren't written to deal with these
 // DIBs.
 if (lpBI->biSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER))
  return false;

 // Fill in the fields of the file header

 // Fill in file type (first 2 bytes must be "BM" for a bitmap)

 bmfHdr.bfType = DIB_HEADER_MARKER;  // "BM"

 // Calculating the size of the DIB is a bit tricky (if we want to
 // do it right).  The easiest way to do this is to call GlobalSize()
 // on our global handle, but since the size of our global memory may have
 // been padded a few bytes, we may end up writing out a few too
 // many bytes to the file (which may cause problems with some apps,
 // like HC 3.0).
 // So, instead let's calculate the size manually.
 // To do this, find size of header plus size of color table.  Since the
 // the size of the structure, let's use this.

 // Partial Calculation

 dwDIBSize = *(LPDWORD)lpBI + PaletteSize((LPBYTE)lpBI);  

 // Now calculate the size of the image

 // It's an RLE bitmap, we can't calculate size, so trust the biSizeImage
 // field

 if ((lpBI->biCompression == BI_RLE8) || (lpBI->biCompression == BI_RLE4))
  dwDIBSize += lpBI->biSizeImage;
  DWORD dwBmBitsSize;  // Size of Bitmap Bits only

  // It's not RLE, so size is Width (DWORD aligned) * Height

  dwBmBitsSize = MYWIDTHBYTES((lpBI->biWidth)*((DWORD)lpBI->biBitCount)) *

  dwDIBSize += dwBmBitsSize;

  // Now, since we have calculated the correct size, why don't we
  // fill in the biSizeImage field (this will fix any .BMP files which 
  // have this field incorrect).

  lpBI->biSizeImage = dwBmBitsSize;

 // Calculate the file size by adding the DIB size to sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)

 bmfHdr.bfSize = dwDIBSize + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
 bmfHdr.bfReserved1 = 0;
 bmfHdr.bfReserved2 = 0;

 // Now, calculate the offset the actual bitmap bits will be in
 // the file -- It's the Bitmap file header plus the DIB header,
 // plus the size of the color table.

 bmfHdr.bfOffBits = (DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + lpBI->biSize +

  // Write the file header
  pFile->Write(&bmfHdr, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
  // write DIB buffer
  pFile->Write(lpBI, dwDIBSize);
 CATCH (CException, e)
  return false;


 return true;

bool CArdpsImg::IsEmpty()
 if (m_hDib == NULL)
  return true;

 if (! GlobalLock(m_hDib))
  return true;

 return false;

bool CArdpsImg::Display(CDC * pDC, int x, int y, DWORD dwRop)

 CBitmap* pOldBmp = MemDC.SelectObject(m_pBitmap);

 CPalette* pOldPal = pDC->SelectPalette(m_pPalette, true);

 bool bSuccess = pDC->BitBlt(x, y,
  GetWidth(), GetHeight(),
  0, 0,

 pDC->SelectPalette(pOldPal, true);

 return bSuccess;

WORD CArdpsImg::GetBitCount()
 if (!lpBI)
  return 0;

 WORD wBitCount = lpBI->biBitCount;

 return wBitCount;

LONG CArdpsImg::GetWidth()
 // get DIB buffer pointer
 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if (! lpDIB)
  return 0;

 LONG lWidth = (LONG)DIBWidth(lpDIB);

 return lWidth;

LONG CArdpsImg::GetHeight()
 // get DIB buffer pointer
 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if (! lpDIB)
  return 0;

 LONG lHeight = (LONG)DIBHeight(lpDIB);

 return lHeight;

LONG CArdpsImg::GetWidthBytes()
 return MYWIDTHBYTES((GetWidth())*((DWORD)GetBitCount()));
 //return WIDTHBYTES((GetWidth())*((int)GetBitCount()));
LPBYTE CArdpsImg::GetBitsPtr()
 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if (! lpDIB)
  return NULL;

 LPBYTE lpData = FindDIBBits(lpDIB);

 return lpData;

HANDLE CArdpsImg::GetHandle()
 return m_hDib;

WORD CArdpsImg::GetColorNumber()
 LPBYTE lpBI = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if (! lpBI)
  return 0;

 WORD wColors = DIBNumColors(lpBI);

 return wColors;

WORD CArdpsImg::GetPaletteSize()
 LPBYTE lpBI = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if (! lpBI)
  return 0;

 WORD wPalSize = PaletteSize(lpBI);

 return wPalSize;
bool CArdpsImg::Attach(HDIB hDib)
 if (hDib == NULL)
  return false;

 m_hDib = hDib;
 return UpdateInternal();
bool CArdpsImg::ConvertFormat(WORD wBitCount)
 if (IsEmpty())
  return false;

 if (GetBitCount() == wBitCount)
  return true;

 HDIB hNewDib = ConvertDIBFormat(m_hDib, wBitCount, NULL);
 if (! hNewDib)
  return false;

 m_hDib = hNewDib;
 return UpdateInternal();


HANDLE  CArdpsImg::LoadNonDibHandle(BOOL *bBmp, char* szImgFileName)
 *bBmp = FALSE;
 char drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
 char dir[_MAX_DIR];
 char fname[_MAX_FNAME];
 char ext[_MAX_EXT];
 char szName[256];

 HINSTANCE hConvertLib = LoadLibrary("Convert.dll");
 ASSERT(hConvertLib != NULL);

 strcpy(szName, szImgFileName);
 _splitpath(szName, drive, dir, fname, ext);
 strcpy(szName, ext);


 if(strcmp(szName,".tif") == 0 || strcmp(szName, ".tiff") == 0)
  //lpFun = (PGETDIBPROC)GetProcAddress(hConvertLib, "Tiff2HDIB");
  /*hDib = LoadTiff(szImgFileName);*/
  hDib = ReadBinTiff(szImgFileName);  
  return hDib;
 else if(strcmp(szName,".jpg") == 0 || strcmp(szName,".jpeg") == 0 || strcmp(szName,".jpe") == 0 )
  lpFun = (PGETDIBPROC)GetProcAddress(hConvertLib, "Jpg2HDIB");
  *bBmp = TRUE;

  return NULL;
 ASSERT(lpFun != NULL);

 freopen("nul", "w", stdout);

 hDib = (*lpFun) ( NULL, szImgFileName, NULL);

 freopen("con", "w", stdout);


 return hDib;

bool CArdpsImg::SaveNonDIB(HDIB hDib, CString strFileName,  ImageType nDestFileExtType)
 HMODULE hDll = LoadLibrary("ImgConv.dll");
 if (hDll == NULL)
  return false;
 PFN_ImageConvert ImageConvert = (PFN_ImageConvert)GetProcAddress(hDll, "ImageConvert");
 PFN_ImageDelete ImageDelete = (PFN_ImageDelete)GetProcAddress(hDll, "ImageDelete");
 if (ImageConvert == NULL || ImageDelete == NULL)
  return false;
 bool bSave = false;
 bool bInit = InitDIBFileHead(lpBI, &bmfHdr);
 if( !bInit )
  return false;

 unsigned char *pbSrc = new unsigned char [bmfHdr.bfSize];

 if( !pbSrc )
  return false;
 memcpy(pbSrc, &bmfHdr, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
 memcpy(pbSrc + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), lpBI, lpBI->biSizeImage * sizeof(unsigned char));

 unsigned char * pDestData = NULL;
 int nDestDataLen = 0;
 bool bSuccess = false;
 bSuccess = ImageConvert(pbSrc, bmfHdr.bfSize , imgBMP, &pDestData, &nDestDataLen, nDestFileExtType);
 if( bSuccess )
  FILE * pFile = fopen(strFileName, "wb");
  if (pFile != NULL)
   fwrite(pDestData, sizeof(unsigned char), nDestDataLen, pFile);
   bSave = true;   
 if (pbSrc)
  delete []pbSrc;
  pbSrc = NULL;
 return bSave;
 if( !lpBI || !lpbmfHdr )
  return false;

 lpbmfHdr->bfType = DIB_HEADER_MARKER;  // "BM"
 DWORD dwDIBSize = *(LPDWORD)lpBI + PaletteSize((LPBYTE)lpBI);  
 if ((lpBI->biCompression == BI_RLE8) || (lpBI->biCompression == BI_RLE4))
  dwDIBSize += lpBI->biSizeImage;
  DWORD dwBmBitsSize;  // Size of Bitmap Bits only

  // It's not RLE, so size is Width (DWORD aligned) * Height

  dwBmBitsSize = MYWIDTHBYTES((lpBI->biWidth)*((DWORD)lpBI->biBitCount)) *

  dwDIBSize += dwBmBitsSize;

  // Now, since we have calculated the correct size, why don't we
  // fill in the biSizeImage field (this will fix any .BMP files which 
  // have this field incorrect).

  lpBI->biSizeImage = dwBmBitsSize;
 lpbmfHdr->bfSize = dwDIBSize + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
 lpbmfHdr->bfReserved1 = 0;
 lpbmfHdr->bfReserved2 = 0;
 lpbmfHdr->bfOffBits = (DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + lpBI->biSize + PaletteSize((LPBYTE)lpBI);
 return true;

ImageType CArdpsImg::GetFileExtType(CString strExt)
 if (strExt. CompareNoCase ("bmp") == 0 || strExt.CompareNoCase("dib") == 0 )
  return imgBMP;
 else if (strExt.CompareNoCase("gif") == 0 )
  return imgGIF;
 else if (strExt.CompareNoCase("jpg") == 0 )
  return imgJPG;
 else if (strExt.CompareNoCase("jpeg") == 0 || strExt.CompareNoCase("jpe") == 0  )
  return imgJPEG;
 else if (strExt.CompareNoCase("png") == 0 )
  return imgPNG;
 else if (strExt.CompareNoCase("tiff") || strExt.CompareNoCase("tif"))
  return imgTIFF;
  return imgBMP;

bool CArdpsImg::ConvertGray(int nMethod, UINT uiRWeight /* = 114 */, UINT uiGWeight /* = 587 */, UINT uiBWeight /* = 229  */)

 //for color image
 LONG  nImgHei = GetHeight();
 LONG  nImgWid = GetWidth();
 LONG  nOriBytesPerLine = GetWidthBytes();
 int  nBitCnt = GetBitCount();
 if( nBitCnt < 24 )
  return false;
 //for gray image
 LONG  nGrayBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES( nImgWid << 3 );
 LONG nGrayImgSize = nGrayBytesPerLine * nImgHei;
 LONG nFileSize = nGrayImgSize + lpDIBHdr->biSize + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD);

 //allocate memory for gray image
 LPBYTE lpNewDIB = new BYTE[nFileSize];
 if( !lpNewDIB )
  return false;
 memset(lpNewDIB, 0, nFileSize*sizeof(BYTE));
 memcpy(lpNewDIBHdr, lpDIBHdr, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));

 lpNewDIBHdr->biBitCount = 8;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biCompression = BI_RGB;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biSizeImage = nGrayImgSize;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biClrUsed = 256;
 //create RGBQUARD

 memset(pNewRGBQuad, 0, 256*sizeof(RGBQUAD));
 for( int i = 0; i < 256; ++i )
  pNewRGBQuad->rgbBlue = pNewRGBQuad->rgbRed =
   pNewRGBQuad->rgbGreen = i;

 LPBYTE  lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 LPBYTE lpImg = FindDIBBits(lpDIB); 
 LPBYTE lpNewImg = lpNewDIB + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD);

 LPBYTE lpOritmp = lpImg;
 LPBYTE lpNewtmp = lpNewImg;
 int j, k, m, n, nStep = nBitCnt >> 3; 
 switch (nMethod)
 case 0:
  for(  j = 0, m = 0, n = 0; j < nImgHei; ++j , m += nOriBytesPerLine,  n += nGrayBytesPerLine )
   lpNewtmp = lpNewImg + n;
   lpOritmp = lpImg + m;  
   for(  k = 0; k < nImgWid; ++k, lpNewtmp ++ )
    *lpNewtmp  = BYTE((  (*lpOritmp) *uiRWeight +
             *(lpOritmp + 1) * uiGWeight + *(lpOritmp + 2) * uiBWeight )/1000);
    lpOritmp += nStep;

 case 1:
  for(  j = 0, m = 0, n = 0; j < nImgHei; ++j , m += nOriBytesPerLine,  n += nGrayBytesPerLine )
   lpNewtmp = lpNewImg + n;
   lpOritmp = lpImg + m;  
   for(  k = 0; k < nImgWid; ++k, lpNewtmp ++ )
    *lpNewtmp  = BYTE( max(max (  (*lpOritmp), *(lpOritmp + 1) ), *(lpOritmp + 2) ));
    lpOritmp += nStep;
 bool bCrate = Create(lpNewDIB);
 if( lpNewDIB )
  delete []lpNewDIB;
  lpNewDIB = NULL;

 return true;

bool CArdpsImg::ConvertBinary(int nMethod /* = 0 */, int nTh /* = 0  */)
 //for image
 int  nBitCnt = GetBitCount();
 //for gray image
 LONG  nGrayBytesPerLine = GetWidthBytes();

 if( nBitCnt > 8 )
  bool bGray = ConvertGray(0); 
   return false;
  //lpDIBHdr = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 else if( nBitCnt == 1)
  return true;


 LONG  nImgHei = GetHeight();
 LONG  nImgWid = GetWidth();

 //for binary image
 LONG  nBinaryBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES( nImgWid );
 LONG nBinaryImgSize = nBinaryBytesPerLine * nImgHei;
 LONG nFileSize = nBinaryImgSize  + lpDIBHdr->biSize + 2 * sizeof(RGBQUAD);

 //allocate memory for binary image
 LPBYTE lpNewDIB = new BYTE[nFileSize];
 if( !lpNewDIB )
  return false;
 memset(lpNewDIB, 0, nFileSize*sizeof(BYTE));
 memcpy(lpNewDIBHdr, lpDIBHdr, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));

 lpNewDIBHdr->biBitCount = 1;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biCompression = 0;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biSizeImage = nBinaryImgSize;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biClrUsed = 2;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;

 //create RGBQUARD

 pNewRGBQuad->rgbRed = pNewRGBQuad->rgbGreen = pNewRGBQuad->rgbBlue
            = 0;
 pNewRGBQuad->rgbReserved = 0;
 pNewRGBQuad->rgbRed = pNewRGBQuad->rgbGreen = pNewRGBQuad->rgbBlue
           = 255;
 pNewRGBQuad->rgbReserved = 0;

 LPBYTE  lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 LPBYTE lpImg = FindDIBBits(lpDIB); 
 LPBYTE lpNewImg = lpNewDIB + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 2 * sizeof(RGBQUAD);

 LPBYTE lpOritmp = lpImg;
 LPBYTE lpNewtmp = lpNewImg;
 int  nStep = nBitCnt >> 3; 
 bool bResult = false;
 switch (nMethod)
 case 1:
  nTh = 0;
  bResult = IntensityMean( lpImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, nTh );
 case 2:
  bResult = true;
 case 0:
  nTh = 0;
  OtsuTh(nImgWid, nImgHei, lpImg, nTh);
  bResult = true;
 if( bResult )
  bResult = ThreshImage(lpImg, lpNewImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, nTh);

 bool bCrate = Create(lpNewDIB);
 if (lpNewDIB)
  delete []lpNewDIB;
  lpNewDIB = NULL;

 return bCrate;
void CArdpsImg:: OtsuTh( DWORD nW, DWORD nH, BYTE *lpBits, int  &Th)

 UINT i; 
 float bmax;
 float counter1,counter2;
 float mean1,mean2; 
 int  TH, threshold, k, deta; 
 float sum1,sum2;
 int buf[256];
 memset(buf, 0, 256 * sizeof(int));
 if( !GetGrayHist(lpBits, nW, nH, buf) )

 for ( i = 0; i < 256; i ++)
  bufi[i] = i * buf[i];

 deta = 10;       //计算阈值的步长,以加快求解速度。
 counter1 = 0;
 for ( TH = 0; TH < 256; TH += deta )
  counter1 = counter2=0;
  sum1 = sum2=0.0;
  for( k = 0; k <= TH; k++ )
   counter1 += buf[k];
   sum1 += bufi[k];
  for( k = TH + 1; k < 256; k++ )
   counter2 += buf[k];   
   sum2 += bufi[k];
  if ( counter1>0 ) mean1= sum1/counter1;
  else           mean1=0;
  if ( counter2>0 ) mean2= sum2/counter2;
  else           mean2=0;
 bmax=varience[0]; threshold=0;
 for ( TH=0; TH<256;  TH += deta )
  if( bmax<varience[TH] )


bool CArdpsImg::IntensityMean(const BYTE *pbGray, const int nImgWid, const int nImgHei, int &nIntenMean )
 if( pbGray == NULL || nImgHei <= 0 || nImgWid <= 0 )
  return false;
 int nSum = 0;
 nIntenMean = 0;
 for( int i = 0; i < nImgHei * nImgWid; i++ )
  nSum += *pbGray ++;
 nIntenMean = BYTE(nSum /((nImgHei * nImgWid) + 1));
 return true;

bool CArdpsImg::ThreshImage(const BYTE *pbImg, BYTE *pbBinary, const int nImgWid, const int nImgHei, const int nTh )
 if( pbImg == NULL || pbBinary== NULL )
  return false;
 LONG nGrayPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nImgWid << 3);
 LONG nBinaryPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nImgWid);

 const BYTE *pbIn = pbImg;
 BYTE *pbOut = pbBinary;
 BYTE  tmp = 0;
 for( int i = 0, m = 0, n = 0; i < nImgHei; ++i  )
  pbIn = pbImg + m;
  pbOut = pbBinary + n;
  for(int j = 0; j < nImgWid/8; ++j )
   tmp = 0;
   if( *pbIn  > nTh  )
    tmp = tmp | 128;
   if( *pbIn  > nTh  )
    tmp = tmp | 64;
   if( *pbIn  > nTh  )
    tmp = tmp | 32;
   if( *pbIn  > nTh  )
    tmp = tmp | 16;
   if( *pbIn  > nTh  )
    tmp = tmp | 8;
   if( *pbIn  > nTh  )
    tmp = tmp | 4;
   if( *pbIn  > nTh  )
    tmp = tmp | 2;
   if( *pbIn  > nTh  )
    tmp = tmp | 1;

   *pbOut ++ = tmp;   
  tmp = 0;
  for( int k = 0; k < nImgWid % 8; k++, pbIn++ )
   if( *pbIn > nTh )
    tmp += 1;
   tmp = tmp << 1;
  *pbOut = tmp << (8 - nImgWid % 8 - 1);
  m += nGrayPerLine;
  n += nBinaryPerLine;

 return true;
bool CArdpsImg::GrayEqual()
  return false;
 if( !GrayEqualize(m_hDib))
  return false;
 return UpdateInternal();
                 * (x2,y2)

  nMethod = 0:根据直方图自动计算第一点和第二点坐标,阈值取累积直方图的10%~90%。
  nMethod = 1:根据输入的坐标进行计算
bool CArdpsImg::GrayStretch(int nMethod, BYTE x1 = 0 , BYTE y1 = 0 , BYTE x2 = 255, BYTE y2 = 255 )
  return false;
 if(!GrayStretchDIB(nMethod, m_hDib, x1, y1, x2, y2) )
  return false;
 return UpdateInternal();
  nMethod = 0:去污,选中区域如果为白色占主要部分则变成黑色
  nMethod = 1 :磨白,把选中的区域变成白色
  nMethod = 2:填充,把选中的区域变成黑色
bool CArdpsImg::EliminateDirt(int nMethod, const CRect rct)
 if ( rct.IsRectEmpty() || IsEmpty() )
  return false;
 // Convert the physical coordinate into imaging coordinate
 if( GetBitCount() > 1 )
  return false;
 if(!EliminateDirtDIB(nMethod, m_hDib, rct) )
  return false;
 return UpdateInternal();
   nMethod = 0:去污,选中区域如果为白色占主要部分则变成黑色
   nMethod = 1 :磨白,把选中的区域变成白色
   nMethod = 2:填充,把选中的区域变成黑色
bool CArdpsImg::EliminateDirt(int nMethod, const int nCircleX, const int nCircleY, const int nRadius)
 if( IsEmpty() || nCircleX < 0 || nCircleY < 0 || nRadius < 0 )
  return false;
 if( GetBitCount() > 1 )
  return false;
 if(!EliminateDirtDIB(nMethod, m_hDib, nCircleX, nCircleY, nRadius) )
  return false;

 return UpdateInternal();

void CArdpsImg::SetDirtSize(CSize szMax, CSize szMin)
 m_DirtSize = szMax;
 m_minDirtSize = szMin;

bool CArdpsImg::AutoEliminateDirt(int nMethod, int nMinArea)
 LPBYTE  lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if( !lpDIB)
  return false;
 LPBYTE lpBinImg = FindDIBBits(lpDIB); 
 if( !lpBinImg )
  return false;

 bool bSuccess = true;
 LONG  nImgHei = GetHeight();
 LONG  nImgWid = GetWidth();
 int    nBitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);
 if( nBitCnt != 1 )
  return false;
 LONG  nBinBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nImgWid * nBitCnt);
 //for gray image
 LONG  nGrayBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES( nImgWid << 3 );
 LONG nGrayImgSize = nGrayBytesPerLine * nImgHei;
 BYTE *pbGrayImg = new BYTE[nGrayImgSize];
 if( !pbGrayImg )
  return false;
 bSuccess = ConvertBinary2Gray(lpBinImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, pbGrayImg );
 //SaveTo8bit_BMP(pbGrayImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, "d:\\testgray.bmp", 8);
 if( !bSuccess )
  delete []pbGrayImg;
  pbGrayImg = NULL;
  return false;

 Line *Li  = new Line;
 if( !Li )
  delete []pbGrayImg;
  pbGrayImg = NULL;
  return false;

 Li->StartY = 3;
 Li->StartX = 3;
 Li->EndX = nImgWid - 3;
 Li->EndY = nImgHei - 3;
 Li->cp  = NULL;

 BYTE  bCur;
 if( nMethod == 0 )  //黑色为背景
  bCur = 0;
  bCur = 255;

 ExtractComponent(Li, pbGrayImg, nGrayBytesPerLine, bCur );
 AnalysisComponent(Li, pbGrayImg, nGrayBytesPerLine, nMinArea, 255- bCur);
// SaveTo8bit_BMP(pbGrayImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, "d:\\testcom.bmp", 8);
 ThreshImage(pbGrayImg, lpBinImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, 128);

 if( pbGrayImg )
  delete []pbGrayImg;
  pbGrayImg = NULL;

 if( Li )
  delete Li;
  Li = NULL;


 return UpdateInternal();

bool CArdpsImg::AutoEliminateDirt(int nMethod, CRect *pRect, int *pFlag, const int nNum)
 if( !pRect || !pFlag  )
  return false;

 LPBYTE  lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if( !lpDIB)
  return false;
 LPBYTE lpBinImg = FindDIBBits(lpDIB); 
 if( !lpBinImg )
  return false;

 bool bSuccess = true;
 LONG  nImgHei = GetHeight();
 LONG  nImgWid = GetWidth();
 int    nBitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);
 if( nBitCnt != 1 )
  return false;
 LONG  nBinBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nImgWid * nBitCnt);
 //for gray image
 LONG  nGrayBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES( nImgWid << 3 );
 LONG nGrayImgSize = nGrayBytesPerLine * nImgHei;
 BYTE *pbGrayImg = new BYTE[nGrayImgSize];
 if( !pbGrayImg )
  return false;
 bSuccess = ConvertBinary2Gray(lpBinImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, pbGrayImg ); 
 if( !bSuccess )
  delete []pbGrayImg;
  pbGrayImg = NULL;
  return false;

 BYTE  bCur;
 if( nMethod == 0 )  //黑色为背景
  bCur = 0;
  bCur = 255;
 CRect tmpRt;
 for( int i = 0; i < nNum; i++ )
  if (pFlag[i] == 1)
   tmpRt.top = nImgHei - 1 - pRect[i].bottom;
   tmpRt.bottom = nImgHei - 1 - pRect[i].top;
   tmpRt.left = pRect[i].left;
   tmpRt.right = pRect[i].right;
   SetBinary(tmpRt, pbGrayImg, nGrayBytesPerLine, 255-bCur);
 ThreshImage(pbGrayImg, lpBinImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, 128);

 if( pbGrayImg )
  delete []pbGrayImg;
  pbGrayImg = NULL;


 return UpdateInternal();

bool  CArdpsImg::RotateImage(int iRotateAngle /* = 0 */)\

 // 源图像的宽度和高度
 LONG lWidth;
 LONG lHeight;

 // 旋转后图像的宽度和高度
 LONG lNewWidth;
 LONG lNewHeight;

 // 图像每行的字节数
 LONG lLineBytes;

 // 旋转后图像的宽度(lNewWidth',必须是4的倍数)
 LONG lNewLineBytes;

 // 指向源图像的指针

 // 指向源象素的指针
 LPBYTE lpSrc;

 // 旋转后新DIB句柄

 // 指向旋转图像对应象素的指针
 LPBYTE lpDst;

 // 指向旋转图像的指针

 // 指向BITMAPINFO结构的指针(Win3.0)


 // 旋转角度(弧度)
 float fRotateAngle;

 // 旋转角度的正弦和余弦
 float fSina, fCosa;

 // 源图四个角的坐标(以图像中心为坐标系原点)
 float fSrcX1,fSrcY1,fSrcX2,fSrcY2,fSrcX3,fSrcY3,fSrcX4,fSrcY4;

 // 旋转后四个角的坐标(以图像中心为坐标系原点)
 float fDstX1,fDstY1,fDstX2,fDstY2,fDstX3,fDstY3,fDstX4,fDstY4;

 // 两个中间常量
 float f1,f2;
 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);

 // 找到源DIB图像象素起始位置
 lpDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpDIB);

 // 获取图像的"宽度"(4的倍数)
 lWidth = DIBWidth(lpDIB);

 WORD dwBitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);

 if (dwBitCnt != 8 && dwBitCnt != 24 && dwBitCnt != 1 )
  return false;
 // 获取图像的高度
 lHeight = DIBHeight(lpDIB);

 LPBYTE pBin2Gray = NULL;
 int lBin2GrayLineBytes = MYWIDTHBYTES(lWidth * 8);

 if( dwBitCnt == 1)
  pBin2Gray = new BYTE[lBin2GrayLineBytes * lHeight];
  if( !pBin2Gray )
   return false;
  memset(pBin2Gray, 0, lBin2GrayLineBytes * lHeight);
  ConvertBinary2Gray(lpDIBBits, lWidth, lHeight, pBin2Gray);
  lpDIBBits = pBin2Gray;

 // 计算图像每行的字节数
 lLineBytes = MYWIDTHBYTES(lWidth * dwBitCnt);


 // 将旋转角度从度转换到弧度
 fRotateAngle = (float) RADIAN(iRotateAngle);

 // 计算旋转角度的正弦
 fSina = (float) sin((double)fRotateAngle);

 // 计算旋转角度的余弦
 fCosa = (float) cos((double)fRotateAngle);

 // 计算原图的四个角的坐标(以图像中心为坐标系原点)
 fSrcX1 = (float) (- (lWidth  - 1) / 2);
 fSrcY1 = (float) (  (lHeight - 1) / 2);
 fSrcX2 = (float) (  (lWidth  - 1) / 2);
 fSrcY2 = (float) (  (lHeight - 1) / 2);
 fSrcX3 = (float) (- (lWidth  - 1) / 2);
 fSrcY3 = (float) (- (lHeight - 1) / 2);
 fSrcX4 = (float) (  (lWidth  - 1) / 2);
 fSrcY4 = (float) (- (lHeight - 1) / 2);

 // 计算新图四个角的坐标(以图像中心为坐标系原点)
 fDstX1 =  fCosa * fSrcX1 + fSina * fSrcY1 - 0.5;
 fDstY1 = -fSina * fSrcX1 + fCosa * fSrcY1 - 0.5;
 fDstX2 =  fCosa * fSrcX2 + fSina * fSrcY2 - 0.5;
 fDstY2 = -fSina * fSrcX2 + fCosa * fSrcY2 + 0.5;
 fDstX3 =  fCosa * fSrcX3 + fSina * fSrcY3 + 0.5;
 fDstY3 = -fSina * fSrcX3 + fCosa * fSrcY3 - 0.5;
 fDstX4 =  fCosa * fSrcX4 + fSina * fSrcY4 + 0.5;
 fDstY4 = -fSina * fSrcX4 + fCosa * fSrcY4 + 0.5;

 // 计算旋转后的图像实际宽度
 lNewWidth  = (LONG) ( max( fabs(fDstX4 - fDstX1), fabs(fDstX3 - fDstX2) ) + 0.5);
 // 计算旋转后的图像高度
 lNewHeight = (LONG) ( max( fabs(fDstY4 - fDstY1), fabs(fDstY3 - fDstY2) ) + 0.5);

 if( iRotateAngle == 90 || iRotateAngle == 270 )
  lNewHeight = lWidth;
  lNewWidth = lHeight;
 else if( iRotateAngle == 0 || iRotateAngle == 360 || iRotateAngle == 180 )
  lNewHeight = lHeight;
  lNewWidth = lWidth;
 lNewLineBytes = MYWIDTHBYTES(lNewWidth * dwBitCnt); 
 f1 = (float) (-0.5 * (lNewWidth - 1) * fCosa - 0.5 * (lNewHeight - 1) * fSina
     + 0.5 * (lWidth  - 1));
 f2 = (float) ( 0.5 * (lNewWidth - 1) * fSina - 0.5 * (lNewHeight - 1) * fCosa
     + 0.5 * (lHeight - 1));

 // 分配内存,以保存新DIB
 hDIB = (HDIB) ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, lNewLineBytes * lNewHeight + *(LPDWORD)lpDIB + ::PaletteSize(lpDIB));

 // 判断是否内存分配失败
 if (hDIB == NULL)
  return false;

 // 锁定内存
 lpNewDIB =  (LPBYTE)GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hDIB);

 // 复制DIB信息头和调色板
 memcpy(lpNewDIB, lpDIB, *(LPDWORD)lpDIB + PaletteSize(lpDIB));

 // 找到新DIB象素起始位置
 lpNewDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpNewDIB);

 // 获取指针

 // 更新DIB中图像的高度和宽度
 if (IS_WIN30_DIB(lpNewDIB))
  // 对于Windows 3.0 DIB
  lpbmi->biWidth = lNewWidth;
  lpbmi->biHeight = lNewHeight;
  // 对于其它格式的DIB
  lpbmc->bcWidth = (unsigned short) lNewWidth;
  lpbmc->bcHeight = (unsigned short) lNewHeight;

 LPBYTE pNewGray = NULL;
 if( dwBitCnt == 1 )
  lNewLineBytes = MYWIDTHBYTES(lNewWidth * 8);
  lLineBytes = lBin2GrayLineBytes;
  pNewGray = new BYTE[lNewLineBytes * lNewHeight];
  if( !pNewGray )
   if( pBin2Gray )
    delete []pBin2Gray;
   pBin2Gray = NULL;
   hDIB = NULL;
   return false;
  lpNewDIBBits = pNewGray;
 LONG i, j, m,  i0, j0;
 for(i = 0, m = lNewLineBytes*(lNewHeight-1); i < lNewHeight; i++, m -= lNewLineBytes )
  lpDst =  lpNewDIBBits + m;
  for(j = 0; j < lNewWidth; j++)
   // 计算该象素在源DIB中的坐标
   i0 = (LONG) (-((float) j) * fSina + ((float) i) * fCosa + f2 + 0.5);
   j0 = (LONG) ( ((float) j) * fCosa + ((float) i) * fSina + f1 + 0.5);

   // 判断是否在源图范围内
   if( (j0 >= 0) && (j0 < lWidth) && (i0 >= 0) && (i0 < lHeight))
    // 指向源DIB第i0行,第j0个象素的指针
    if( dwBitCnt == 8 || dwBitCnt == 1 )
     lpSrc = lpDIBBits + lLineBytes *( lHeight - 1 -i0 )+ j0;

     // 复制象素
     *lpDst ++= *lpSrc;
    else if( dwBitCnt == 24 )
     lpSrc = lpDIBBits + lLineBytes *( lHeight - 1 -i0 )+ j0 * 3;
     *lpDst ++ = *lpSrc;
     *lpDst ++ = *lpSrc;
     *lpDst ++ = *lpSrc;

    // 对于源图中没有的象素,直接赋值为255
    if( dwBitCnt == 8 || dwBitCnt == 1)
     * lpDst ++ = 255;
    else if (dwBitCnt == 24)
     *lpDst ++ = 255;
     *lpDst ++ = 255;
     *lpDst ++ = 255;

 if( dwBitCnt == 1 )
  lpNewDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpNewDIB);
  ThreshImage(pNewGray, lpNewDIBBits, lNewWidth,lNewHeight, 10);
  if( pNewGray )
   delete []pNewGray;
  pNewGray = NULL;

  if( pBin2Gray )
   delete []pBin2Gray;
  pBin2Gray = NULL;


 m_hDib = hDIB;
 return UpdateInternal();
  rtROI,给定的区域,用于检测文档的倾斜角度.输入区域为bottom = 0 或者right = 0,则设为图像区域
bool CArdpsImg::AutoRotatelImage(RECT rtROI)
 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);

 LONG lWidth = DIBWidth(lpDIB);
 LONG lHeight = DIBHeight(lpDIB);
 if( rtROI.bottom > lHeight || rtROI.right > lWidth )
  return false;

 if( rtROI.left < EDGE_STEP )
  rtROI.left = EDGE_STEP;
 if( rtROI.right >= lWidth - EDGE_STEP )
  rtROI.right = lWidth - EDGE_STEP - 1;
 if (rtROI.top < EDGE_STEP )
  rtROI.top = EDGE_STEP;
 if( rtROI.bottom >= lHeight - EDGE_STEP )
  rtROI.bottom = lHeight - 1 - EDGE_STEP;

 if( rtROI.bottom == 0 )
  rtROI.bottom = lHeight-EDGE_STEP;
 if(rtROI.right == 0)
  rtROI.right = lWidth - EDGE_STEP;

 LPBYTE lpDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpDIB);

 WORD dwBitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);
 if( dwBitCnt != 8 )
  return false;
 LONG lLineBytes = MYWIDTHBYTES(lWidth * dwBitCnt); 
 BYTE * pbOutImage = new BYTE[lLineBytes * lHeight];
 if( !pbOutImage )
  return false;
 memset(pbOutImage, 0, lLineBytes * lHeight* sizeof(BYTE));
 BYTE *pbTmp = new BYTE[lLineBytes * lHeight];
 if( !pbTmp )
  delete []pbOutImage;
  pbOutImage = NULL;
 memset(pbTmp, 0, lLineBytes * lHeight* sizeof(BYTE));

 bool bSuccess = FindTopEdge(pbOutImage, lpDIBBits, rtROI, lLineBytes); 
 //SaveTo8bit_BMP(lpDIBBits, lWidth, lHeight, "edgegray.bmp", 8);
 //SaveTo8bit_BMP(pbOutImage, lWidth, lHeight, "edge0.bmp", 8);
 DeleteVtlSmallLine(pbOutImage, pbTmp, lLineBytes, lHeight, 5);
 //SaveTo8bit_BMP(pbOutImage, lWidth, lHeight, "edge1.bmp", 8);

 double dK;
 if( bSuccess )
  dK = DetectSkewAngle(pbOutImage, rtROI, lLineBytes);
  bSuccess = RotateImage(dK);  
 if( pbOutImage )
  delete []pbOutImage;
  pbOutImage = NULL;

 if( pbTmp )
  delete []pbTmp;
  pbTmp = NULL;

 if( bSuccess )
  return UpdateInternal();
  return bSuccess;

bool CArdpsImg::CutFrame()
 BYTE * pbOut = NULL;
 bool bSuccess = false;

 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);

 LONG lWidth = DIBWidth(lpDIB);
 LONG lHeight = DIBHeight(lpDIB);

 LPBYTE lpDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpDIB);

 WORD dwBitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);
 if( dwBitCnt != 8 )
  goto CleanUp;
 RECT rect; 
 rect = SetRectValue(0, 0, 0, 0);
 LONG lLineBytes = MYWIDTHBYTES(lWidth << 3); 
 LONG lImgBytes = lLineBytes * lHeight;
 pbOut = new BYTE[lImgBytes];
 if( !pbOut )
  goto CleanUp;
 memset(pbOut, 0, lImgBytes * sizeof(BYTE));

 rect = SetRectValue(4, lWidth - 4, 4, lHeight - 4);
 if (FindEdgeImage(pbOut, lpDIBBits, rect, lWidth) < 0)
  goto CleanUp;

 rect = GetEdgeImageBoundary(pbOut, lWidth, lHeight);
 RECT rtPhy;
 rtPhy = rect;
 rtPhy.bottom = lHeight - 1 - rect.top;
 rtPhy.top  = lHeight - 1 - rect.bottom;
 HDIB hDIB = CropDIB(m_hDib, &rtPhy);
 if( hDIB == NULL )
  goto CleanUp;

 bSuccess = true;


 if( pbOut )
  delete []pbOut;
  pbOut = NULL;

 m_hDib = hDIB;
 if( bSuccess )
  return UpdateInternal();
  return bSuccess;
bool CArdpsImg::SplitImage(POINT pt1, POINT pt2, CArdpsImg *pNewArd)
 bool bSuccess = false;
 if( pNewArd == NULL )
  return bSuccess;

 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);

 LONG lWidth = DIBWidth(lpDIB);
 LONG lHeight = DIBHeight(lpDIB);

 int nx, ny;
 nx = abs(pt1.x - pt2.x) ;
 ny = abs(pt1.y - pt2.y) >lHeight - 1 ? lHeight - 1 : abs(pt1.y - pt2.y) ;
 RECT rtROI, rtROI2;
 if( nx < ny )
  nx = (pt1.x + pt2.x + 0.5)/2 > lWidth - 1 ? lWidth - 1 : (pt1.x + pt2.x + 0.5)/2;  //垂直分割
  rtROI = SetRectValue(0, nx -1, 0, lHeight - 1);
  rtROI2 = SetRectValue(nx, lWidth -1, 0, lHeight - 1);
  ny = (pt1.y + pt2.y + 0.5) / 2 > lHeight - 1 ? lHeight - 1 : (pt1.y + pt2.y + 0.5) / 2 ; 
  rtROI = SetRectValue(0, lWidth - 1, 0, ny - 1);
  rtROI2 = SetRectValue(0, lWidth - 1, ny, lHeight - 1);

 HDIB hDib1, hDib2;

 hDib1 = CropDIB(m_hDib, &rtROI );
 hDib2 = CropDIB(m_hDib, &rtROI2);

 m_hDib = hDib1;
 pNewArd->m_hDib = hDib2;
 return true;


bool CArdpsImg::MergeImage(CArdpsImg *pSrcArd, int nMethod /* = 0 */)
 bool bSuccess = false;
 if( pSrcArd == NULL )
  return bSuccess;

 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 LONG lWidth = DIBWidth(lpDIB);
 LONG lHeight = DIBHeight(lpDIB);
 WORD bitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);
 LONG lBytePerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(lWidth * bitCnt);
 LPBYTE lpDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpDIB);

 LPBYTE lpSrcDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(pSrcArd->m_hDib);
 LONG lSrcWidth = DIBWidth(lpSrcDIB);
 LONG lSrcHeight = DIBHeight(lpSrcDIB);
 WORD bitSrcCnt = DIBBitCount(lpSrcDIB);
 LONG lSrcBytePerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(lSrcWidth * bitSrcCnt);
 if( bitCnt != bitSrcCnt || bitCnt < 8 )
  goto CleanUp;

 LPBYTE lpSrcDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpSrcDIB);

 LONG lDstWidth, lDstHeight, lDstBytesPerLine, i, j, k;
 LPBYTE lpDstDIB, lpDstDIBBits;
 lpDstDIB = lpDstDIBBits =  NULL;

 switch (nMethod)
 case 0:
 case 1:
  lDstHeight = lSrcHeight + lHeight;
  lDstWidth = max(lWidth, lSrcWidth);  
 case 2:
 case 3:
  lDstHeight = max(lSrcHeight, lHeight);
  lDstWidth = lWidth + lSrcWidth;  
 lDstBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(lDstWidth*bitCnt);

 // 分配内存,以保存新DIB
 hDIB = (HDIB) ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, lDstBytesPerLine * lDstHeight + *(LPDWORD)lpDIB + ::PaletteSize(lpDIB));
 if( hDIB == NULL )
  goto CleanUp;

 lpDstDIB =  (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(hDIB);
 // 获取指针

 // 复制DIB信息头和调色板
 memcpy(lpDstDIB, lpDIB, *(LPDWORD)lpDIB + PaletteSize(lpDIB));

 lpDstDIBBits = lpDstDIB + *(LPDWORD)lpDIB + ::PaletteSize(lpDIB);
 memset(lpDstDIBBits, 255, lDstBytesPerLine * lDstHeight * sizeof(BYTE));

 switch (nMethod)
 case 0:      //上下结构,Src位于图像的下半部分

  for( i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < lSrcHeight; i++, j += lDstBytesPerLine, k += lSrcBytePerLine )
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpSrcDIBBits + k, lSrcBytePerLine);
  for( i = lSrcHeight, j = i * lDstBytesPerLine, k = 0; i < lDstHeight; i++, j += lDstBytesPerLine, k += lBytePerLine )
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpDIBBits + k, lBytePerLine );

 case 1:                  //上下结构,当前图像位于合并后图像的下半部分

  for( i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < lHeight; i++, j += lDstBytesPerLine, k += lBytePerLine )
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpDIBBits + k, lBytePerLine);
  for( i = lHeight, j = i * lDstBytesPerLine, k = 0; i < lDstHeight; i++, j += lDstBytesPerLine, k += lSrcBytePerLine )
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpSrcDIBBits + k, lSrcBytePerLine );
 case 2:           //左右结构,Src图像位于合并后图像的右半部分
  for( i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < lHeight; i++, j += lDstBytesPerLine, k += lBytePerLine)
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpDIBBits + k, lBytePerLine);
  for( i = 0, j = lBytePerLine, k = 0; i < lSrcHeight; i++, j += lDstBytesPerLine, k += lSrcBytePerLine )
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpSrcDIBBits + k, lSrcBytePerLine);
 case 3:           //左右结构,当前图像位于合并后图像的右半部分
  for( i = lSrcHeight - 1, j = i * lDstBytesPerLine, k = i * lSrcBytePerLine; i >= 0; i--, j -= lDstBytesPerLine, k -= lSrcBytePerLine)
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpSrcDIBBits + k, lSrcBytePerLine);
  for( i = lHeight - 1, j = i * lDstBytesPerLine + lSrcBytePerLine, k = i * lBytePerLine; i >= 0; i--, j -= lDstBytesPerLine, k -= lBytePerLine )
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpDIBBits + k, lBytePerLine);


 // 更新DIB中图像的高度和宽度
 if (IS_WIN30_DIB(lpDIB))
  // 对于Windows 3.0 DIB
  lpbmi->biWidth = lDstWidth;
  lpbmi->biHeight = lDstHeight;
  // 对于其它格式的DIB
  lpbmc->bcWidth = (unsigned short) lDstWidth;
  lpbmc->bcHeight = (unsigned short) lDstHeight;
 bSuccess = true;

 if( bSuccess && hDIB != NULL )
  m_hDib = hDIB;
 if( bSuccess )
  return UpdateInternal();
  return bSuccess;

  nPos1:    当前图像的合并坐标;
  nPos2    输入的CArdpsImg对象,合并图像的坐标

bool CArdpsImg::MergeImage(CArdpsImg *pSrcArd, int nPos1, int nPos2,  int nMethod /* = 0 */)
 bool bSuccess = false;
 if( pSrcArd == NULL )
  return bSuccess;

 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 LONG lWidth = DIBWidth(lpDIB);
 LONG lHeight = DIBHeight(lpDIB);
 WORD bitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);
 LONG lBytePerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(lWidth * bitCnt);
 LPBYTE lpDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpDIB);

 LPBYTE lpSrcDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(pSrcArd->m_hDib);
 LONG lSrcWidth = DIBWidth(lpSrcDIB);
 LONG lSrcHeight = DIBHeight(lpSrcDIB);
 WORD bitSrcCnt = DIBBitCount(lpSrcDIB);
 LONG lSrcBytePerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(lSrcWidth * bitSrcCnt);
 if( bitCnt != bitSrcCnt || bitCnt < 8 )
  goto CleanUp;

 LPBYTE lpSrcDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpSrcDIB);

 LONG lDstWidth, lDstHeight, lDstBytesPerLine, i, j, k;
 LPBYTE lpDstDIB, lpDstDIBBits;
 lpDstDIB = lpDstDIBBits =  NULL;

 nPos1 -= 1;
 nPos2 -= 1;
 switch (nMethod)
 case 0:

  if( nPos1 >= lHeight )
   nPos1 = lHeight - 1;
  if( nPos1 < 0 )
   nPos1 = 0;
  if( nPos2 >= lSrcHeight )
   nPos2 = lSrcHeight - 1;
  if( nPos2 < 0 )
   nPos2 = 0;
  lDstHeight = nPos2 + lHeight - nPos1;
  lDstWidth = max(lWidth, lSrcWidth);  
 case 1:
  if (nPos1 >= lWidth )
   nPos1 = lWidth - 1;
  if( nPos1 < 0 )
   nPos1 = 0;

  if( nPos2 >= lSrcWidth )
   nPos2 = lSrcWidth - 1;
  if( nPos2 < 0 )
   nPos2 = 0;

  lDstHeight = max(lSrcHeight, lHeight);
  lDstWidth = lWidth - nPos1 + nPos2;  
 lDstBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(lDstWidth*bitCnt);

 // 分配内存,以保存新DIB
 hDIB = (HDIB) ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, lDstBytesPerLine * lDstHeight + *(LPDWORD)lpDIB + ::PaletteSize(lpDIB));
 if( hDIB == NULL )
  goto CleanUp;

 lpDstDIB =  (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(hDIB);
 // 获取指针

 // 复制DIB信息头和调色板
 memcpy(lpDstDIB, lpDIB, *(LPDWORD)lpDIB + PaletteSize(lpDIB));

 lpDstDIBBits = lpDstDIB + *(LPDWORD)lpDIB + ::PaletteSize(lpDIB);
 memset(lpDstDIBBits, 255, lDstBytesPerLine * lDstHeight * sizeof(BYTE));

 int nLength = 0;
 switch (nMethod)
 case 0:      //上下结构,当前图像位于合并图像的下半部分

  for( i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < lHeight - nPos1; i++, j += lDstBytesPerLine, k += lBytePerLine )
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpDIBBits + k, lBytePerLine);

  for( i = lSrcHeight - nPos2 , k = i * lSrcBytePerLine; i < lSrcHeight; i++, j += lDstBytesPerLine, k += lSrcBytePerLine )
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpSrcDIBBits + k, lSrcBytePerLine );


 case 1:           //左右结构,当前图像位于合并后图像的右半部分
  nLength = nPos2 * bitCnt / 8;
  for( i = 0, k = 0, j = 0; i < lSrcHeight; i++, k += lSrcBytePerLine, j += lDstBytesPerLine )
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpSrcDIBBits + k, nLength);
  nLength = (lWidth - nPos1) * bitCnt / 8;
  for( i = 0, k = nPos1 * bitCnt / 8, j = nPos2 * bitCnt / 8; i < lHeight; i++, k+= lBytePerLine, j += lDstBytesPerLine )
   memcpy(lpDstDIBBits + j, lpDIBBits + k, nLength);

 // 更新DIB中图像的高度和宽度
 if (IS_WIN30_DIB(lpDIB))
  // 对于Windows 3.0 DIB
  lpbmi->biWidth = lDstWidth;
  lpbmi->biHeight = lDstHeight;
  // 对于其它格式的DIB
  lpbmc->bcWidth = (unsigned short) lDstWidth;
  lpbmc->bcHeight = (unsigned short) lDstHeight;
 bSuccess = true;

 if( bSuccess && hDIB != NULL )
  m_hDib = hDIB;
 if( bSuccess )
  return UpdateInternal();
  return bSuccess;

* Changes the brightness and the contrast of the image. Apply a look up table to the image.
* \ * \param brightness: can be from -255 to 255, if brightness is negative, the image becomes dark.
* \param contrast: can be from -100 to 100, the neutral value is 0.
* \return true if everything is ok
bool CArdpsImg::AjustLightAndContrast(int brightness, int contrast)
 if (!m_hDib) return false;
 float c=(100 + contrast)/100.0f;
 long i;
 BYTE cTable[256]; //<nipper>
 for ( i=0;i<256;i++) {
  cTable[i] = (BYTE)max(0,min(255,(int)((i-128)*c + brightness + 0.5f)));

 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if( lpDIB == NULL )
  return false;

 LONG lWidth = DIBWidth(lpDIB);
 LONG lHeight = DIBHeight(lpDIB);
 WORD bitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);
 LONG lBytePerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(lWidth * bitCnt);
 LPBYTE lpDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpDIB);
 RGBQUAD *pRgb =(RGBQUAD *)( lpDIB + 40);

  if (bitCnt == 8)
  for( i = 0; i < 256; i++)
   pRgb[i].rgbBlue = pRgb[i].rgbRed = pRgb[i].rgbGreen = cTable[i];
 else if( bitCnt == 24)
  for( i = 0; i < lBytePerLine * lHeight; i++)
   *lpDIBBits++ = cTable[*lpDIBBits];
  return false;

 return UpdateInternal();


bool CArdpsImg::AdjustBinPos(int nMethod /* = 0 */)
 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if( lpDIB == NULL )
  return false;

 LONG lWidth = DIBWidth(lpDIB);
 LONG lHeight = DIBHeight(lpDIB);
 WORD bitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);
 LONG lBytePerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(lWidth * bitCnt);
 LPBYTE lpDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpDIB);
 if( bitCnt != 1 )
  return false;

 //for gray image
 LONG  nGrayBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES( lWidth << 3 );
 LONG nGrayImgSize = nGrayBytesPerLine * lHeight;
 BYTE *pbGrayImg = new BYTE[nGrayImgSize];
 if( !pbGrayImg )
  return false;
 bool bSuccess = ConvertBinary2Gray(lpDIBBits, lWidth, lHeight, pbGrayImg );
 if( !bSuccess )
  delete []pbGrayImg;
  pbGrayImg = NULL;
  return false;
 RECT rtImg = GetBinImageBoundary(pbGrayImg, lWidth, lHeight);
 RECT rtNew;
 rtNew.left = (rtImg.left + lWidth - rtImg.right )/2;
 rtNew.right = lWidth - rtNew.left -1;
 rtNew.top = (rtImg.top + lHeight - rtImg.bottom)/2;
 rtNew.bottom = lHeight - rtNew.top - 1;
 MoveBin(pbGrayImg, lWidth, lHeight, rtImg, rtNew, nMethod ); 
 bSuccess = ThreshImage(pbGrayImg, lpDIBBits, lWidth, lHeight, 10);

 if( pbGrayImg )
  delete []pbGrayImg;
 pbGrayImg = NULL;


 return UpdateInternal();

bool CArdpsImg::ColorEqual()
 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if( lpDIB == NULL )
  return false;

 LONG lWidth = DIBWidth(lpDIB);
 LONG lHeight = DIBHeight(lpDIB);
 WORD bitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);
 LONG lBytePerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(lWidth * bitCnt);
 LPBYTE lpDIBBits = FindDIBBits(lpDIB);

 if( bitCnt != 24 )
  return false;
 int nHist[256];
 long long nCulHist[256];
 long long nConver[256];

 memset(nHist, 0, 256 * sizeof(int));
 memset(nCulHist, 0, 256 * sizeof( long long ));
 memset(nConver, 0, 256 * sizeof(long long ));

 long i, j, m, newValue;
 for( i = 0, m = 0; i < lHeight; i++, m += lBytePerLine )
  pSrc = lpDIBBits + m;
  for( j = 0; j < lWidth; j++)
   newValue = (*pSrc) * uiBWeight + uiGWeight * (*(pSrc + 1)) + uiRWeight * (*(pSrc + 2));
   newValue /= 1000;
   pSrc += 3;
 long long nTotal = lHeight * lWidth;
 nCulHist[0] = nHist[0];
 nConver[0] = nHist[0] * 255 / nTotal;
 for( i = 1; i < 256; i++ )
  nCulHist[i] = nCulHist[i - 1] + nHist[i];
  nConver[i] = nCulHist[i] * 255 / nTotal;

 for( i = 0, m = 0; i < lHeight; i++, m += lBytePerLine )
  pSrc = lpDIBBits + m;
  for( j = 0; j < lWidth; j++)
   *pSrc = nConver[*pSrc];
   *pSrc = nConver[*pSrc];
   *pSrc = nConver[*pSrc];


 return UpdateInternal();


bool CArdpsImg::Zoom(double fRatioX, double fRatioY)
 int nWidth = (int)(fRatioX * (double)GetWidth());
 int nHeight = (int)(fRatioY * (double)GetHeight());

 HDIB hNewDib = ChangeDIBSize(m_hDib, nWidth, nHeight);
 if (! hNewDib)
  return false;

 // set to m_hDib
 m_hDib = hNewDib;

 // return
 return UpdateInternal();

void CArdpsImg::ExtractComponent(Line * Li, BYTE *pbBinary, UINT grayBytesPerLine, BYTE bCur )    //连通域提取
 if( Li == NULL || pbBinary == NULL )
 int * stack = NULL;
 int * InStack[10];
 int top, topin;
 top = topin = 0;

 CPoint temp;
 component *ctail =NULL;
 component *chead =new component;

 InStack[topin] = new int[COMP_NUM];
 if( InStack[topin] == NULL )

 stack = InStack[topin];

 char **flag=new char*[Li->EndY-Li->StartY+1];
 if( *flag == NULL )
  delete []InStack[topin];
  InStack[topin] = NULL;

 int i, j, k;

 for(i = 0; i <= Li->EndY - Li->StartY; i++) //寻找连通体
  flag[i]=new char[Li->EndX - Li->StartX + 1];
  for(j = 0; j <= Li->EndX - Li->StartX; j++)

 for(j = Li->StartX; j <= Li->EndX; j++) //寻找连通体
  for( i = Li->StartY, k = Li->StartY * grayBytesPerLine; i <= Li->EndY; i++, k += grayBytesPerLine)
   if(flag[i-Li->StartY][j-Li->StartX] == 0 && pbBinary[k + j] == bCur )

    flag[i - Li->StartY][j - Li->StartX] = 1;   
     component *cp = new component;
     ctail->cnext = cp;
     ctail = cp;
     ctail = chead;
    ctail->bound =CRect(j,i,j,i);
    ctail->count =1;

    while(top != 0)
     temp.x = stack[--top];
     temp.y = stack[--top];
     if(top == 0 && topin != 0)
      stack = InStack[topin-1];
      delete []InStack[topin--];
      top = COMP_NUM;
     if(temp.x - 1 >= Li->StartX)
      add(temp.x-1, temp.y, flag, stack, InStack, top, topin,
      Li->StartX, Li->StartY, ctail, pbBinary, grayBytesPerLine,  bCur );
     if(temp.x+1 <= Li->EndX)
      add(temp.x+1, temp.y, flag, stack, InStack, top, topin,
      Li->StartX, Li->StartY, ctail, pbBinary, grayBytesPerLine,  bCur);
     if(temp.y-1 >= Li->StartY)
      add(temp.x, temp.y-1, flag, stack, InStack, top, topin,
      Li->StartX, Li->StartY, ctail, pbBinary, grayBytesPerLine, bCur);
     if(temp.y+1 <= Li->EndY)
      add(temp.x, temp.y+1, flag, stack, InStack, top, topin,
      Li->StartX, Li->StartY, ctail, pbBinary, grayBytesPerLine,  bCur);
     if((temp.x-1 >= Li->StartX) && (temp.y - 1 >= Li->StartY))
      add(temp.x-1, temp.y-1, flag, stack, InStack, top, topin,
      Li->StartX, Li->StartY, ctail, pbBinary, grayBytesPerLine,   bCur);
     if((temp.x+1 <= Li->EndX) && (temp.y-1 >= Li->StartY))
      add(temp.x+1, temp.y-1, flag, stack, InStack, top, topin,
      Li->StartX, Li->StartY, ctail, pbBinary, grayBytesPerLine,   bCur);
     if((temp.x-1 >= Li->StartX) && (temp.y+1 <= Li->EndY))
      add(temp.x-1, temp.y+1, flag, stack, InStack, top, topin,
      Li->StartX, Li->StartY, ctail, pbBinary, grayBytesPerLine,   bCur);
     if((temp.x+1 <= Li->EndX) && (temp.y+1 <= Li->EndY))
      add(temp.x+1, temp.y+1, flag, stack, InStack, top, topin,
      Li->StartX, Li->StartY, ctail, pbBinary, grayBytesPerLine,   bCur);
 }       //end for
 Li->cp = chead; 

 delete []stack; 

 for(i = 0; i <= Li->EndY-Li->StartY; i++)
  delete []flag[i];

 delete []flag;

void CArdpsImg::add(int a,int b,char **flag,int *&stack,int **InStack,
   int &top,int &topin,int c,int d,component *ctail, BYTE *pMotion, UINT grayBytesPerLine,  BYTE bCur  )
 if((flag[b-d][a-c] == 0 ) && pMotion[b * grayBytesPerLine + a] == bCur )
  flag[b-d][a-c] = 1;

  if(top == COMP_NUM)
   if(topin == 9)
   InStack[++topin]=new int[COMP_NUM];

  if(ctail->bound.bottom < b)      //连通体边界
   ctail->bound.bottom = b;
  if(ctail->bound.top > b)
   ctail->bound.top = b;
  if(ctail->bound.left > a)
   ctail->bound.left = a;
  if(ctail->bound.right < a)
   ctail->bound.right = a;

void CArdpsImg::AnalysisComponent( Line * Li,  BYTE *pbBinary, UINT unBinaryBytesPerLine, UINT minArea, const BYTE bValue)
 if( Li == NULL || pbBinary == NULL )
 component *cp1= Li->cp;
 component *cp2; 
 int area;//, nCnt = 0;
 while( cp1 != NULL )
  area = cp1->bound.Height() * cp1->bound.Width();
  if( area < minArea && area > 0 )
   SetBinary(cp1->bound, pbBinary, unBinaryBytesPerLine, bValue);   

  cp2 = cp1;
  cp1 = cp1->cnext; 

  delete cp2;

 Li->cp = NULL;  


CRect* CArdpsImg::GetDirtPos(int nMethod, int *nCnt)
 *nCnt = 0;

 LPBYTE  lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if( !lpDIB)
  return m_dirRect;

 LPBYTE lpBinImg = FindDIBBits(lpDIB); 
 if( !lpBinImg )
  return m_dirRect;

 bool bSuccess = true;
 LONG  nImgHei = GetHeight();
 LONG  nImgWid = GetWidth();
 int    nBitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);
 if( nBitCnt != 1 )
  return m_dirRect;
 LONG  nBinBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nImgWid * nBitCnt);
 //for gray image
 LONG  nGrayBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES( nImgWid << 3 );
 LONG nGrayImgSize = nGrayBytesPerLine * nImgHei;
 BYTE *pbGrayImg = new BYTE[nGrayImgSize];
 if( !pbGrayImg )
  return m_dirRect;
 bSuccess = ConvertBinary2Gray(lpBinImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, pbGrayImg );
 //SaveTo8bit_BMP(pbGrayImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, "d:\\testgray.bmp", 8);
 if( !bSuccess )
  delete []pbGrayImg;
  pbGrayImg = NULL;
  return m_dirRect;

 Line *Li  = new Line;
 if( !Li )
  delete []pbGrayImg;
  pbGrayImg = NULL;
  return m_dirRect;

 Li->StartY = 3;
 Li->StartX = 3;
 Li->EndX = nImgWid - 3;
 Li->EndY = nImgHei - 3;
 Li->cp  = NULL;

 BYTE  bCur;
 if( nMethod == 0 )  //黑色为背景
  bCur = 0;
  bCur = 255;

 ExtractComponent(Li, pbGrayImg, nGrayBytesPerLine, bCur );
 AnalysisDirtPos(Li, m_DirtSize, m_minDirtSize, nImgHei,  nCnt);

 if( pbGrayImg )
  delete []pbGrayImg;
  pbGrayImg = NULL;

 if( Li )
  delete Li;
  Li = NULL;

 return m_dirRect;

bool CArdpsImg::AnalysisDirtPos(Line *Li, CSize maxSize, CSize minSize, int nHeight,  int *nCnt)
 if( Li == NULL || nCnt == NULL )
  return false;
 component *cp1= Li->cp;
 component *cp2; 
 int area;//, nCnt = 0;
 int minArea = minSize.cx  * minSize.cy;
 int maxArea = maxSize.cx * maxSize.cy;
 *nCnt = 0;
 while(cp1 != NULL )
  cp1 = cp1->cnext; 
 if( m_dirRect )
  delete []m_dirRect;
  m_dirRect = NULL;  
 m_dirRect = new CRect[(*nCnt)];
 if( m_dirRect == NULL )
  return false;

 cp1= Li->cp;
 *nCnt = 0; 
 while( cp1 != NULL )
  area = cp1->bound.Height() * cp1->bound.Width();
  if( area <= maxArea && area >= minArea )
   m_dirRect[*nCnt].top = nHeight - 1 - cp1->bound.bottom;
   m_dirRect[*nCnt].bottom = nHeight - 1 - cp1->bound.top;
   m_dirRect[*nCnt].left = cp1->bound.left;
   m_dirRect[*nCnt].right = cp1->bound.right;

  cp2 = cp1;
  cp1 = cp1->cnext; 

  delete cp2;

 Li->cp = NULL;  
 return true;

void CArdpsImg::SetBinary(CRect rect, BYTE *pbImg, UINT unBinaryBytesPerLine, const BYTE bValue)
 if( pbImg == NULL )

 LONG i, j, m; 
 for( i = rect.top, m = rect.top * unBinaryBytesPerLine; i <= rect.bottom; i++, m += unBinaryBytesPerLine )
  for( j = rect.left; j <= rect.right; j++ )
   *(pbImg + m + j) = bValue;

bool CArdpsImg::ConvertBinary2Gray(const unsigned char * pbBinary, const int nWidth, const int nHeight, unsigned char *pbGray)
 if( pbBinary == NULL || pbGray == NULL || nWidth < 1 || nHeight < 1)
  return false;

 LONG nBinaryBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nWidth);
 LONG nGrayBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nWidth << 3);
 LONG i, j, k, m;
 const unsigned char * pbIn = pbBinary;
 unsigned char * pbOut = pbGray;
 memset( pbGray, 0, nHeight * nGrayBytesPerLine * sizeof( unsigned char));
 BYTE btmp = 0;
 for( i = 0, k = 0, m = 0; i < nHeight; i++, k += nGrayBytesPerLine, m += nBinaryBytesPerLine )
  pbIn = pbBinary + m;
  pbOut = pbGray + k;
  for( j = 0; j < (nWidth + 7)/8; j++, pbIn++)
   btmp = *pbIn;
   btmp = btmp & 128 ;
   if( btmp == 128)
    *pbOut = 255;
   pbOut ++;  

   btmp = *pbIn;
   btmp = btmp & 64 ;
   if( btmp == 64)
    *pbOut = 255; 
   pbOut ++;

   btmp = *pbIn;
   btmp = btmp & 32 ;
   if( btmp == 32)
    *pbOut = 255;
   pbOut ++;

   btmp = *pbIn;
   btmp = btmp & 16 ;
   if( btmp == 16)
    *pbOut = 255;
   pbOut ++;

   btmp = *pbIn;
   btmp = btmp & 8 ;
   if( btmp == 8)
    *pbOut = 255;
   pbOut ++;

   btmp = *pbIn;
   btmp = btmp & 4 ;
   if( btmp == 4)
    *pbOut = 255;
   pbOut ++;

   btmp = *pbIn;
   btmp = btmp & 2 ;
   if( btmp == 2)
    *pbOut = 255;
   pbOut ++;

   btmp = *pbIn;
   btmp = btmp & 1;
   if( btmp == 1)
    *pbOut = 255;  
   pbOut ++;
 return true;


bool CArdpsImg::FindTopEdge(BYTE *pbOutImage, BYTE *image, RECT rtROI, int nWidth)
 if( pbOutImage == NULL || image == NULL )
  return false;

 BYTE *pbIn1, *pbIn2;
 pbIn2 = pbIn1 = NULL;
 int i, j;
 int gd, n = 0, k = 0;
 int d; 

 gd = n = 0;
 pbIn1 = image + (rtROI.top + EDGE_STEP) * nWidth + rtROI.left;
 for (i = rtROI.top + EDGE_STEP; i < rtROI.bottom; i++, pbIn1 += nWidth)
  pbIn2 = pbIn1;
  for (j = rtROI.left; j < rtROI.right; j++, pbIn2++)
   d = pbIn2[-EDGE_STEP * nWidth] - pbIn2[0];
   if (d > 20)
    gd += d;
 if (n > 0)
  gd = gd / n;

 pbIn1 = image + rtROI.top * nWidth + rtROI.left;
 for (i = rtROI.top; i < rtROI.bottom; i++, pbIn1 += nWidth)
  pbIn2 = pbIn1;
  for (j = rtROI.left; j < rtROI.right; j++, pbIn2++)
   n = (int)(pbIn2 - image);
   pbOutImage[n] = 0;
   if (j > EDGE_STEP)
    d = pbIn2[nWidth - EDGE_STEP] - pbIn2[0];
    if (d > gd)
     pbOutImage[n] = 255;

 for (i = rtROI.top; i < rtROI.bottom; i++)
  for (j = rtROI.right; j > rtROI.left; j--)
   if (pbOutImage[i * nWidth + j] <= pbOutImage[i * nWidth + j - 1])
    pbOutImage[i * nWidth + j] = 0; 

 return true;

double CArdpsImg::DetectSkewAngle(BYTE *pbImage, RECT rtROI, int nWidth)
 double dK = 0.0;
 int i;
 int nValeSum, nValeMax, angle; 
 int *pnRamBuff = NULL;
 pnRamBuff = new int[nWidth * 2];
 if (pnRamBuff == NULL)
  return 0.0;

 angle = nValeMax = 0;
 for (i = -10; i <= 10; i ++)
  nValeSum = CompVPrjValeSum(pnRamBuff, pbImage, nWidth, rtROI.bottom, i);
   nValeMax = nValeSum;
   angle = i;
 dK = angle;// * 3.14159265 / 180;

 if( pnRamBuff)
  delete []pnRamBuff;
  pnRamBuff = NULL;

 return dK;
// compute all vale sum
int CArdpsImg::CompVPrjValeSum(int *pnRamBuff, const BYTE *pInImg, int nImgWidth, int nImgHeight, int nRotAngle)
 if( pnRamBuff == NULL || pInImg == NULL )
  return 0;
 int nValeSum = 0;
 int i, j;
 int *nVprj = pnRamBuff, *nPlot = NULL;
 int nPrjLen;
 int nPrjOffset;
 int nPx;
 int nSin, nCos;
 const BYTE *pb = NULL; 

 if((nRotAngle >= 0) && (nRotAngle <= 90))
  nSin = g_nSin[nRotAngle];
  nCos = g_nCos[nRotAngle];
 else if ((nRotAngle < 0)&&(nRotAngle > -90))
  nSin = -g_nSin[-nRotAngle];
  nCos = g_nCos[-nRotAngle];

 // compute max project length
 i = nSin > 0 ? nSin : -nSin;
 nPrjLen = nImgWidth*nCos+nImgHeight*i+32768;
 nPrjLen = nPrjLen>>16;
 if (nPrjLen>nImgWidth)
  nPrjLen = nImgWidth;
 if (nSin<0)
  nPrjOffset = -nImgHeight*nSin+32768;
  nPrjOffset = nPrjOffset>>16;
  nPrjOffset = 0;

 memset(nVprj, 0, nPrjLen * 2 * sizeof(int));
 nPlot = nVprj + nPrjLen;

 pb = pInImg;
 for (i = 0; i < nImgHeight; i++)
  for (j = 0; j < nImgWidth; j++, pb++)
   if (*pb < 8)
   nPx = j * nCos + i * nSin + 32768;
   nPx = (nPx >> 16) + nPrjOffset;
   if((nPx < nPrjLen) && (nPx>=0))
    nVprj[nPx] += *pb;

 SmoothingArray(nPlot, 1, nVprj, 0, nPrjLen);
 nValeSum = 0;
 for(i = 0; i < nPrjLen; i++)
  if (nPlot[i]==0)

 return nValeSum;

// NAME:  SmoothingArray
//  PARAMS:  int *pIn, input array
//    int *pOut, output array
//    int nR, smooth radius
//    int nStart, int nEnd, the begin and end of smoothing
//  FUNCTION: Smoothing one-dimentional array
void CArdpsImg::SmoothingArray(int *pOut, int nR, const int *pIn, int nStart, int nEnd)
 if( pIn == NULL || pOut == NULL )

 int i, nSum, nCount;
 int beg, end;

 nSum = 0;

 // the len is less than nR
 if (nEnd - nStart <= nR + 1)
  nCount = nEnd - nStart;
  if (nCount <= 0)
   pOut[nStart] = pIn[nStart];
  nSum = 0;
  for (i = nStart; i < nEnd; i ++)
   nSum += pIn[i];
  nSum = (nSum + (nCount >> 1)) / nCount;
  for (i = nStart; i < nEnd; i ++)
   pOut[i] = nSum;

 // first nR len
 beg = nStart;
 end = nStart + nR;
 if (end > nEnd) end = nEnd;
 for (i = beg; i < end; i ++)
  nSum += pIn[i];
 nCount = end - beg;

 // from start to start + nR, maybe less than start + nR
 if (end >= nEnd-nR)
  end = nEnd - nR - 1;
 for (i = nStart; i <= end; i ++)
  nSum += pIn[i + nR];
  nCount ++;
  pOut[i] = (nSum + (nCount >> 1)) / nCount;

 // from start+nR to end - nR
 end = nEnd - nR;
 for (; i < end; i ++)
  nSum += pIn[i + nR] - pIn[i - nR - 1];
  pOut[i] = (nSum + nCount / 2) / nCount;

 // from end-nR to start + nR
 end = nStart + nR + 1;
 if (end > nEnd) end = nEnd;
 for (; i < end; i++)
  pOut[i] = (nSum + nCount / 2) / nCount;

 // the last nR
 beg = i;
 if (beg < nStart + nR + 1) beg = nStart + nR + 1;
 for (i = beg; i < nEnd; i ++)
  nCount --;
  nSum -= pIn[i - nR - 1];
  pOut[i] = (nSum + nCount / 2) / nCount;


// delete short vertical stroke
int CArdpsImg::DeleteVtlSmallLine(BYTE* pImg, BYTE* pBuf, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nTh)
 if( pImg == NULL || pBuf == NULL )
  return 0;

 int i, j, nTop, nBtm, nLen;
 int top, btm;
 BYTE *pIn, *pIn1, *pb, *pb1;
 pb = pb1 = pIn = pIn1 = NULL;
 int hr = 0;

 top = 0; 
 btm = nHeight;
 LONG nBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nWidth * 8);
 memset(pBuf, 0, nBytesPerLine * nHeight);

 pIn = pImg + top * nBytesPerLine;
 pb = pBuf + top * nBytesPerLine;
 for (i = top; i < btm; i++)
  for (j = 0; j < nWidth; j++, pIn++, pb++)
   if (*pIn == 0)
   nTop = i-1;
   pIn1 = pIn - nBytesPerLine;
   pb1 = pb - nBytesPerLine;
   for (; nTop >= 0 && *pIn1 != 0; nTop--, pIn1 -= nBytesPerLine, pb1 -= nBytesPerLine)
    *pb1 = *pIn1;
    *pIn = 0;

   nBtm = i+1;
   pIn1 = pIn + nBytesPerLine;
   pb1 = pb + nBytesPerLine;   
   for (; nBtm < nHeight && *pIn1 != 0; nBtm++, pIn1 += nBytesPerLine, pb1 += nBytesPerLine)
    *pb1 = *pIn1;
    *pIn1 = 0;
   nBtm --;
   nLen = nBtm - nTop + 1;
   if (nLen < nTh)
    pb1 = pBuf + nTop * nBytesPerLine + j;
    for (; nTop <= nBtm; nTop++, pb1 += nBytesPerLine)
     *pb1 = 0;

 memcpy(pImg, pBuf, nBytesPerLine*nHeight);
 return 0;

RECT CArdpsImg::GetEdgeImageBoundary(BYTE *pbImage, int nWidth, int nHeight)
 RECT rect;
 BYTE *pbIn1, *pbIn2;
 LONG i, j, m;
 LONG n, d;
 int *pnProjX = NULL, *pnProjY = NULL;
 rect = SetRectValue(0, 0, 0, 0);
 if( pbImage == NULL )
  return rect;

 LONG nBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nWidth<< 3);
 pnProjX = new int [nWidth + nHeight];
 if (pnProjX == NULL)
  return rect;
 pnProjY = pnProjX + nWidth;
 memset(pnProjX, 0, (nWidth + nHeight) * sizeof(int));

 for (i = 0, m = 0; i < nHeight; i++, m+= nBytesPerLine )
  pnProjY[i] = 0;
  pbIn1 = pbImage + m;
  for (j = 0; j < nWidth; j++, pbIn1++)
   pnProjY[i] += pbIn1[0];

 pbIn1 = pbImage;
 for (i = 0; i < nWidth; i++, pbIn1++)
  pbIn2 = pbIn1;
  pnProjX[i] = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < nHeight; j++, pbIn2 += nBytesPerLine)
   pnProjX[i] += pbIn2[0];

 d = n = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < nHeight; i++)
  d += pnProjY[i];
 d = d / (4 * n);

 rect.top = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < nHeight; i++)
  if (pnProjY[i] > d)
   rect.top = i;
 rect.top = rect.top > 1 ? (rect.top - 1) : rect.top;

 rect.bottom = nHeight - 1;
 for (i = nHeight - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  if (pnProjY[i] > d)
   rect.bottom = i;
 rect.bottom = rect.bottom < (nHeight - 2) ? (rect.bottom + 1) : rect.bottom;

 d = n = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < nWidth; i++)
  d += pnProjX[i];
 d = d / (4 * n);

 rect.left = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < nWidth; i++)
  if (pnProjX[i] > d)
   rect.left = i;
 rect.left = rect.left > 0 ? (rect.left - 1) : rect.left;

 rect.right = nWidth - 1;
 for (i = nWidth - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  if (pnProjX[i] > d)
   rect.right = i;
 rect.right = rect.right < (nWidth - 2) ? (rect.right + 1) : rect.right;

 if (pnProjX != NULL)
  delete []pnProjX;
  pnProjX = NULL;

 return rect;

void CArdpsImg::MoveBin(BYTE *pbIn, int nWidth, int nHeight, RECT rtOld, RECT rtNew, int nMethod)
 if( !pbIn )
 LONG lBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nWidth << 3);
 LONG lImgSize = lBytesPerLine * nHeight;
 BYTE *pbOut = new BYTE[lImgSize];
 if( pbOut == NULL )

 memset(pbOut, 255, lImgSize * sizeof(BYTE));
 LONG i, j, m, n;
 BYTE *pbTmpIn = NULL;
 switch (nMethod)
 case 1:   //水平调整
  j = rtOld.right - rtOld.left + 1;
  for (i = 0, m = 0; i < nHeight; i++, m += lBytesPerLine )
   memcpy(pbOut + rtNew.left+ m, pbIn + rtOld.left + m, j * sizeof(BYTE) );  
 case 2:   //垂直调整
  //i = rtOld.bottom - rtOld.top + 1;
  i = rtNew.top * lBytesPerLine;
  for( j = rtOld.top, m = j * lBytesPerLine; j <= rtOld.bottom; j++, m += lBytesPerLine)
   memcpy(pbOut + i, pbIn + m, lBytesPerLine);
   i += lBytesPerLine;
 case 0:   //垂直和水平调整

  i = rtNew.top * lBytesPerLine + rtNew.left;
  m = rtOld.top *lBytesPerLine + rtOld.left;
  n = rtOld.right - rtOld.left + 1;
  for( j = rtOld.top; j <= rtOld.bottom; j++)
   memcpy(pbOut + i, pbIn + m, n * sizeof(BYTE));
   i += lBytesPerLine;
   m += lBytesPerLine;
 memcpy( pbIn, pbOut, lImgSize * sizeof(BYTE));

 if( pbOut )
 pbOut = NULL;


RECT CArdpsImg::GetBinImageBoundary(BYTE *pbImage, int nWidth, int nHeight)
 RECT rect;
 BYTE *pbIn1, *pbIn2;
 LONG i, j, m;
 LONG n, d;
 int *pnProjX = NULL, *pnProjY = NULL;
 rect = SetRectValue(0, 0, 0, 0);
 if( pbImage == NULL )
  return rect;

 LONG nBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nWidth<< 3);
 pnProjX = new int [nWidth + nHeight];
 if (pnProjX == NULL)
  return rect;
 pnProjY = pnProjX + nWidth;
 memset(pnProjX, 0, (nWidth + nHeight) * sizeof(int));

 for (i = 0, m = 0; i < nHeight; i++, m+= nBytesPerLine )
  pnProjY[i] = 0;
  pbIn1 = pbImage + m;
  for (j = 0; j < nWidth; j++, pbIn1++)
   pnProjY[i] += 255- pbIn1[0];
  pnProjY[i] /= 255;

 pbIn1 = pbImage;
 for (i = 0; i < nWidth; i++, pbIn1++)
  pbIn2 = pbIn1;
  pnProjX[i] = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < nHeight; j++, pbIn2 += nBytesPerLine)
   pnProjX[i] += 255- pbIn2[0];
  pnProjX[i] /= 255;

 d = n = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < nHeight; i++)
  d += pnProjY[i];
 d = d / (4 * n);

 rect.top = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < nHeight; i++)
  if (pnProjY[i] > d)
   rect.top = i;
 rect.top = rect.top > 1 ? (rect.top - 1) : rect.top;

 rect.bottom = nHeight - 1;
 for (i = nHeight - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  if (pnProjY[i] > d)
   rect.bottom = i;
 rect.bottom = rect.bottom < (nHeight - 2) ? (rect.bottom + 1) : rect.bottom;

 d = n = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < nWidth; i++)
  d += pnProjX[i];
 d = d / (4 * n);

 rect.left = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < nWidth; i++)
  if (pnProjX[i] > d)
   rect.left = i;
 rect.left = rect.left > 0 ? (rect.left - 1) : rect.left;

 rect.right = nWidth - 1;
 for (i = nWidth - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  if (pnProjX[i] > d)
   rect.right = i;
 rect.right = rect.right < (nWidth - 2) ? (rect.right + 1) : rect.right;

 if (pnProjX != NULL)
  delete []pnProjX;
  pnProjX = NULL;

 return rect;


RECT CArdpsImg::SetRectValue(int left, int right, int top, int bottom)
 RECT rect;
 rect.left = left;
 rect.right = right;
 rect.top = top;
 rect.bottom = bottom;

 return rect;

int CArdpsImg::FindEdgeImage(BYTE *pbOutImage, BYTE *image, RECT rtROI, int nWidth)
 if( pbOutImage == NULL || image == NULL )
  return -1;
 BYTE *pbIn1, *pbIn2;
 int i, j, d;
 int gd, n = 0, k = 0;

 pbIn2 = pbIn1 = NULL;
 int nBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nWidth << 3);
 gd = n = 0;
 pbIn1 = image + rtROI.top * nBytesPerLine + rtROI.left;
 for (i = rtROI.top; i < rtROI.bottom; i++, pbIn1 += nBytesPerLine)
  pbIn2 = pbIn1 + EDGE_STEP;
  for (j = rtROI.left + EDGE_STEP; j < rtROI.right; j++, pbIn2++)
   d = pbIn2[-EDGE_STEP] - pbIn2[0];
   if (d < 10)
   gd += d;

 if (n < 100)
  return -1;
 gd = gd / n;

 pbIn1 = image + rtROI.top * nBytesPerLine + rtROI.left;
 for (i = rtROI.top; i < rtROI.bottom; i++, pbIn1 += nBytesPerLine)
  pbIn2 = pbIn1;
  for (j = rtROI.left; j < rtROI.right; j++, pbIn2++)
   n = (int)(pbIn2 - image);
   pbOutImage[n] = 0;
   if (j > EDGE_STEP)
    d = pbIn2[-EDGE_STEP] - pbIn2[0];
    if (d > gd)
     pbOutImage[n] = d;

   if (j < nWidth - EDGE_STEP - 1)
    d = pbIn2[EDGE_STEP] - pbIn2[0];
    if (d > gd && d > pbOutImage[i * nBytesPerLine + j])
     pbOutImage[n] = d;

 return 0;

HDIB CArdpsImg::ReadBinTiff(char* szImgFileName)
 TIFF *image = NULL;
 uint32 height, buffsize, bytesPerLine, nImgWidth, nPalleteSize, nFileSize;
 uint32 row, k, i;

 // Open the TIFF image
 image = TIFFOpen(szImgFileName, "r");
 if( image == NULL )
  return hDIB;

 TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height);
 TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &nImgWidth);
 uint16 bitspersample=1;
 uint16 samplesperpixel=1;
 TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &samplesperpixel); 
 TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bitspersample);
 //for debug
 uint16 compression = 0;
 TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, &compression);

 uint16 photmeric = 0;
 TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photmeric);

 uint16 bitsperpixel = bitspersample * samplesperpixel;
 if( bitsperpixel == 1)
  nPalleteSize = 2;
 else if( bitsperpixel == 8 )
  nPalleteSize = 256;
 else if( bitsperpixel == 16)
  return hDIB;
  nPalleteSize = 0;

 buffsize = TIFFScanlineSize(image); 
 uint32 buffTotalSize = buffsize * height; 
 BYTE * pbOriImg = new BYTE[buffTotalSize]; 
 if( pbOriImg == NULL )
  return hDIB;

 for (row = 0 , k = (height - 1) * buffsize; row < height; row++ , k -= buffsize )
  TIFFReadScanline(image, (void*)(pbOriImg + k), row);


 /*TIFF *newImg = TIFFOpen("d:\\testread.tif", "w");
 TIFFSetField(newImg, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, height);
 TIFFSetField(newImg, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, nImgWidth);
 TIFFSetField(newImg, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL,samplesperpixel); 
 TIFFSetField(newImg, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, bitspersample);
 TIFFSetField(newImg, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, compression);
 TIFFSetField(newImg, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, photmeric);
 for (row = 0 , k = (height - 1) * buffsize; row < height; row++ , k -= buffsize )
  TIFFWriteScanline(newImg, (void*)(pbOriImg + k), row);*/
 if( bitsperpixel == 32 )
  bytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nImgWidth * 24);
  bytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nImgWidth * bitsperpixel);

 buffTotalSize = bytesPerLine * height;
 nFileSize = buffTotalSize + nPalleteSize * sizeof(RGBQUAD) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
 hDIB = (HDIB)GlobalAlloc(GHND, nFileSize);
 if( hDIB == NULL )
  delete []pbOriImg;
  pbOriImg = NULL;
  return hDIB;

 LPBYTE lpNewDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(hDIB);
 memset( lpNewDIB, 0, nFileSize * sizeof(BYTE));

 pInfo->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
 pInfo->biWidth = nImgWidth;
 pInfo->biHeight = height;
 pInfo->biCompression = BI_RGB;
 pInfo->biClrUsed = 0;
 pInfo->biClrImportant = 0;
 pInfo->biPlanes = 1;
 pInfo->biSizeImage = buffTotalSize;
 pInfo->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
 pInfo->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
 if( bitsperpixel == 32 )
   pInfo->biBitCount = 24;
   pInfo->biBitCount = bitsperpixel;

 if( bitsperpixel == 1 )
  pNewRGBQuad->rgbRed = pNewRGBQuad->rgbGreen = pNewRGBQuad->rgbBlue = 0;
  pNewRGBQuad->rgbReserved = 0;
  pNewRGBQuad ++;
  pNewRGBQuad->rgbRed = pNewRGBQuad->rgbGreen = pNewRGBQuad->rgbBlue = 255;
  pNewRGBQuad->rgbReserved = 0;
  for( int i = 0; i < nPalleteSize; i++, pNewRGBQuad++ )
   pNewRGBQuad->rgbRed = pNewRGBQuad->rgbGreen = pNewRGBQuad->rgbBlue = i;
   pNewRGBQuad->rgbReserved = 0;

 BYTE *pbNewImg = lpNewDIB + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +  nPalleteSize * sizeof(RGBQUAD) ;
 if (bitsperpixel == 32)
  Img32to24(pbOriImg, pbNewImg, nImgWidth, height);
 else if (bitsperpixel == 24)
  ReversColors(pbOriImg, pbNewImg, nImgWidth, height);  
  for( i = 0, k = 0, row = 0; i < height; i++, k += bytesPerLine, row += buffsize )
   memcpy(pbNewImg + k, pbOriImg + row, buffsize * sizeof(BYTE));
 if( pbOriImg )
  delete []pbOriImg;
 pbOriImg = NULL;

 return hDIB;


void CArdpsImg::Img32to24(BYTE *pbImg32, BYTE *pbImg24, int nWidth, int nHeight)
 if( pbImg32 == NULL || pbImg24 == NULL )

 int i, j, m, n;
 LONG nBytesLine24 = MYWIDTHBYTES(nWidth * 24);
 BYTE *pbIn = pbImg32;
 BYTE *pbOut = pbImg24;

 for( i = 0, m = 0, n = 0; i < nHeight; i++, m += nWidth * 4, n += nBytesLine24 )
  pbIn = pbImg32 + m;
  pbOut = pbImg24 + n;
  for( j = 0; j < nWidth; j++ )
   *pbOut = *(pbIn + 2);
   *(pbOut + 1) = *(pbIn + 1);
   *(pbOut + 2) =  *(pbIn);
   pbIn += 4;
   pbOut += 3;
void CArdpsImg::ReversColors(BYTE*pbIn, BYTE *pbOut, int nWidth, int nHeight)
 if( pbIn == NULL || pbOut == NULL )

 int i, j,n, m;
 LONG nBytesLine24 = MYWIDTHBYTES(nWidth * 24);
 BYTE *ptmp = pbIn;
 BYTE *ptmp2 = pbOut;

 for( i = 0, n = 0, m = 0; i < nHeight; i++, n += nBytesLine24, m += nWidth * 3 )
  ptmp = pbIn + m;
  ptmp2 = pbOut + n;
  for( j = 0; j < nWidth; j++ )
   *ptmp2 = *(ptmp + 2);
   *(ptmp2 + 1) = *(ptmp + 1);
   *(ptmp2 + 2) =  *(ptmp);
   ptmp2 += 3;
   ptmp += 3;

void CArdpsImg::ReversColors(BYTE*pbIn, int nWidth, int nHeight)
 if( pbIn == NULL )

 int i, j, m;
 LONG nBytesLine24 = MYWIDTHBYTES(nWidth * 24);
 BYTE *ptmp = pbIn;
 BYTE bValue = 0;
 for( i = 0, m = 0; i < nHeight; i++, m += nBytesLine24 )
  ptmp = pbIn + m;
  for( j = 0; j < nWidth; j++ )
   bValue = *(ptmp + 2);
   *(ptmp + 2) = *(ptmp);
   *ptmp =  bValue;
   ptmp += 3;

bool CArdpsImg::SaveTiff(char *szImgFileName)
 if( szImgFileName == NULL )
  return false;

 LPBYTE lpDIB = (LPBYTE) GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 if( lpDIB == NULL )
  return false;

 LPBYTE lpBinImg = FindDIBBits(lpDIB); 
 if( !lpBinImg )
  return false;
 uint16 samplesperpixel, bitspersample, photometric, compression;

 LONG  nImgHei = GetHeight();
 LONG  nImgWid = GetWidth();
 WORD    nBitCnt = DIBBitCount(lpDIB);
 if( nBitCnt == 1)
  samplesperpixel = 1;
  bitspersample = 1;
  compression = COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4;
  ReversBits(lpBinImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, nBitCnt);
 else if (nBitCnt == 8)
  samplesperpixel = 1;
  bitspersample = 8;
  photometric = 1;
  compression = COMPRESSION_LZW;
 else if (nBitCnt == 24)
  samplesperpixel = 3;
  bitspersample = 8;
  photometric = 2;
  compression = COMPRESSION_JPEG;
  //compression = COMPRESSION_DEFLATE;
  ReversColors(lpBinImg, nImgWid, nImgHei);
  return false;

 TIFF * newImg = TIFFOpen(szImgFileName, "w");
 if( newImg == NULL )
  return false;

 TIFFSetField(newImg, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, samplesperpixel); 
 TIFFSetField(newImg, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE,bitspersample);
 TIFFSetField(newImg, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, photometric);
 //if(nBitCnt != 24 )  只能由程序读取,去掉该注释可以被通用程序读取,压缩比变小。
  TIFFSetField(newImg, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, compression);

 uint32 row, buffsize, k;
 buffsize = MYWIDTHBYTES(nImgWid * bitspersample * samplesperpixel );
 for (row = 0 , k = (nImgHei - 1) * buffsize; row < nImgHei; row++ , k -= buffsize )
  TIFFWriteScanline(newImg, (void*)(lpBinImg + k), row, 0);

 return true;
void CArdpsImg::ReversBits(BYTE *pbIn, int nWidth, int nHeight, DWORD nBitCnt)

 int nBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES(nBitCnt * nWidth );
 BYTE *ptmp = pbIn;
 for( int i = 0; i < nBytesPerLine * nHeight; i++, ptmp++ )
  *ptmp = 255- (*ptmp);
bool CArdpsImg::SaveGrayDIB()

 //for color image
 LONG  nImgHei = GetHeight();
 LONG  nImgWid = GetWidth();
 //for gray image
 LONG  nGrayBytesPerLine = MYWIDTHBYTES( nImgWid << 3 );
 LONG nGrayImgSize = nGrayBytesPerLine * nImgHei;
 LONG nFileSize = nGrayImgSize + lpDIBHdr->biSize + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD);

 //allocate memory for gray image
 LPBYTE lpNewDIB = new BYTE[nFileSize];
 if( !lpNewDIB )
  return false;
 memset(lpNewDIB, 0, nFileSize*sizeof(BYTE));
 memcpy(lpNewDIBHdr, lpDIBHdr, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));

 lpNewDIBHdr->biBitCount = 8;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biCompression = BI_RGB;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biSizeImage = nGrayImgSize;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biClrUsed = 256;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biXPelsPerMeter = 2952;
 lpNewDIBHdr->biYPelsPerMeter = 2952;

 //create RGBQUARD

 memset(pNewRGBQuad, 0, 256*sizeof(RGBQUAD));
 for( int i = 0; i < 256; ++i )
  pNewRGBQuad->rgbBlue = pNewRGBQuad->rgbRed =
   pNewRGBQuad->rgbGreen = i;
 LPBYTE  lpDIB = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(m_hDib);
 LPBYTE lpSrcImg = FindDIBBits(lpDIB); 
 LPBYTE lpNewImg = lpNewDIB + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD);

 bool bConvert = ConvertBinary2Gray(lpSrcImg, nImgWid, nImgHei, lpNewImg);

 bool bCrate = Create(lpNewDIB);
 if( lpNewDIB )
  delete []lpNewDIB;

 lpNewDIB = NULL;

 return true;



