
/* k-dTree.c -- k-d树实现文件 */ #include "k-dTree.h" /* 局部函数声明 */ /* 队列部分 */ static QueueNode * makeNode_Q (Node * const pn, const int index) ; /* k-d树部分 */ static Node * makeNode_K (const Item * const pi, const int k) ; static BOOL within_K (const Item * const pi, const Item * const low, const Item * const high, const int k) ; static BOOL equal_K (const Item * const piS, const Item * const pi, const int k) ; static void release_K (Node * const pn) ; /* 接口函数定义 */ /* 队列部分 */ BOOL Initialize_Q (Queue * const pq) { *pq = (struct queue *) malloc (sizeof (struct queue)) ; if (NULL == *pq) return FALSE ; (*pq) -> front = (*pq) -> rear = NULL ; (*pq) -> current = 0 ; return TRUE ; } BOOL IsEmpty_Q (const Queue * const pq) { switch ((*pq) -> current) { case 0 : return TRUE ; default : return FALSE ; } } BOOL EnQueue_Q (const Queue * const pq, Node * const pn, const int index) { QueueNode * newQNode ; newQNode = makeNode_Q (pn, index) ; if (NULL == newQNode) return FALSE ; if (IsEmpty_Q (pq)) (*pq) -> front = (*pq) -> rear = newQNode ; else { (*pq) -> rear -> next = newQNode ; (*pq) -> rear = newQNode ; } (*pq) -> current++ ; return TRUE ; } BOOL DeQueue_Q (const Queue * const pq, QueueNode * const pqn) { QueueNode * record ; if (IsEmpty_Q (pq)) return FALSE ; record = (*pq) -> front ; *pqn = *record ; (*pq) -> front = record -> next ; if (NULL == (*pq) -> front) (*pq) -> rear = NULL ; free (record) ; (*pq) -> current-- ; return TRUE ; } void Release_Q (const Queue * const pq) { QueueNode * record, * scan ; scan = (*pq) -> front ; while (scan != NULL) { record = scan ; scan = scan -> next ; free (record) ; } free (*pq) ; } /* k-d树部分 */ BOOL Initialize_K (KDTree * const pt, const int k) { *pt = (struct kDTree *) malloc (sizeof (struct kDTree)) ; if (NULL == *pt) return FALSE ; (*pt) -> root = NULL ; (*pt) -> current = 0 ; (*pt) -> k = k ; return TRUE ; } BOOL IsEmpty_K (const KDTree * const pt) { switch ((*pt) -> current) { case 0 : return TRUE ; default : return FALSE ; } } BOOL Insert_K (const KDTree * const pt, const Item * const pi) { Node * newNode, * scan, * parent ; int index ; newNode = makeNode_K (pi, (*pt) -> k) ; if (NULL == newNode) return FALSE ; if (IsEmpty_K (pt)) (*pt) -> root = newNode ; else { scan = (*pt) -> root ; index = 0 ; while (scan != NULL) { parent = scan ; if (pi[index] < scan -> item[index]) scan = scan -> left ; else scan = scan -> right ; index = ADD_INDEX ((*pt) -> k, index) ; } index = SUBTRACT_INDEX ((*pt) -> k, index) ; if (pi[index] < parent -> item[index]) parent -> left = newNode ; else parent -> right = newNode ; } (*pt) -> current++ ; return TRUE ; } int Find_K (const KDTree * const pt, const Item * const low, const Item * const high, void (* pfun) (const Node * const pn, const int k)) { Queue queue ; QueueNode * qNode ; Node * scan ; int index, count ; if (IsEmpty_K (pt)) return 0 ; if (FALSE == Initialize_Q (&queue)) { puts ("Out of space.") ; return 0 ; } qNode = (QueueNode *) malloc (sizeof (QueueNode)) ; if (NULL == qNode) { Release_Q (&queue) ; puts ("Out of space.") ; return 0 ; } scan = (*pt) -> root ; count = 0 ; EnQueue_Q (&queue, scan, 0) ; while (!IsEmpty_Q (&queue)) { DeQueue_Q (&queue, qNode) ; scan = qNode -> node ; index = qNode -> index ; if (TRUE == within_K (scan -> item, low, high, (*pt) -> k) && FALSE == scan -> deleted) { (* pfun) (scan, (*pt) -> k) ; count++ ; } if (low[index] <= scan -> item[index] && scan -> left != NULL) EnQueue_Q (&queue, scan -> left, ADD_INDEX ((*pt) -> k, index)) ; if (scan -> item[index] <= high[index] && scan -> right != NULL) EnQueue_Q (&queue, scan -> right, ADD_INDEX ((*pt) -> k, index)) ; } Release_Q (&queue) ; free (qNode) ; return count ; } int Delete_K (const KDTree * const pt, const Item * const pi) { Node * scan ; int index, count ; if (IsEmpty_K (pt)) return 0 ; scan = (*pt) -> root ; index = 0 ; count = 0 ; while (scan != NULL) { if (pi[index] < scan -> item[index]) scan = scan -> left ; else if (pi[index] > scan -> item[index]) scan = scan -> right ; else { if (TRUE == equal_K (scan -> item, pi, (*pt) -> k) && FALSE == scan -> deleted) { scan -> deleted = TRUE ; count++ ; } scan = scan -> right ; } index = ADD_INDEX ((*pt) -> k, index) ; } (*pt) -> current -= count ; return count ; } void Release_K (const KDTree * const pt) { release_K ((*pt) -> root) ; free (*pt) ; } /* 局部函数定义 */ /* 队列部分 */ static QueueNode * makeNode_Q (Node * const pn, const int index) { QueueNode * newQNode ; newQNode = (struct queueNode *) malloc (sizeof (struct queueNode)) ; if (NULL == newQNode) return NULL ; newQNode -> node = pn ; newQNode -> next = NULL ; newQNode -> index = index ; return newQNode ; } /* k-d树部分 */ static Node * makeNode_K (const Item * const pi, const int k) { Node * newNode ; int i ; newNode = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node)) ; if (NULL == newNode) return NULL ; newNode -> item = (Item *) malloc (sizeof (Item) * k) ; if (NULL == newNode -> item) { free (newNode) ; return NULL ; } for (i = 0; i < k; i++) newNode -> item[i] = pi[i] ; newNode -> deleted = FALSE ; newNode -> left = newNode -> right = NULL ; return newNode ; } static BOOL within_K (const Item * const pi, const Item * const low, const Item * const high, const int k) { int i ; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (low[i] > pi[i] || high[i] < pi[i]) return FALSE ; } return TRUE ; } static BOOL equal_K (const Item * const piS, const Item * const pi, const int k) { int i ; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (piS[i] != pi[i]) return FALSE ; } return TRUE ; } static void release_K (Node * const pn) { if (pn != NULL) { release_K (pn -> left) ; release_K (pn -> right) ; free (pn -> item) ; free (pn) ; } }
