《基于MFC的OpenGL编程》Part 14 Quadrics

      本文在 11篇文章 的基础上,为其加入显示各种二次曲面的代码;


Every quadric has a few settings associated with it. We have to create a quadric first and then customize its settings to render the shape we want. The gluNewQuadric function creates a state variable that describes the current drawing style, orientation, lighting mode, texturing mode and the callback functions. Once we use this function to create a new quadric, we can customize the drawing of shapes by changing its state using functions such as

gluQuadricDrawStyle - which selects the type of OpenGL drawing primitives that are used to drw the shape.

gluQuadricOrientation - which controls the direction of the lighting normals.

gluQuadricNormals - which controls the generation of lighting normals.

gluQuadricTexture - which generates texture coordinates automatically for the quadric.


     // Quadric
    GLuint m_Quadric;


void  CCY457OpenGLView::OnQuadricSphere() 
// 球体
    m_Quadric  =   0 ;
void  CCY457OpenGLView::OnUpdateQuadricSphere(CCmdUI *  pCmdUI) 
if (m_Quadric  ==   0 )
-> SetRadio(TRUE);
-> SetRadio(FALSE);    
void  CCY457OpenGLView::OnQuadricCone() 
// 圆锥
    m_Quadric  =   2 ;    
void  CCY457OpenGLView::OnUpdateQuadricCone(CCmdUI *  pCmdUI) 
if (m_Quadric  ==   2 )
-> SetRadio(TRUE);
-> SetRadio(FALSE);    
void  CCY457OpenGLView::OnQuadricCylinder() 
// 柱体
    m_Quadric  =   1 ;
void  CCY457OpenGLView::OnUpdateQuadricCylinder(CCmdUI *  pCmdUI) 
if (m_Quadric  ==   1 )
-> SetRadio(TRUE);
-> SetRadio(FALSE);    
void  CCY457OpenGLView::OnQuadricDisk() 
// 圆盘
    m_Quadric  =   3 ;
void  CCY457OpenGLView::OnUpdateQuadricDisk(CCmdUI *  pCmdUI) 
if (m_Quadric  ==   3 )
-> SetRadio(TRUE);
-> SetRadio(FALSE);
void  CCY457OpenGLView::OnQuadricPartialdisk() 
/// /半圆盘
    m_Quadric  =   4 ;
void  CCY457OpenGLView::OnUpdateQuadricPartialdisk(CCmdUI *  pCmdUI) 
if (m_Quadric  ==   4 )
-> SetRadio(TRUE);
-> SetRadio(FALSE);    


void  CCY457OpenGLView::RenderScene ()
// 绘制函数
        glTranslatef( 0.0f , 0.0f , - 5.0f );
1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f );
0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f );
0 ]);
*  obj;
=  gluNewQuadric();
        gluQuadricNormals(obj, GLU_SMOOTH);
        gluQuadricTexture(obj, GL_TRUE);
switch (m_Quadric)
case   0 :    gluSphere(obj,  1 20 20 );
break ;
case   1 :    gluCylinder(obj,  1 1 3 20 20 );
break ;
case   2 : gluCylinder(obj,  0.1 1 3 20 20 );
break ;
case   3 : gluDisk(obj,  0.5 1 20 20 );
break ;
case   4 : gluPartialDisk(obj,  0.5 1 20 20 10 180 );
break ;


你可能感兴趣的:(《基于MFC的OpenGL编程》Part 14 Quadrics)