Given a string s
, return all the palindromic permutations (without duplicates) of it. Return an empty list if no palindromic permutation could be form.
For example:
Given s = "aabb"
, return ["abba", "baab"]
Given s = "abc"
, return []
odd time char must be in the middle position, similar with Palindrome Permutation Question, can use int array to store number of char appear time.
public List<String> generatePalindromes(String s) { int[] map = new int[256]; int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for(char c: s.toCharArray()) { map[c]++; min = Math.min(min, c); max = Math.max(max, c); } int count = 0; List<String> res = new ArrayList<>(); int oddIndex = 0; for(int i=min;i<=max;i++) { if(count ==0 && map[i]%2==1) { oddIndex = i; count++; }else if(map[i]%2 == 1){ return res; } } String cur = ""; if(count==1) { cur += (char)oddIndex; map[oddIndex]--; } dfs(map, cur, s, res); return res; } private void dfs(int[] map, String cur, String s, List<String> res) { if(cur.length()==s.length()) { res.add(cur); return; } for(int i=0;i<map.length;i++) { if(map[i]>0) { map[i]-=2; cur = (char)i + cur + (char)i; dfs(map, cur, s, res); cur = cur.substring(1, cur.length()-1); map[i]+=2; } } }