Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.
Empty cells are indicated by the character '.'
You may assume that there will be only one unique solution.
A sudoku puzzle...
...and its solution numbers marked in red.
class Solution { public: vector<bool> check(vector<vector<char>> board, int row, int col) { vector<bool> hash(10, true); for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if(board[row][i] != '.')//检查当前行 hash[board[row][i] - '0'] = false; if(board[i][col] != '.')//检查当前列 hash[board[i][col] - '0'] = false; } for(int i = row/3*3; i < row/3*3+3; i++)//检查九宫格 for(int j = col/3*3; j< col/3*3+3; j++) if(board[i][j] != '.') hash[board[i][j] - '0'] = false; return hash; } void DFS(vector<vector<char>> board, int row, int col) { if(col >= 9)//换行 { row++; col = 0; } if(row >= 9)//已经排完所有空格 { cout << "i am here" << endl; result = board; return; } if(board[row][col] != '.') { col++; DFS(board, row, col); return; } vector<bool> hash = check(board, row, col); for(int i = 1; i<= 9; i++)//枚举每一个可能 { if(hash[i]) { board[row][col] = ('0' + i); DFS(board, row, col+1); } } } void solveSudoku(vector<vector<char>>& board) { DFS(board, 0, 0); board = result; } private: vector<vector<char>> result; };