checkio (Determine the order)

The Robots have found an encrypted message. We cannot decrypt it at the moment, but we can take the first steps toward doing so. You have a set of "words" all in lower case, each word contains symbols in "alphabetical order" (it's not your typical alphabetical order, but a new and different order). We need to determine the order of the symbols from each "word" and create a single "word" with all of these symbols, placing them in the new alphabetial order. In some cases, if we cannot determine the order for several symbols, you should use the traditional latin alphabetical order. For example: Given words "acb", "bd", "zwa". As we can see "z" and "w" must be before "a" and "d" after "b". So the result is "zwacbd".

Precondition: In each test, there can be the only one solution.

Input: A list of strings.

Output: A string.


checkio(["acb", "bd", "zwa"]) == "zwacbd"
checkio(["klm", "kadl", "lsm"]) == "kadlsm"
checkio(["a", "b", "c"]) == "abc"
checkio(["aazzss"]) == "azs"
checkio(["dfg", "frt", "tyg"]) == "dfrtyg"


def unique(data):
    ret = ''
    for c in data:
        if c not in ret:
            ret += c
    return ret

father = {}

def mycmp(self, other):
    #print self,other
    if not find(self, other):
        if not find(other, self):
            #print '='
            return cmp(self, other)
            #print '>'
            return -1
    #print '<'
    return 1

def find(x, target):
    while x in father:
        if father[x]==target:
            return True
        x = father[x]
    return False

def checkio(data):
    word = []
    for condition in data:
        condition = unique(condition)
        for i in range(1,len(condition)):
            father[condition[i]] = condition[i-1]

    for condition in data:
        for c in condition:
    word = list(unique(word))
    #print word
    return ''.join(word)

#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert checkio(["acb", "bd", "zwa"]) == "zwacbd", \
        "Just concatenate it"
    assert checkio(["klm", "kadl", "lsm"]) == "kadlsm", \
        "Paste in"
    assert checkio(["a", "b", "c"]) == "abc", \
        "Cant determine the order - use english alphabet"
    assert checkio(["aazzss"]) == "azs", \
        "Each symbol only once"
    assert checkio(["dfg", "frt", "tyg"]) == "dfrtyg", \
        "Concatenate and paste in"


def checkio(data):
    distinct_letters = sorted(set("".join(data)))
    print distinct_letters
    #We just get couples of letters (a, b) such that a must be before b
    constraints = [(word[i], word[i + 1]) for word in data for i in range(len(word) - 1)]
    solution_found = False
    while not solution_found:
        solution_found = True
        for (a, b) in constraints:
            ia = distinct_letters.index(a)
            ib = distinct_letters.index(b)
            if ia > ib:
                #We swap the letters
                distinct_letters[ia] = b
                distinct_letters[ib] = a
                solution_found = False
    return "".join(distinct_letters)

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