
2.70 Build 20110629 
- Added logging for Keys Generator
- Added few callback functions for plugins
- Added option Miscellaneous - Other - Supress graphical module
- Added option Miscellaneous - Other - Do not check if file is compressed
- Added option Miscellaneous - Other - Do not search markers
- Improved Virtual Machine - File Entry Point protection of particular Delphi programs
- Bug fixed showing unicode AppName and AppVer variables for message and dialog designers
- Bug fixed overloading project settings on re-opening project file
- Bug fixed handing unmanaged exceptions for .net applications
- Minor bugs fixed loading new project
- Minor GUI improvements

The Enigma Protector is a powerful tool designed for complex protection of program modules. Program modules include the following types of objects:
Win32 Portable Executable file (*.exe);
Windows Screen saver files (*.scr);
Dynamic Link Libraries (*.dll);
32 bit ActiveX control files (*.ocx);
.NET executables (*.exe).

推荐使用Enigma Protector来保护你的.NET程序,当然,混淆方面推荐SmartAssembly 6




Enjoy it!
