Displays a notice if the Leap Motion device is not plugged in or the service is not running.
Attach this script to the game object containing a GUI Texture with the image to display. The asset package Textures folder contains example graphics for both peripheral and embedded Leap Motion controllers.
添加该脚本到含有GUI Texture的游戏对象上用于显示图片。资源包的图片文件夹中含有外设的和内置LeapMotion控制器所使用的示例图片。
Tracks the connection state of the Leap Motion hardware.
If the device is unplugged or otherwise not detected, the script fades in a GUITexture object which should communicate the problem to the user.
Texture2D embeddedReplacementImage Texture2D 内置的替换图片
An alternative image to use when the hardware is embedded in a keyboard or laptop.
AnimationCurve fade AnimationCurve 渐变
The easing curve. 简易曲线。
float fadeInTime float 渐入时间
The speed to fade the object alpha from 0 to 1.
float fadeOutTime float 渐出时间
The speed to fade the object alpha from 1 to 0.
Color onColor Color 主色调
The fully on texture tint color.
int waitFrames int 等待帧数
A delay before beginning the fade-in effect.