What's New in Dxperience 7.3.8

What's Included & New
.NET Product Line - v2007 vol 3.8

New Features/Changes

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • Q95638 - ASPxDateEdit does not restore its value property when the Page's Culture is changed

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • S18915 - Data Binding - Support the UnitOfWork

XtraBars Suite

  • B91777 - Ribbon - GalleryItemEventArgs must be inherited from EventArgs
  • AS15108 - Ribbon - Improve editor background colors when inactive

XtraEditors Library

  • S18308 - Add the ability to immediately hide a tooltip by clicking on it
  • Q94198 - Add the ability to localize color names in the ColorEdit

XtraLayout Suite

  • AS15677 - Add a property to disable a built-in popup menu
  • CS54181 - XtraLayoutControl should be able to be built using the NET 2.0 SDK only

Resolved Issues

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • B92489 - An exception is raised when editing the first row of a group on the text (continued page)
  • B19138 - ASPxComboBox - SelectedItem is null if a display value contains a double space
  • B19373 - ASPxComboBox - text value cannot be properly converted if it contains empty spaces
  • B91550 - ASPxComboBox - When the EnableIncremetalFiltering property is True, typing a string and pressing the TAB key immediately makes the string displayed within the editor's edit box
  • B92533 - AspxCombobox' readonly property doesn't work correctly
  • B92733 - ASPxDateEdit - Assigning images using the FastNavNextYearImage and FastNavPrevYearImage properties is not in effect
  • B92633 - ASPxDateEditor - February 29th 2008 is automatically changed to March 1st 2008
  • B20763 - ASPxGridView - A detail grid's header doesn't not refresh its position correctly when the master grid's vertical scroll bar is scrolled
  • B92599 - ASPxGridView - Inserting a new item fails for a detail grid of the third nesting level
  • Q95730 - ASPxGridView - PopupEditForm is shown in the top left corner of the browser when a new row is inserted into an empty DataSource
  • B19477 - ASPxGridView - SettingsCookies - column widths are not saved if the StoreColumnsWidth property is true
  • B20943 - ASPxGridView - There are some design-time issues related to using the grid's vertical scroll bar
  • B90721 - ASPxGridView - When enabling the ColumnResizeMode=Control and ShowVerticalScrollBar=True and then setting the grid to a bigger size, and afterwards clicking another page, it is impossible to set the grid back to a smaller size
  • B19978 - ASPxGridView.SettingsText is not effective for EditForm commands if there is no CommandColumn
  • Q97967 - ASPxListBox - Moving one or more elements changes list box height
  • B19786 - ASPxTextBox: Cursor is invisible when the caret is placed at the end of the text
  • B92332 - Edit forms in the ASPxGridView do not properly handle '#' signs
  • B92060 - Enable one row selection in the grid Tutorial
  • B91986 - Grid's combobox column populated on the fly loses the selected value during the update
  • Q93009 - Incremental Filtering not working when manually giving focus to an AspxComboBox
  • B92105 - Problem when the display of drop-down boxes when filtering a grid inside a division
  • B92098 - Security Exception (Medium Trust)
  • B92560 - The "invalid cast" error is raised when ASPxComboBox ValueType or ASPxListBox is a GUID
  • B92230 - The ASPxComboBox control '' does not have a naming container
  • B92278 - Vertical scrollbar makes column headers move outside of the panel

ASPxperience Suite

  • Q22864 - ASPxDataView - It is impossible to obtain an editor's value within the ItemCommand event when the editor is contained on a non first page
  • B20000 - ASPxDataView - The Soft Orange AutoFormat has a wrong width in CSS style
  • Q93981 - ASPxPopupControl - A client-side "Invalid Argument" error appears after a popup control's Hide client method is called
  • B92569 - ASPxPopupControl - If the control is contained within an absolutely positioned element, the modal mode is not in effect for the entire page
  • B92036 - Disabled ASPxPopupControl window renders illegal JavaScript
  • B92349 - If the client PerformCallback method is called with no parameter, the parameter returns back to the client as 'undefined'


  • B90890 - ASPxPivotGridExporter - Exporting a control with collapsed field values causes an exception
  • B92165 - ASPxPivotGridExporter - The ASPxPivotGridExporter exports a wrong ASPxPivotGrid
  • B92746 - Custom Totals have an invalid color when the user exports to Excel

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • B19655 - Appearance - ASPxDateNavigator: Plastic Blue, Soft Orange, Youthful and Red Wine styles are missing
  • B19523 - Data binding - problems when editing or adding the appointments data when bound to XPO

DXperience Suite

  • B92072 - Null Reference Exception in XtraForm
  • Q95839 - XtraMessageBox: the border is not displayed
  • B92818 - Taskbar - Context menu disappears when a mouse pointer hovers over it

eXpress Persistent Objects

  • B19454 - Class Generator Wizard creates a wrong Namespace when generating persistent objects from a Firebird database file
  • B92071 - Exception is thrown when comments are present in Metadata xml based on schema http://www.devexpress.com/products/xpo/schemas/1.9/xpometadata.xsd
  • B30122 - It's impossible to connect to the SQLite server

Installation for .NET

  • B30101 - VS2008 Express edition - Add New Item - XtraReports templates aren't added

XtraBars Suite

  • B91619 - DockManager - PopupContainerControl remains visible after changing the panel's visibility
  • Q96649 - DockManager SaveLayoutToXXX saves 0 dimensions when the main window is minimized
  • B92163 - DockPanel - NullReferenceException is raised on changing a panel's visibility
  • Q97011 - Drop-down gallery is displayed in a wrong place
  • B92083 - NullReferenceException when the form is being disposed
  • B92050 - Quick Access Toolbar - NullReferenceException when displaying a dialog
  • B91974 - Ribbon - Inconsistent appearance of bar edit items in enabled and disabled states
  • B92550 - Ribbon - Minimized pages are highlighted incorrectly on mouse hovering
  • B92591 - RibbonForm - the form's standard menu disappears when moving over it with the mouse
  • B92057 - StandaloneBarDockControl doesn't fill the entire free space in its container
  • B91743 - StandaloneDockBarControl - links do not wrap in multiline mode

XtraCharts Suite

  • B92276 - Data - The Overflow exception is raised when a chart is bound to some specific data
  • B92264 - Secondary Axes - Toggling a series' visibility makes the application hang
  • B92424 - Tickmarks - Reducing the minor tickmarks length to zero via the Chart Wizard (at runtime) causes an unhandled exception
  • B92221 - Web - A problem with XtraCharts and Webparts
  • B92124 - Wizard - Chart wizard is crashed if shadow size is less than 1
  • B92222 - Wizard - Exception occurs when the min limit of a strip is set to a greater value than the max
  • B92081 - Wizard - Sometimes an exception occurs when clicking on the Finish button

XtraEditors Library

  • B91884 - FilterControl shifts to the right and disappears on changing filter conditions
  • B92325 - GridLookUpEdit displays an empty list on filtering and redisplaying the list
  • B92357 - Incorrect ListBoxControl behavior when it's bound to an XPCollection with objects implementing the IDXDataErrorInfo interface
  • B92236 - LabelControl resizes itself when minimizing and maximizing the window
  • B92784 - The keyboard is being caught by the RibbonControl when programmatically closing an active editor
  • CB63196 - The trackbar is reset to its default size when using localizable forms
  • B91534 - When clicking Today on DateEdit with Vista Edit Time set to true, time is set to 00:00

XtraGrid Suite

  • B92104 - An error when the autofilter row is enabled and an animated image is displayed in a column
  • B92090 - An unexpected scroll behavior when assigning a new datasource
  • B92546 - Data is not refreshed when switching between views in master detail mode
  • B92284 - Exporting CardView - Border is visible for a cell containing RepositoryItemImageComboBox
  • B91934 - GroupRow and GroupFooter fields printed with unexpected border lines
  • B92430 - Horizontal scrollbar on a detail view overlaps an existing record
  • B92641 - LayoutView - cell editing is disabled if the TemplateCard.AllowCustomizeChildren property is set to False
  • B91993 - Nodes are not selected when they are added within the Lock/UnlockReloadNodes block
  • B92317 - Ribbon bar application menu - right hand panel MRU shortcuts do not work
  • B30032 - Sometimes LayoutView not calculating layout properly on adding new records

XtraLayout Suite

  • B91774 - Exception while restoring a layout
  • B91175 - Incorrect tab order when a LayoutControl is added to another LayoutControl
  • B92532 - Layout groups can't be moved if AllowCustomizeChildren is set to false
  • B92311 - Painting artifacts when customizing layout


  • B92092 - ControlContainer group style - child control overlaps the parent group's borders
  • B92041 - NullReferenceException in the Designer

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • B92465 - An exception when binding to a PivotFileDataSource
  • B92428 - Customization Form - Field auto selection doesn't work when the key is pressed
  • Q96231 - Hiding Totals for one of data area fields causes a PivotGrid formatting problem
  • B92712 - PivotGrid doesn't recognize German umlauts when filtering
  • B92227 - Prefilter - Overriding CriteriaOperator text with Pivot specific text
  • B92443 - Prefilter - Scrollbar is drawn below buttons
  • B92429 - Prefilter panel is scrolled out of the screen when scrolling is set to Control
  • B92128 - The DateWeekOfMonth GroupInterval doesn't work

XtraPrinting Library

  • B19799 - Export to HTML - Sometimes text is truncated when exporting XtraGrid to HTML
  • B92621 - Export to Image - Exporting a very large document to a single-file bitmap crashes the application
  • Q95140 - Export to XLS - An exception is raised when exporting a banded XtraGrid with several Boolean columns and more than 25.000 rows to MS Excel
  • B30020 - Export to XLS - Incorrect worksheet name is generated, if the export file name violates Excel rules for worksheet names

XtraReports Suite

  • B19804 - Cross-band controls - A vertical line with the width equal to 1 pixel is exported to RTF and XLS incorrectly
  • B92152 - Cross-band Controls - Copying and pasting a cross-band control changes its height, width, start and end bands
  • B91785 - Design Time - Renaming of controls is case-insensitive
  • B19982 - End-User Designer - Exception when selecting all items via Ctl+A
  • B19987 - End-User Designer - When moving a cross-band control from one band to another, and selecting it with the mouse using a selection rectangle, a NullReferenceException is raised
  • B30153 - Export to HTML - If you first create a document, and then export it to HTML, sometimes unexpected line breaks are inserted into label text
  • B19943 - Export to Image - The XtraReport.ExportToImage method doesn't create a document before exporting a report
  • B19941 - Export to MHT - Images are invisible in Internet Explorer 6.0
  • B19795 - Field List - Correctly process duplicated captions
  • B19908 - Filtering - The FilterString property isn't effective when adjusted for a master-detail report at runtime
  • B19552 - Installation - The "Inherited XtraReport class" wizard doesn't work correctly in localized studios (German or French)
  • B92427 - Localization - All string export options can't be localized at design time (e.g. the ExportOptions.Pdf.DocumentOptions.Title property)
  • B91990 - Medium Trust - Security exception occurs if Release versions of DevExpress DLLs are placed in GAC
  • Q94614 - Page Builder - Cross band box splits when you put a subreport within it
  • B19813 - Page Builder - Detail Band and Detail Report contents are overlapped, if controls on a Detail Band are placed with a top span
  • B91773 - Page Builder - Multiline label in a panel causes extra break in cross-band lines and boxes
  • B20787 - Page Builder - Sometimes an extra page break is inserted, if the DetailBand.PageBreak property is set to AfterBand
  • B91799 - Page Builder - The XtraReport.FillEmptySpace event isn't raised for a report, which is a report source of a subreport
  • B91220 - Page Setup - Margins are always converted from metric measure units to inches
  • Q92841 - Preview - Print dialog is invoked (Ctl+P) even though the Print command visibility is set to None
  • B92229 - Printing - A null context handle exception occurs, if a printer is unplugged during the printing process
  • B91994 - Scripts - ScriptReferences list isn't cleared between subsequent calls of the CreateDocument method
  • B92309 - Web - Images are not printed under Internet Explorer 7
  • B91086 - Web - Invisible borders and lines when using ASPxCallbackPanel and ReportViewer together
  • B92566 - Web - ReportViewer and ReportToolbar work incorrectly inside the UpdatePanel in Internet Explorer 7.0
  • B19986 - XRCrossBandLine - When selecting it via the Report Explorer, the Property Grid shows a WrappedXRLine object
  • B19362 - XRTable - Table layout is broken at design time, when selecting the last cell in a row, and then resizing it using the Shift+Left and Shift+Right keys

XtraScheduler Suite

  • B92174 - A wrong appointment is resized when working with two appointments that are set one after another
  • Q97690 - It's impossible to programmatically select the All-day area
  • B30094 - Printing - Setting the ArrangeDays property to "LeftToRight" within the Weekly Style of PrintStyles makes appointment text wrapping ineffective
  • B92189 - Printing error
  • B91983 - RestoreLayout issue
  • B92672 - The OutlookHolidayLoader.FromStream method doesn't work
  • B92836 - The RecurrenceInfo.GetDescription method inconsistently formats the start date using the regional time format and the end date using AM/PM format
  • B92551 - The ReminderBase.AlertTime property value is calculated incorrectly if snoozing a reminder for several minutes before its start
  • B30079 - The SchedulerStorage.Resources.Items.WriteXml method doesn't save custom fields data

XtraTreeList Suite

  • Q97071 - Cannot select nodes using the Shift key
  • B30045 - Data is not visible when the control is displayed
  • B91984 - IVirtualTreeListData interface - Cannot edit newly added items
  • B92235 - NullReference Exception in CurrencyManager_PositionChanged
  • B19904 - Printing - the first column is truncated in the print preview
  • B30013 - The TreeList works incorrectly if it is added after the form is shown
  • B19945 - TreeList loses columns created in the designer

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • B30297 - MultiEditorRow - The first RowProperty affects the appearance of all header cells
  • B30216 - Parent rows - ReadOnlyRow and ReadOnlyRecordValue appearances aren't applied to parent rows
  • B30202 - PropertyGrid - PropertyDescriptor is not passed through the TypeConverter's GetPropertiesSupported method
  • B92556 - The MaxCaptionLineCount property doesn't work as expected

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