The score for a single problem is the time in minutes from start of the contest until you solve it. The overall score is the sum of scores of the problems you solved.
The winner is the one who solved the most problems, and in case of a tie, the one with the lowest score. If there's still a tie, then they agree that Steve wins because he always brings delicious apple pie.
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { int count = 1; int group; scanf("%d",&group); while(group--){ int time ,ccase, firnu[30],i; scanf("%d%d",&time,&ccase); for(i=0;i<ccase;i++) scanf("%d",&firnu[i]); int Bill=0,Billsum=0, Steve=0, Stevesum=0, Linus =0,Linussum=0, a=0,b=0,c=0;//Bill=0, Steve=0,Linus =0,记录三个人的总分,Billsum=0, Stevesum=0, Linussum=0则分别记录他们做完的题到现在的时间,也就是从开始到现在的时间 i=0; while((Billsum+firnu[i])<=time && i<ccase){///以下分别计算三个人的分数 Bill=Bill+firnu[i]+Billsum; Billsum=Billsum+firnu[i]; i++; a++; } sort(firnu,firnu+ccase); i=0; while((Stevesum+firnu[i])<=time && i<ccase){ Steve=Steve+firnu[i]+Stevesum; Stevesum=Stevesum+firnu[i]; i++; b++; } i=ccase-1; while((Linussum+firnu[i])<=time && i>=0){ Linus=Linus+firnu[i]+Linussum; Linussum=Linussum+firnu[i]; i--; c++; } int max,solve; string maxname; if(b>a||(b==a && Steve<=Bill) ){ max=Steve; solve=b; maxname="Steve"; } else{ max=Bill; solve=a; maxname="Bill"; } if(c>solve||(c==solve&&Linus<max)){ max=Linus; solve=c; maxname="Linus"; } // cout<<"B "<<a<<" solved problems and a score of "<<Bill<<" "<<Billsum<<"\n";该处亟待解决,用printf的时候输不出正确的结果,可能是使用的问题 // cout<<"S "<<b<<" solved problems and a score of "<<Steve<<" "<<Stevesum<<"\n"; // cout<<"L "<<c<<" solved problems and a score of "<<Linus<<" "<<Linussum<<"\n\n"; // cout<<"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"<<endl; //printf("Scenario #%d:\n",&count); cout<<"Scenario #"<<count<<":"<<endl; cout<<maxname; cout<<" wins with "<<solve<<" solved problems and a score of "<<max<<".\n\n"; // printf(" wins with %d solved problems and a score of %d\n\n",&solve,&max); count++; } return 0; }