What's New in eXpressApp Framework 8.1.2

New Features/Changes

eXpressApp Framework

  • S19127 - Make design-time sources compilable
  • S19406 - Validation: Add the ability to use RuleUniqueValueAttribute on primary keys

Resolved Issues

eXpressApp Framework

  • B93228 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when the AddRange method of the ChoiceActionItemCollection object is called
  • B93111 - Deserialization exception is raised when trying to update the Application Model
  • B93313 - Icons disappear in web applications
  • B93361 - In Web applications, the Count summary type doesn't work for the grouping field
  • Q99491 - In Web applications, the list of objects in a drop-down lookup window cannot be filtered by my Controller
  • Q99001 - LoginFailed exception cannot be localized
  • B93256 - Model Editor crashes IDE when sources are recomplied
  • B93047 - PropertyEditorAttribute doesn't consider the specified generic property type
  • B30638 - PropertyEditors.Web.Lookup: A lookup editor loses a selected value when I click the "Logon" button
  • B18785 - The DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.Editors.LookupPropertyEditor: the previously selected object is edited when trying to edit the currently displayed object using the Control+Shift+LeftMouseClick combination
  • Q99141 - The read-only @CurrentUser parameter doesn't work
  • B30542 - Use a special attribute that will provide filtering or sorting for non-persistent properties on the server side (for built-in persistent classes)
  • B30493 - Validation: Cannot apply the RuleObjectExists rule to new objects, because it inserts the "[Oid]=[@Oid]" condition into the search criteria
  • B93230 - When setting SaveListViewStateInCookies to true, List View columns are reordered
  • B93439 - When using the Customization form in Detail Views, read-only editors become editable
  • B93431 - Wrong file name is displayed during download, when non US-ASCII characters are used in it

eXpressApp Framework for Visual Studio 2005/2008 (Trial Download)
Does not support Visual Studio Express Editions.
Requires DXperience v8.1.2

  • File size: (30,308,695 bytes)
  • Updated: 04/09/2008
