
 这封招聘信来自 Jython 和 IronPython 的作者Jim Hugunin。在这封信中,我们可以看到微软在动态语言 ,特别是Python For .net 领域的兴趣和决心,以及……我们亲爱的 Huguni n 同志一贯挖坑不填的优良作风……

You may have noticed that I've been really bad about participating in this mailing list and making new releases of IronPython since I joined Microsoft two months ago.  A big part of my problem has been that there are a TON of interesting things going on around this company that touch on the dynamic language space.  All of these distractions have left me without the time to spend working directly with this important community.


The good news is that I now get to hire another member to join the CLR team working full-time on dynamic languages.  Having another person working on
this project should give us enough time to really make an impact on this exciting space -- and not incidentally will give both of us the time to participate in the fun technical discussions that should be happening on this list.


Make the Common Language Runtime (CLR) an outstanding platform for dynamic languages and environments. You will be a key developer working on the CLR managed services team. Your first task will be to help finish the implementation of Python for the CLR (see http://ironpython.com/) so that we can show other developers how a high-performance production-quality dynamic language is implemented for this platform. Future work will likely involve addressing difficult implementation challenges for other dynamic languages and environments. A central part of this job will be working with the developer community. You will work both with developers who are trying to use dynamic languages on the CLR and those who are trying to develop dynamic languages for this platform. You will also work to identify and implement improvements to the CLR to enable us to provide the best possible experience for dynamic languages in the future.


We're looking for a talented developer with exceptional programming ability and great communication skills. It's a plus if you have expertise in compiler implementation, reflection, VM implementation and/or dynamic languages. Applicants should have at least 4 years experience in software development and a BS/MS in computer science or related field.




If you're interested in this position, I'd encourage you to both apply through the official channels and to send me your resume directly (jimhug at you know what company.com).


Thanks – Jim

users-ironpython.com mailing list
[email protected]
