LeetCode题解:Minimum Window Substring

Minimum Window Substring

Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).

For example,
T = "ABC"

Minimum window is "BANC".

If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the emtpy string"".

If there are multiple such windows, you are guaranteed that there will always be only one unique minimum window in S.




class Solution {
    string minWindow(string S, string T) {
        enum { CHR_MAX = 256 };                                                                            
        // Empty input
        if (T == "" || S == "")
            return string("");
        array<int, CHR_MAX> TUsage; // character count in string T
        // setup the T list to hash the characters
        fill(begin(TUsage), end(TUsage), 0);
        for(auto ch : T)    // hash all used characters
        const size_t T_CHARS = T.size();
        vector<pair<char, size_t>> SUsage; // characters from T in S
        size_t offset = 0;
        for(auto ch : S)
            if (TUsage[ch] != 0) 
                SUsage.push_back(make_pair(ch, offset)); 
        // minimum window range
        size_t min_l = 0, min_r = S.size()+1;
        size_t old_minl = min_r - min_l;
        // record the current window character usage
        size_t tchar_used = 0;
        array<int, CHR_MAX> ChUsage;
        fill(begin(ChUsage), end(ChUsage), 0);
        // the search window left/right iterator
        vector<pair<char, size_t>>::const_iterator l_iter = SUsage.begin();
        vector<pair<char, size_t>>::const_iterator r_iter = l_iter;
        size_t new_minl;
        // scan the SUsage
        while(l_iter < SUsage.end())
            while(r_iter < SUsage.end() && tchar_used < T_CHARS)
                char ch = r_iter->first;
                // register the used character
                if (ChUsage[ch] <= TUsage[ch])
            if (tchar_used == T_CHARS)
                // verify if it is the minimum window
                new_minl = (r_iter - 1)->second - l_iter->second + 1;
                if (new_minl < old_minl)
                    min_r = (r_iter - 1)->second;
                    min_l = l_iter->second;
                    old_minl = new_minl;
                // now do the next iteration
                if (ChUsage[l_iter->first] < TUsage[l_iter->first])
                break;  // cannot find any more windows
        if (min_r == S.size() + 1)
            return string("");
            return S.substr(min_l, min_r - min_l + 1);
