

OALL8 is in an inconsistent state.
Bigger type length than Maximum
Protocol Violation

主要看了有关Oracle的部分,上面写的是在 weblogic 8.1 sp3 上的Oracle数据库已经把ojdbc1.4默认安装上去,而且默认的驱动就是ojdbc1.4,可是在先前我没有用过weblogic自带的连接池,应该和这个没有什么关系吧,但是抱着死马当做活马医的心态看了一下weblogic里面的ojdbc,发现也有一个ojdbc14.jar,但是和我用的大小不一样。不过既然都是1.4的版本,那我就把我一直用的把Weblogic的覆盖了吧,然后又是重新启动服务,打开测试页面,哇呜呜,成功了!!!

"Protocol Exception" SQLException followed by "OALL8 is in an inconsistent state" SQLException
This is known to occur under when you are using too big an array size. How big your array can be depends on the length of each record and the Driver/Database combination. If you exceed the maximum size you will get the "OALL8" SQLException and your connection object may become unusable.

This message is also created if you are using the following:
  • 9.0.1 Database
  • 10.1.0 JDBC Driver
  • Generated Code that passes in an ARRAY or VARRAY of VARCHAR2 as a Parameter

