各种环境下编译的non-neon xbmc-android在hi3716c上的运行情况


编译环境:官方xbmc git + crystax NDK r7 + "-mfpu=vfpv3"



I/threaded_app(1749): Creating: 0x12a3270

I/threaded_app(1749): Config: mcc=0 mnc=0 lang=en cnt=US orien=2 touch=1 dens=160 keys=1 nav=2keysHid=3 navHid=0 sdk=15 size=3 long=2 modetype=1 modenight=1

I/threaded_app(1749): Start: 0x12a3270

V/XBMC    ( 1749): unzip: Preparing to cache. Thiscould take a while...

W/ApplicationContext(1749): Unable to create external files directory

V/XBMC    ( 1749): CEventLoop: starting event loop

I/threaded_app(1749): activityState=10

I/threaded_app(1749): Resume: 0x12a3270

V/XBMC    ( 1749): virtual void CXBMCApp::onStart():0

I/threaded_app(1749): activityState=11

I/threaded_app(1749): InputQueueCreated: 0x12a3270 -- 0x11ee258

V/XBMC    ( 1749): virtual void CXBMCApp::onResume():0

I/threaded_app(1749): APP_CMD_INPUT_CHANGED

I/threaded_app(1749): Attaching input queue to looper

I/threaded_app(1749): Pause: 0x12a3270

I/threaded_app(1749): activityState=13

V/XBMC    ( 1749): virtual void CXBMCApp::onPause():0

I/threaded_app(1749): Resume: 0x12a3270

I/threaded_app(1749): activityState=11

V/XBMC    ( 1749): virtual void CXBMCApp::onResume():0

V/TabletStatusBar(1314): setLightsOn(true)

I/threaded_app(1749): New input event: type=2

V/XBMC    ( 1749): boolCAndroidMouse::onMouseEvent(AInputEvent*) pointer:0

F/libc    ( 1749): Fatal signal 4 (SIGILL) at0x5b90b6e8 (code=1)


编译环境:官方xbmc git + crystax NDK r7 + "-mfpu=vfpv3-d16"



I/threaded_app( 1740): Creating: 0xe85270
I/threaded_app( 1740): Config: mcc=0 mnc=0 lang=en cnt=US orien=2 touch=1 dens=160 keys=1 nav=2 keysHid=3 navHid=0 sdk=15 size=3 long=2 modetype=1 modenight=1
I/threaded_app( 1740): Start: 0xe85270
V/XBMC    ( 1740): unzip: Preparing to cache. This could take a while...
D/PowerManagerService( 1234): Screen must keep ON all the time! TimeoutTask return.
W/ActivityManager( 1234): Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
W/ActivityManager( 1234): Activity idle timeout for ActivityRecord{4168e120 org.xbmc.xbmc/android.app.NativeActivity}
W/ApplicationContext( 1740): Unable to create external files directory
V/XBMC    ( 1740): CEventLoop: starting event loop
I/threaded_app( 1740): activityState=10
I/threaded_app( 1740): Resume: 0xe85270
V/XBMC    ( 1740): virtual void CXBMCApp::onStart(): 0
I/threaded_app( 1740): activityState=11
I/threaded_app( 1740): InputQueueCreated: 0xe85270 -- 0xea3fc0
V/XBMC    ( 1740): virtual void CXBMCApp::onResume(): 0
I/threaded_app( 1740): APP_CMD_INPUT_CHANGED
I/threaded_app( 1740): Attaching input queue to looper
I/threaded_app( 1740): Pause: 0xe85270
I/threaded_app( 1740): activityState=13
V/XBMC    ( 1740): virtual void CXBMCApp::onPause(): 0
I/threaded_app( 1740): Resume: 0xe85270
I/threaded_app( 1740): activityState=11
V/XBMC    ( 1740): virtual void CXBMCApp::onResume(): 0
V/TabletStatusBar( 1314): setLightsOn(true)
I/threaded_app( 1740): NativeWindowCreated: 0xe85270 -- 0xe89e90
I/threaded_app( 1740): APP_CMD_INIT_WINDOW
V/XBMC    ( 1740): virtual void CXBMCApp::onCreateWindow(ANativeWindow*): 0
I/threaded_app( 1740): WindowFocusChanged: 0xe85270 -- 1
V/XBMC    ( 1740): virtual ActivityResult CXBMCApp::onActivate(): 0
V/XBMC    ( 1740): bool CXBMCApp::getWakeLock(JNIEnv*)
V/XBMC    ( 1740): virtual void CXBMCApp::onGainFocus(): 0
I/ActivityManager( 1234): Displayed org.xbmc.xbmc/android.app.NativeActivity: +15s513ms
W/InputManagerService( 1234): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4150eb68 (uid=10027 pid=1361)
W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 1234): setKernelCountSet(10027, 0) failed with errno -2
V/XBMC    ( 1740):  => running XBMC_Run...
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Starting XBMC (12.0-ALPHA5 Git:20120807-4b7b174), Platform: Linux (Android, 3.0.8_godbox armv7l). Built on Oct 29 2012
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/apk/assets
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/apk/assets
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/app_org.xbmc.xbmc/.xbmc/userdata
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/app_org.xbmc.xbmc/.xbmc
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/temp
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: The executable running is: /system/bin/app_process
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Local hostname: localhost
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Log File is located: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/temp/xbmc.log
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Enumerated AUDIOTRACK devices:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE:     Device 1
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE:         m_deviceName      : AudioTrack
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE:         m_displayName     : android
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE:         m_displayNameExtra: audiotrack
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE:         m_deviceType      : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE:         m_channels        : FL,FR
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE:         m_sampleRates     : 44100,48000
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE:         m_dataFormats     : AE_FMT_S16LE
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: load settings...
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   ERROR: special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml, Line 0
V/XBMC    ( 1740):                                             Failed to open file
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   ERROR: Unable to load special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml, creating new special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml with default values
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: Resetting settings
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   ERROR:  - cant delete file </data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/app_org.xbmc.xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/guisettings.xml>. trying lower case </data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/app_org.xbmc.xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/guisettings.xml>
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: Using analog output
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: AC3 pass through is enabled
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: DTS pass through is enabled
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: AAC pass through is disabled
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player DVDPlayer for core 1
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player oldmplayercore for core 1
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player PAPlayer for core 3
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: system rules
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtv
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: hdhomerun/myth/rtmp/mms/udp
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: lastfm/shout
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtsp
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: streams
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: flv/aacp/sdp
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: mp2
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvd
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdfile
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdimage
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: sdp/asf
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: nsv
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml)
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml)
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 1.
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Log level changed to 1
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: creating subdirectories
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: userdata folder: special://masterprofile/
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: recording folder:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: screenshots folder:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: thumbnails folder: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: load language info file: special://xbmc/language/English/langinfo.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: trying to set locale to en_AU.UTF-8
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: global locale set to C
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: load English language file, from path: special://xbmc/language/
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: POParser: loaded 2262 strings from file /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/apk/assets/language/English/strings.po
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - sink incompatible, re-starting
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15531160   DEBUG: CAESinkAUDIOTRACK::Process
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  919): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 2
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  919): getOutput() stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channels 3, flags 0
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - AUDIOTRACK Initialized:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO:   Output Device : AudioTrack
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO:   Sample Rate   : 44100
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO:   Sample Format : AE_FMT_S16LE
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO:   Channel Count : 2
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO:   Channel Layout: FL,FR
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO:   Frames        : 3763
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO:   Frame Samples : 7526
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO:   Frame Size    : 4
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: CSoftAE::Initialize - Using speaker layout: 2.0
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: creating version table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15536928    INFO: CSoftAE::Run - Thread Started
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: create addon table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: create addon index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: create addonextra table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: create addonextra index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: create dependencies table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: create repo table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: create addonlinkrepo table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: create disabled table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: create broken table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: create blacklist table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libcpluff-arm.so)
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: Loading: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/lib/libcpluff-arm.so
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240    INFO: ADDON: cpluff: 'Could not read plug-in directory /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/app_org.xbmc.xbmc/.xbmc/addons: No such file or directory'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.json has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.fanart.tv has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.xbmc.org has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in webinterface.default has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.rsxs.euphoria has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.black has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.projectm has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in weather.wunderground has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simplejson has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.themoviedb.org has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.metadata has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.confluence has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.glspectrum has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pil has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.amazon.de has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.milkdrop has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.gui has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.dxspectrum has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.musicvideos.last.fm has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.core has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.rsxs.solarwinds has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.touched has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.slideshow has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.album.universal has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.htbackdrops.com has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.tvdb.com has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.allmusic.com has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.musicbrainz.org has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.last.fm has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.themoviedb.org has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.artists.universal has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.imdb.com has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.python has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.waveform has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.addon has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.rsxs.plasma has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pysqlite has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.hdtrailers.net has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.itunes has been installed.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Not all directories were successfully scanned.'
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG:  - loaded node "Motorola Nyxboard Hybrid"
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240   DEBUG:  - loaded node "Pulse-Eight CEC Adapter"
D/libEGL  ( 1740): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
D/libEGL  ( 1740): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_VIVANTE.so
D/libEGL  ( 1740): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_VIVANTE.so
D/libEGL  ( 1740): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_VIVANTE.so
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:00 T:15353240  NOTICE: Checking resolution 12
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: EGL extensions: EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: EGL window and context creation complete
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240  NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Vivante Corporation
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240  NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = GC800 core
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240  NOTICE: GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES 2.0
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240  NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info NO
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240  NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_stencil1 GL_OES_stencil4 GL_OES_fragment_precision_high GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_depth_texture GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_VIV_shader_binary GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_EGL_image_external
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 YES
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 NO
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 NO
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_default.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0xf13b08
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_texture.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0xf13b58
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_multi.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0xf13c00
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_fonts.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0xf14318
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_texture_noblend.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0xf149d0
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_multi_blendcolor.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0xf14af0
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0xea9c88
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba_blendcolor.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0xf17160
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: CWinSystemGLES::SetFullScreen
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: CWinSystemGLES::CreateNewWindow: No need to create a new window
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: GLES: Maximum texture width: 8192
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: CRenderManager::UpdateDisplayLatency - Latency set to 0 msec
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: load default splash image: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/apk/assets/media/Splash.png
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libImageLib-arm.so)
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: Loading: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/lib/libImageLib-arm.so
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: load keymapping
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/appcommand.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/gamepad.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Alienware.Dual.Compatible.Controller.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.AppleRemote.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Interact.AxisPad.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Logitech.RumblePad.2.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Microsoft.Xbox.360.Controller.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Microsoft.Xbox.Controller.S.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.PS3.Remote.Keyboard.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Sony.PLAYSTATION(R)3.Controller.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.WiiRemote.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/mouse.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/remote.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: GUI format 1280x672 1280x672 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: guilib: Fill viewport always for solving rendering passes
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libcurl.so)
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: Loading: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/lib/libcurl.so
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: , updating databases...
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: creating version table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create view table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create view index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create view - window index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: creating version table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create texture table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create textures index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create sizes table, index,  and trigger
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create path table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create path index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: creating version table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create artist table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create album table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create album_artist table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create album_genre table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create genre table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create path table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create song table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create song_artist table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create song_genre table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create albuminfo table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create albuminfosong table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create artistnfo table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create content table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create discography table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create karaokedata table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create album index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create album compilation index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create album_artist indexes
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create album_genre indexes
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create genre index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create artist index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create path index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create song index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create song index1
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create song index2
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create song index3
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create song index6
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create song_artist indexes
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create song_genre indexes
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create artistinfo index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create albuminfo index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create karaokedata index
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create albuminfo trigger
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create art table, index and triggers
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create song view
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create album view
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create artist view
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: creating version table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create bookmark table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create settings table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create stacktimes table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create genre table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create genrelinkmovie table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create country table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create countrylinkmovie table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create movie table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create actorlinkmovie table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create directorlinkmovie table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create writerlinkmovie table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create actors table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create path table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create files table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create tvshow table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create directorlinktvshow table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create actorlinktvshow table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create studiolinktvshow table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create episode table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create tvshowlinkpath table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create actorlinkepisode table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create directorlinkepisode table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create writerlinkepisode table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create genrelinktvshow table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create movielinktvshow table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create studio table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create studiolinkmovie table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create musicvideo table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create artistlinkmusicvideo table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create genrelinkmusicvideo table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create studiolinkmusicvideo table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create directorlinkmusicvideo table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create streaminfo table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create sets table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create setlinkmovie table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create seasons table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create art table and triggers
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create tag table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create taglinks table
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create episodeview
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create tvshowview
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create musicvideoview
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: create movieview
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240   DEBUG: , updating databases... DONE
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240  NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240  NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: DPMS: not supported on this platform
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:01 T:15353240    INFO: Unloading old skin ...
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO:   load skin from: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/apk/assets/addons/skin.confluence
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO:   load fonts for skin...
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: Loading fonts from /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/apk/assets/addons/skin.confluence/720p/Font.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240   DEBUG: POParser: loaded 120 strings from file /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/apk/assets/addons/skin.confluence/language/English/strings.po
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: Loading skin includes from /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/apk/assets/addons/skin.confluence/720p/includes.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO:   load new skin...
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: Loading user windows, path /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/apk/assets/addons/skin.confluence/720p
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240   DEBUG: Load Skin XML: 75.14ms
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO:   initialize new skin...
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240   DEBUG: guilib: Fill viewport always for solving rendering passes
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: Loading skin file: Pointer.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240   DEBUG: Load Pointer.xml: 2.16ms
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: Loading skin file: DialogVolumeBar.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240   DEBUG: Load DialogVolumeBar.xml: 5.48ms
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: Loading skin file: DialogKaiToast.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240   DEBUG: Load DialogKaiToast.xml: 4.31ms
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: Loading skin file: DialogMuteBug.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240   DEBUG: Load DialogMuteBug.xml: 0.93ms
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: Loading skin file: DialogSeekBar.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240   DEBUG: Load DialogSeekBar.xml: 20.47ms
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: Loading skin file: DialogBusy.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240   DEBUG: Load DialogBusy.xml: 2.18ms
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: Loading /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/apk/assets/addons/skin.confluence/sounds/sounds.xml
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: CAEWAVLoader::Initialize - Sound Loaded: /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/apk/assets/addons/skin.confluence/sounds/cursor.wav
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240   DEBUG: AERemap: Downmix normalization is disabled
V/XBMC    ( 1740): 03:08:02 T:15353240    INFO: ==[Downmix Matrix]==
F/libc    ( 1740): Fatal signal 4 (SIGILL) at 0x5bd34748 (code=1)


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