Some New features in JDK5 compare JDK1.4



1.   Enhanced 'for' loop .


-Java 5 added a new style of “for” loop (sometimes called "for-in" loops) 



for (type variable : array){

  // body



for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){

   type variable = array[i];



for (type variable:arrayList){



for (int i=0;i<arrayList.size();i++){

   type variable =(type)arrayList.get(i);



– This code loops through each entry in an array or collection object returning one value at a time 

for processing -- an Iterator is used without an Iterator being defined!

2. Generics

We use ‘ArrayList’ ,as example .



ArrayList<Employee> arrayList =

      new ArrayList<Employee>()

ArrayList arrayList =new ArrayList();

Employee e=arrayList.get(i)

Employee e=(Employee) arrayList.get(i)

      Now with this new feature you don't need so much force convert.

3. Enum
    Another new Java 5 feature that looks familiar to C programmers is the "Enum" data type. Enum allows assignment of a specific set of values

 to associated .You can see many in JDK source 1.5.
       public class UsingEnum {
          public enum Weekdays {
             Thursday, Friday,  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
             Saturday, Sunday};

4. AutoBoxing

Java 5 (Java 1.5) and later automatically “box”and ”unbox” values.

 – The advent of automatic Boxing and automatic Unboxing greatly simplifies code when using 
 Collection and other types of objects 

– Boxing and Unboxing is also important since Primitive data and Reference Type data are stored in different places; primitives representing local variables are stored on the stack while objects are stored in heap memory.




Integer wrapper = n;

Integer wrapper = new Integer(n);




int n = wrapper;

int n = wrapper.intValue();


5. Variable Argument Lists


New variable argument lists (VarArgs) allow specification of a method that can accept a final parameter of the same type with the number of values to be determined at runtime. Below are some rules related to this.

- Only one variable argument list is allowed per method

– Variable list must be the last argument defined for the method

– The ellipsis "…" is used to indicate that an argument might appear a variable number of times





method(other params, p1, p2, p3)

method(other params, new Type[] { p1, p2, p3 })

public Auto (String year, String make, String model, String... options) { … )
Auto myTruck = new Auto("1997","Ford","Four-wheel drive","power windows", "air-conditioning");

6. Changeable return value


Before JDK5.0you can’t change the return value.Now with this new feature You can do it here is an example.



public Employee clone() { ... }


Employee cloned = e.clone();


public Object clone() { ... }


Employee cloned = (Employee) e.clone();



7. Static Imports


Java 5 (Java 1.5) allows import of static items when methods or variables are used repeatedl but JDK 1.4 doesn’t support



import static java.lang.Math;

import static java.lang.System;






8.Metadata Annotations


Java 5 introduced a method for adding metadata to package and type declarations, methods, 
constructors, parameters, fields, and variables. Some of them are
- @Override
- @Deprecated
- @SupressWarnings

9. Scanner Input


JDK 5.0 does’t have Scanner classyou need use JOptionPane.showInputDialog class



Scanner in = new Scanner(;

int n = in.nextInt();
double x = in.nextDouble();
String s = in.nextLine();

String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(prompt);
int n = Integer.parseInt(input);
double x = Double.parseDouble(input);
s = input;

10. StringBuilder.class

The new class, java.lang.StringBuilder provides a faster alternative to StringBuffer
– In most ways StringBuilder works exactly the same as StringBuffer
– StringBuilder is faster than StringBuffer because it is not ThreadSafe (multiple threads should not access StringBuilder objects without Synchronizing)
– Use StringBuilder when speed is important in a single-thread environment and use StringBuffer if multiple threads might require access.

