
Add an SVN Repository location for this project

  • In the Window menu, select Show View -> Other
  • Expand SVN and select SVN Repository, then click OK
  • Right click in the SVN Repository view and select New -> Repository location...
  • Enter the SVN Repository for this project: http://flexlib.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
  • Click Finish

Check out the code from the project into the Flex Library Project

  • Right click on the repository location you added in the previous step, and select Checkout...
  • Select "Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard" and click Finish
  • Expand the Flex folder, select Flex Library Project, and click Next
  • Name the project after this library (in this case, flexlin), and select the directory where the source code will be placed (or, you can just use the default directory there, under the current workspace). Click Finish.

Configure the project to include the proper classes in the .swc output file

After the code is checked out from the previous step, you need to modify the project so that it knows what classes to include in the output .swc file.

  • Right click on the project that you just created in FlexBuilder and select Properties
  • Select Flex Library Build Path
  • In the "Main Source Folder" field, type in "src"
  • Under the Classes tab, select the "src" folder to include everything. Alternatively, you can pick and choose what classes you want.
  • Click OK

Configure the project to build against Flex3 or Flex4

After the code is checked out from the previous step, you need to modify the project so that it knows whether it should build against Flex3 or Flex4.

  • Right click on the project that you just created in FlexBuilder and select Properties
  • Select Flex Library Compiler
  • Update Addition Flex Compiler arguments box with one of:
    • Flex3 (default): -define+=FLEX_TARGET_VERSION::flex4,false -define+=FLEX_TARGET_VERSION::flex3,true
    • Flex4: -define+=FLEX_TARGET_VERSION::flex4,true -define+=FLEX_TARGET_VERSION::flex3,false
  • Click OK.

When the dialog closes, the project will be built and you'll have the projects .swc file placed in the default "bin" output directory.

上面黄色背景 需要设置到编译参数中

默认的 弹出窗体拖动都市在canvas里面。 这样 我们的可视界面就显得有点小了。

需要设置属性   MDIManager.enforceBoundaries 为  false  可以再canvas 创建完后事件中设置 。

但是这样设置后,又有一个问题 ,  窗体很容易被完全拖动到容器外面看不见了 。。


MDIWindow 下的 onWindowMove 方法。

