* SAP provides two ways to enhance tables and structures with fields.
* Structures
* Customizing includes ("CI includes")
* Both techniques allow you to attach fields to a table without actually having to modify the table itself.
* Append structures may only be assigned to a single table. A table may, however, have several append structures attached to it. During activation, the system searches for all active append structures for that table and attaches them to the table.
* Append structures differ from include structures in how they refer to their tables. In order to include fields from an include structure in a table, you must add an '.INCLUDE...' line to the table. In this case, the table refers to the substructure. Append structures, on the other hand, refer to their tables. In this case, the tables themselves are not altered in any way by the reference.
* Append structures allow you to attach fields to a table without actually having to modify the table itself. Table enhancements using append structures therefore do not have to be planned by SAP developers. An append structure can only belong to exactly one table.
* In contrast, CI_includes allow you to use the same structure in multiple tables. The include statement must already exist in the SAP table or structure. Table enhancements using CI_includes do, however, have to be planned by SAP developers.
对表增强主要有两种方式:append structure/include structure 通过.append /.include语法实现。
Append structure 属于第一代增强(即基于源代码增强,以子程序的形式),可以在事务码 se11 中打开透明表,点击应用工具栏最右边的那个 append structure 按钮就能为数据表追加新的字段。也可以通过语法:.append
Include structure 属于第二代增强(即基于函数模块增强),CI_ 结构,这些结构以 .INCLUDE 结构的形式包含在 SAP 发布的数据表中,用户可以通过向这些结构中添加字段而对数据表进行增强。
注意:append struture 只能对一个表,并且不能嵌套,include structure 可以对多个表,并且可以嵌套include structure 和append structure.