The weekend-Soccer (67)
1. wingman= a person who provides help, support, or protection边锋
2. on the brink=at a critical point
3. tied=having the same score
4. kick off=the first movement or kick of the ball to begin the game中线开球
5. throw in=action of throwing the ball onto the field with your hands to restart the game边线发球
6. no question about it=there is no doubt, it is correct
7. by a mile=a lot
8. foul=illegal action committed against a player
9. penalty kick=a kick against only the goalkeeper as a reward for a foul罚球
10. goal kick= when the goalie kicks the ball to restart play球门发球
11. corner kick=when a player kicks the ball from a corner after a penalty角球
12. out of bounds=outside the area that is allowed for play
13. offside=越位a position on the opponent’s part of the field where your are not allowed to be
14. Ecuador=厄瓜多尔
A: Welcome back, soccer fans. My name is Rick Fields and, as always, I am joined by my commentating wingman, Bob Copeland.
B: And we are on the brink of soccer history today, as Ecuador and Brazil are tied one-one as we begin the second half of the 2022 World Cup!
A: The ref calls the players for the kick off, and here we go! Ecuador quickly passes the ball to the mid-field, but, ohhh, it’s out of bounds.
B: That will be a throw in for Brazil. Adriano has the ball and makes a long pass to Robinho, and the ref has called him offside.
A: No question about it. He was offside by a mile! We have a goal kick for Ecuador. Edison Mendez heads it to Valenica, he shoots! Deflected by the defender and we have a corner kick.
B: Delgado takes the corner. We have a foul. Oh no, Dida, the goalkeeper, has fouled the Ecuadorian player! He gets a yellow card and that will be a penalty kick.
A: This is the perfect opportunity for Ecuador to get ahead in this match and become World Champions! He gets ready for the kick. He shoots! And he…