Meta Programming System

The Meta Programming System (MPS) is a new programming environment which makes it easy to define your own specialized languages, and use them together with any other language, as you see fit. Your languages also have full IDE support: code completion, navigation, refactoring, and more, and you can add your own specialized support (such as special editors) if you wish. You can even extend existing languages and add your own features. MPS eliminates the programmer's dependence on languages and environments, giving more freedom and power to the programmer, ultimately making programming easier, more fun, and more productive.

MPS is an implementation of Language Oriented Programming, whose goal is to make defining languages as natural and easy as defining classes and methods is today. The purpose is to "raise the level of abstraction", which has been a major goal of programming since the first assembly language was born. MPS uses a variety of techniques, especially generative programming, to achieve this. With the freedom to program at a higher level, programmers can increase productivity, reduce errors, and adapt to changes more quickly.
