Silverlight 4 报表打印的简单实现








在Silverlight 4中实现这样的报表打印,需要以下几个步骤:







using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Markup; namespace System.Windows.Printing.Reporting { public class Report : FrameworkElement { public DataTemplate PageHeaderTemplate { get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(PageHeaderTemplateProperty); } set { SetValue(PageHeaderTemplateProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty PageHeaderTemplateProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("PageHeaderTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(Report), new PropertyMetadata(null)); public DataTemplate PageFooterTemplate { get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(PageFooterTemplateProperty); } set { SetValue(PageFooterTemplateProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty PageFooterTemplateProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("PageFooterTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(Report), new PropertyMetadata(null)); public DataTemplate ItemTemplate { get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(ItemTemplateProperty); } set { SetValue(ItemTemplateProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemTemplateProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ItemTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(Report), new PropertyMetadata(null)); public DataTemplate ReportFooterTemplate { get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(ReportFooterTemplateProperty); } set { SetValue(ReportFooterTemplateProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty ReportFooterTemplateProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ReportFooterTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(Report), new PropertyMetadata(null)); public IEnumerable ItemsSource { get { return (IEnumerable)GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); } set { SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsSource", typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(Report), new PropertyMetadata(null)); //public ItemCollection ItemsOnCurrentPage //{ // get { return (ItemCollection)GetValue(ItemsOnCurrentPageProperty); } // private set { SetValue(ItemsOnCurrentPageProperty, value); } //} //public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsOnCurrentPageProperty = // DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsOnCurrentPage", typeof(ItemCollection), typeof(Report), new PropertyMetadata(null)); public string Title { get { return (string)GetValue(TitleProperty); } set { SetValue(TitleProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty TitleProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Title", typeof(string), typeof(Report), new PropertyMetadata("Report")); public int CurrentPageNumber { get { return (int)GetValue(CurrentPageNumberProperty); } private set { SetValue(CurrentPageNumberProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty CurrentPageNumberProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("CurrentPageNumber", typeof(int), typeof(Report), new PropertyMetadata(0)); public int TotalPageCount { get { return (int)GetValue(TotalPageCountProperty); } private set { SetValue(TotalPageCountProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty TotalPageCountProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("TotalPageCount", typeof(int), typeof(Report), new PropertyMetadata(0)); private PrintDocument _printDocument = new PrintDocument(); public PrintDocument PrintDocument { get { return _printDocument; } } public void Print() { CurrentPageNumber = 0; int pageIndex = 0; _printDocument.PrintPage += (s, e) => { if (pageIndex == 0) { BuildReport(e.PrintableArea); TotalPageCount = _pageTrees.Count; CurrentPageNumber = 0; } if (_pageTrees.Count > 0) { CurrentPageNumber++; e.PageVisual = _pageTrees[pageIndex]; } e.HasMorePages = pageIndex < _pageTrees.Count - 1; pageIndex++; }; _printDocument.BeginPrint += (s, e) => { OnBeginPrint(EventArgs.Empty); }; _printDocument.EndPrint += (s, e) => { OnEndPrint(EventArgs.Empty); }; _printDocument.Print(Title); } public event EventHandler EndPrint; protected void OnEndPrint(EventArgs args) { if (EndPrint != null) EndPrint(this, args); } public event EventHandler BeginPrint; protected void OnBeginPrint(EventArgs args) { if (BeginPrint != null) BeginPrint(this, args); } public event EventHandler EndBuildReport; protected void OnEndBuildReport(EventArgs args) { if (EndBuildReport != null) EndBuildReport(this, args); } public event EventHandler BeginBuildReport; protected void OnBeginBuildReport(EventArgs args) { if (BeginBuildReport != null) BeginBuildReport(this, args); } public event EventHandler EndBuildReportItem; protected void OnEndBuildReportItem(EventArgs args) { if (EndBuildReportItem != null) EndBuildReportItem(this, args); } public event EventHandler<PrintingEventArgs> BeginBuildReportItem; protected void OnBeginBuildReportItem(PrintingEventArgs args) { if (BeginBuildReportItem != null) BeginBuildReportItem(this, args); } public event EventHandler<PrintingEventArgs> BeginBuildReportFooter; protected void OnBeginBuildReportFooter(PrintingEventArgs args) { if (BeginBuildReportFooter != null) BeginBuildReportFooter(this, args); } private List<UIElement> _pageTrees = new List<UIElement>(); // Pre-calculates pages. This allows for total page count // as well as better handling of page breaks, and eventual // inclusion of groups and whatnot. If this takes too long, though // it'll exceed the timeout and make the printing fail in a // sandboxed silverlight application. Alternative would be to make // printing a two-step operation: First, build report, Second, user // clicks button to do the actual printing. That approach // introduces issues with data changing in-between the steps. private void BuildReport(Size printableArea) { _pageTrees.Clear(); CurrentPageNumber = 0; OnBeginBuildReport(EventArgs.Empty); if (ItemsSource == null) return; IEnumerable reportItems = ItemsSource; IEnumerator reportItemsEnumerator = reportItems.GetEnumerator(); reportItemsEnumerator.Reset(); StackPanel itemsPanel = null; Grid pagePanel = null; Size itemsPanelMaxSize = new Size(); // create first page pagePanel = GetNewPage(printableArea, out itemsPanel, out itemsPanelMaxSize); // add the items while (reportItemsEnumerator.MoveNext()) { PrintingEventArgs args = new PrintingEventArgs(); args.DataContext = reportItemsEnumerator.Current; OnBeginBuildReportItem(args); // create row. Set data context. FrameworkElement row = ItemTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement; row.DataContext = args.DataContext; row.Measure(printableArea); // create a new page if we're out of room here if (row.DesiredSize.Height + itemsPanel.DesiredSize.Height > itemsPanelMaxSize.Height) { pagePanel = GetNewPage(printableArea, out itemsPanel, out itemsPanelMaxSize); } itemsPanel.Children.Add(row); itemsPanel.Measure(printableArea); } // create report footer PrintingEventArgs reportFooterEventArgs = new PrintingEventArgs(); reportFooterEventArgs.DataContext = this; OnBeginBuildReportFooter(reportFooterEventArgs); FrameworkElement reportFooter = ReportFooterTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement; if (reportFooter != null) { reportFooter.DataContext = reportFooterEventArgs.DataContext; reportFooter.Measure(printableArea); // fit the footer into the report if (reportFooter.DesiredSize.Height + itemsPanel.DesiredSize.Height > itemsPanelMaxSize.Height) { pagePanel = GetNewPage(printableArea, out itemsPanel, out itemsPanelMaxSize); } itemsPanel.Children.Add(reportFooter); } OnEndBuildReport(EventArgs.Empty); } private Grid GetNewPage(Size printableArea, out StackPanel itemsPanel, out Size itemsPanelMaxSize) { CurrentPageNumber++; Grid pagePanel = new Grid(); RowDefinition headerRow = new RowDefinition(); headerRow.Height = GridLength.Auto; RowDefinition itemsRow = new RowDefinition(); itemsRow.Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star); RowDefinition footerRow = new RowDefinition(); footerRow.Height = GridLength.Auto; pagePanel.RowDefinitions.Add(headerRow); pagePanel.RowDefinitions.Add(itemsRow); pagePanel.RowDefinitions.Add(footerRow); // header FrameworkElement header = PageHeaderTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement; header.DataContext = this; Grid.SetRow(header, 0); pagePanel.Children.Add(header); header.Measure(new Size(printableArea.Width, printableArea.Height)); // create body to fit in between itemsPanel = new StackPanel(); itemsPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; itemsPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; itemsPanel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; Grid.SetRow(itemsPanel, 1); pagePanel.Children.Add(itemsPanel); // create footer FrameworkElement footer = PageFooterTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement; footer.DataContext = this; Grid.SetRow(footer, 2); pagePanel.Children.Add(footer); footer.Measure(new Size(printableArea.Width, printableArea.Height)); itemsPanelMaxSize = new Size(printableArea.Width, printableArea.Height - footer.DesiredSize.Height - header.DesiredSize.Height); _pageTrees.Add(pagePanel); return pagePanel; } } }



using System.Windows; namespace System.Windows.Printing.Reporting { public class PrintingEventArgs : EventArgs { public object DataContext { get; set; } } }




<UserControl x:Class="SilverlightPrintExample.MainPage"
    d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="400">












<!--制作报表模版--> <reporting:Report x:Name="Report" Title="成绩报表打印"> <!--定义表头标题样式--> <reporting:Report.Resources> <Style x:Key="HeaderText" TargetType="TextBlock"> <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold" /> <Setter Property="TextAlignment" Value="Left" /> <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Stretch" /> </Style> </reporting:Report.Resources> <!--表头模版--> <reporting:Report.PageHeaderTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid Margin="1"> <Rectangle Stroke="Black" /> <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" Grid.Row="0" FontSize="16" FontWeight="Bold" Margin="5" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding CurrentPageNumber, StringFormat='第 {0}页'}" Grid.Row="0" Margin="1" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Top" /> <Grid Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="1"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="72" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" Text="会员照片" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="1" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" Text="姓名" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="2" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="场地" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="3" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="01号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="4" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="02号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="5" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="03号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="6" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="04号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="7" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="05号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="8" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="06号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="9" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="07号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="10" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="08号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="11" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="09号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="12" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="10号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="13" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="11号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="14" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="12号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="15" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="13号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="16" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="14号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="17" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="15号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="18" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="16号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="19" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="17号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="20" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="18号" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="21" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="总杆" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="22" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="差点" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="23" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" mce_Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}" TextAlignment="Right" Text="净杆" /> </Grid> </Grid> </Grid> </DataTemplate> </reporting:Report.PageHeaderTemplate>



<!--主体数据模版--> <reporting:Report.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="1"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="72" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Image Grid.Column="0" Source="{Binding Pic}" Width="72" Height="82" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding Name}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="2" Text="{Binding ChangDiName}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="3" Text="{Binding P1}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="4" Text="{Binding P2}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="5" Text="{Binding P3}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="6" Text="{Binding P4}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="7" Text="{Binding P5}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="8" Text="{Binding P6}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="9" Text="{Binding P7}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="10" Text="{Binding P8}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="11" Text="{Binding P9}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="12" Text="{Binding P10}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="13" Text="{Binding P11}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="14" Text="{Binding P12}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="15" Text="{Binding P13}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="16" Text="{Binding P14}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="17" Text="{Binding P15}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="18" Text="{Binding P16}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="19" Text="{Binding P17}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="20" Text="{Binding P18}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="21" Text="{Binding TotalGan}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="22" Text="{Binding ChaDian}" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="23" Text="{Binding JingGan}" FontWeight="Bold" /> </Grid> </DataTemplate> </reporting:Report.ItemTemplate>





<reporting:Report.ReportFooterTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid Margin="1"> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="72" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="30" /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <!--在最后的3格分别显示总杆合计,差点合计和净杆合计--> <TextBlock Grid.Column="19" Text="合计:" TextAlignment="Right" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="21" Text="{Binding ZhongGanTotal, StringFormat='{}{0}'}" TextAlignment="Left" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="22" Text="{Binding ChaDianTotal, StringFormat='{}{0}'}" TextAlignment="Left" FontWeight="Bold" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="23" Text="{Binding JingGanTotal, StringFormat='{}{0}'}" TextAlignment="Left" FontWeight="Bold" /> </Grid> </DataTemplate> </reporting:Report.ReportFooterTemplate>





<!--页脚模版--> <reporting:Report.PageFooterTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid Margin="1"> <Rectangle Stroke="Black" /> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="5"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding CurrentPageNumber, StringFormat='第{0}页'}" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding TotalPageCount, StringFormat=' 总页数: {0}'}" /> </StackPanel> </Grid> </DataTemplate> </reporting:Report.PageFooterTemplate>





<Button Width="200" Height="100" Content="打印" Click="Print_Report"/>



获取打印数据的方式有多种多样,比如:WCF,Webservice,.Net RIA Service等等。在这里我们简单的用一个ObservableCollection



using System; using System.Net; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Ink; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Shapes; namespace SilverlightPrintExample { public class DataTemplate { public string Pic { get; set; }//会员照片 public string Name { get; set; }//会员姓名 public string ChangDiName { get; set; }//场地名称 public string sDate { get; set; }//日期 public int P1 { get; set; } public int P2 { get; set; } public int P3 { get; set; } public int P4 { get; set; } public int P5 { get; set; } public int P6 { get; set; } public int P7 { get; set; } public int P8 { get; set; } public int P9 { get; set; } public int P10 { get; set; } public int P11 { get; set; } public int P12 { get; set; } public int P13 { get; set; } public int P14 { get; set; } public int P15 { get; set; } public int P16 { get; set; } public int P17 { get; set; } public int P18 { get; set; } public int TotalGan { get; set; }//总杆 public decimal ChaDian { get; set; }//差点 public decimal JingGan { get; set; } //净杆 public DataTemplate() { } public static DataTemplate CreateDataTemplate(string _pic, string _name, string _changdiname, string _sdate, int _p1, int _p2, int _p3, int _p4, int _p5, int _p6, int _p7, int _p8, int _p9, int _p10, int _p11, int _p12, int _p13, int _p14, int _p15, int _p16, int _p17, int _p18, int _totalgan, decimal _chadian, decimal _jinggan) { return new DataTemplate { Pic = _pic, Name = _name, ChangDiName = _changdiname, sDate = _sdate, P1 = _p1, P2 = _p2, P3 = _p3, P4 = _p4, P5 = _p5, P6 = _p6, P7 = _p7, P8 = _p8, P9 = _p9, P10 = _p10, P11 = _p11, P12 = _p12, P13 = _p13, P14 = _p14, P15 = _p15, P16 = _p16, P17 = _p17, P18 = _p18, TotalGan = _totalgan, ChaDian = _chadian, JingGan = _jinggan }; } } }


using System; using System.Net; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Ink; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Shapes; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; namespace SilverlightPrintExample { public class GolfData { readonly ObservableCollection<DataTemplate> golfReportData; public GolfData()//添加一些实验数据 { if (golfReportData ==null) { golfReportData = new ObservableCollection<DataTemplate>(); golfReportData.Add(DataTemplate.CreateDataTemplate("", "登峰","加州","2010-10-1", 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,18,3,15)); golfReportData.Add(DataTemplate.CreateDataTemplate("", "登峰", "加州", "2010-10-1", 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 36, 3, 33)); golfReportData.Add(DataTemplate.CreateDataTemplate("", "登峰", "加州", "2010-10-1", 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 54, 3, 52)); } } public ObservableCollection<DataTemplate> getGolfDataTemplate()//返回我们创建的实验数据 { return new ObservableCollection<DataTemplate> (golfReportData); } } }


namespace SilverlightPrintExample { public class Heji { public int ZhongGanTotal { get; set; }//总杆的合计 public decimal ChaDianTotal { get; set; }//差点的合计 public decimal JingGanTotal { get; set; }//净杆的合计 } }







using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Shapes; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; namespace SilverlightPrintExample { public partial class MainPage : UserControl { Heji heji;//计算合计数 ObservableCollection<DataTemplate> DataToFill; public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); GolfData gd = new GolfData(); DataToFill = gd.getGolfDataTemplate(); InitializeReport(); } private void InitializeReport() { Report.EndPrint += (s, e) => { MessageBox.Show("报表成功打印!"); }; Report.BeginBuildReport += (s, e) => { //初始化合计数 heji = new Heji(); }; Report.BeginBuildReportItem += (s, e) => { //处理完一条记录就会触发这个方法,所以我们在这里把合计累加起来 var item = e.DataContext as DataTemplate; heji.ZhongGanTotal += item.TotalGan; heji.ChaDianTotal += item.ChaDian; heji.JingGanTotal += item.JingGan; }; Report.BeginBuildReportFooter += (s, e) => { //合计 e.DataContext = heji; }; Report.ItemsSource = DataToFill; //把数据集给报表 } private void Print_Report(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Report.Print();//打印报表 } } }






 private void Print_Report(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)



建议大家安装个PDF打印软件来调试程序,否则非常的费纸张 :)




