Nagios 监控Linux服务器
搭建平台:centos5.5 + nagios-3.2.1 + nagios-plugins-1.4.15 + nrpe-2.12
1 -- 添加nagios用户 否则编译的时候出现问题
Useradd –m nagios
Passwd nagios 创建密码
Groupadd nagcmd 创建组
Usermod –a –G nagcmd nagios 添加到组
Usermod –a –G nagcmd daemon
2 -- 安装nagios-3.2.1
tar -xzvf nagios-3.2.1.tar.gz
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nagios --with-command-group=nagcmd --with-gd-lib=/usr/lib --with-gd-inc=/usr/include (./configure --with-command-goup-nagcmd --with-gd-lib=/usr/local/lib --with-gd-inc=/usr/include/
make all
make install
make install-init
make install-config
make install-commandmode
make install-webconf
3 -- 安装nagio-plugin插件
cd nagios-plugins-1.4.15
./configure --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios --enable-redhat-pthread-workaround
make install #(./configure --with-openssl --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios )
4 -- 安装nrpe插件
tar -zxvf nagios-nrpe_2.8.1.orig.tar.gz
cd nagios-nrpe_2.8.1
./configure (会自动加载SSL 但是最好还是手动安装)
( ./configure --with-kerberos-inc=/usr/include/ --with-nrpe-user=nagios --with-nrpe-group=nagios --enable-ssl--with-ssl=/usr/lib #如果后面make报错,加如下参数
./configure --enable-ssl --with-ssl-lib=/usr/lib/(当然前提要有openssl)
make all
make install-plugin
make install-daemon
make install-daemon-config
5 -- 添加服务 作相关配置
chkconfig --add nagios
chkconfig nagios on
=== 验证配置
/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
htpasswd -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
6 -- 配置Apache 添加web页面 如果自己编译就不需要了
Vi httpd.conf
# 在文件最后增加如下信息
ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin /usr/local/nagios/sbin/
<Directory "/usr/local/nagios/sbin/">
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Options ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Alias /nagios /usr/local/nagios/share/
<Directory "/usr/local/nagios/share">
Options None
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AuthName "Nagios Access"
AuthType Basic
#AuthUserFile /usr/local/nagios/etc/.htpasswd
AuthUserFile /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users
Require valid-user
7 -- 启动服务
service httpd restart
service nagios restart
8 -- 疑问
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
setenforce 0 # 关掉SELinux服务