Given a pattern
and a string str
, find if str
follows the same pattern.
Here follow means a full match, such that there is a bijection between a letter inpattern
and a non-empty word in str
, str = "dog cat cat dog"
should return true ::::: map[a] = 1, map[dog] = 1; map[b] = 1, map[cat] = 1; map[b] = 2, map[cat] = 2; map[a] = 2, map[dog] = 2 ---->true"abba"
, str = "dog cat cat fish"
should return false. ::::: map[a] = 1, map[dog] = 1'; map[b] = 1, map[cat] = 1; map[b] = 2, map[cat] = 2; map[a] = 2, map[fish] = 1 ----> false"aaaa"
, str = "dog cat cat dog"
should return false. ::::: map[a] = 1, map[dog] = 1; map[a] = 2, map[cat] = 1 ---->false"abba"
, str = "dog dog dog dog"
should return false. :::: map[a] = 1, map[dog] = 1; map[b] = 1, map[dog] = 2 ---> false
It will cost a lot of energy if trying to split the words..... it is good to use stringstream!
bool wordPattern(string pattern, string str) { vector<string> words; stringstream s(str); string word; while(s >> word) words.push_back(word); if(words.size() != pattern.size()) return false; unordered_map<string ,int> map_1; unordered_map<char, int> map_2; for(int i = 0; i < pattern.size(); ++i) { if(map_1[words[i]] || map_2[pattern[i]]) { if(map_1[words[i]] != map_2[pattern[i]]) return false; } else { map_1[words[i]]++; map_2[pattern[i]]++; } } return true; }
Another way:
#include <string> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_set> using namespace std; bool wordPattern(string pattern, string words) { int cnt = 0; stringstream in(words); string word; /* we only need to set up one map. char to string.*/ /* the words need a set to check if it is already there.*/ unordered_map<char, string> hash1; unordered_set<string> hash2; while(in >> word) { if(cnt == pattern.size()) return false; if(hash1.find(pattern[cnt]) == hash1.end() && hash2.find(word) == hash2.end()) { hash1.insert({pattern[cnt], word}); hash2.insert(word); } else if(hash1[pattern[cnt]] != word) return false; cnt++; } return cnt == pattern.size(); } int main(void) { cout << wordPattern("abc", "word, words, wordses") << endl; cout << wordPattern("aab", "word word words") << endl; cout << wordPattern("aab", "word words words") << endl; cout << wordPattern("aba", "word words word") << endl; }