Jstree Demo

JsTree Demo

Version: jstree pre 1.0 stable
Old versions:  http://code.google.com/p/jstree/downloads/list
Add a demo for jstree in demo/index.html
Integrate the usage of metadata, click the node event ,attrs,toggle nodes and ajax json in jstree
Changed apple theme and classic theme background fixed for in ie6.

Html代码   收藏代码
  1. <script type="text/javascript" src="./_lib/jquery.js"></script>  
  2. <script type="text/javascript" src="./jquery.jstree.js"></script>  



Js代码   收藏代码
  1. $(function () {  
  2.     $.ajaxSetup({cache:false});//ajax request don't use the cache  
  3. $("#jsonDemo").jstree({   
  4.         // List of active plugins  
  5.         "plugins" : [   
  6.             "themes","json_data""ui"  
  7.         ],  
  8.         // I usually configure the plugin that handles the data first  
  9.         // This example uses JSON as it is most common  
  10.         "json_data" : {   
  11.             "data" : [{"attr":{"id":"1204","isLast":"false","name":"A Node"},  
  12.                           "data":"A Node",  
  13.                          "metadata":{"id":"1204","isLast":"false","name":"A Node"},  
  14.                           "state":"closed"},  
  15.                       {"attr":{"id":"1205","isLast":"true","name":"B Node"},  
  16.                         "data":"B Node",  
  17.                         "metadata":{"id":"1205","isLast":"true","name":"B Node"},  
  18.                         "state":"close"}  
  19.                      ],  
  20.             "ajax" : { "url" : "./_demo/_tree_json.json",  
  21.                              "data"function (n){  
  22.                                 return{  
  23.                                     //set the url request param,multi param separate by ,  
  24.                                         "parentId" : n.attr ? n.attr("id") : "null",  
  25.                                         "name":  n.attr ? n.attr("name") : "null"  
  26.                                 };  
  27.                         }  
  28.              }  
  29.         },    
  30.        "themes" : {  
  31.              "theme" : "classic"//apple,default,if in ie6 recommented you use classic  
  32.              "dots" : true,  
  33.              "icons" : true  
  34.        }  
  35.     })  
  36.     .bind("select_node.jstree",function(event,data){    
  37.             if("true" == data.rslt.obj.attr("isLast")){   
  38.                  //get the attrs data you set in the attrs field;  
  39.                 alert(data.rslt.obj.attr("id")+data.rslt.obj.attr("isLast"));  
  40.                 //you can do something here...  
  41.             }else{  
  42.                 //toggle node refer to the id setted in the metadata  
  43.                 //get the metadata id field value : jQuery.data(data.rslt.obj[0], "id");  
  44.                 //The metadata id value should be different to each other !!!  
  45.                 //otherwise, the toggle_node will work incorrect !!!  
  46.                 $("#jsonDemo").jstree("toggle_node","#"+jQuery.data(data.rslt.obj[0], "id"));  
  47.             }      
  48.     })  
  49.     // prevent the default event of the link   
  50.     .delegate("a""click"function (event, data) { event.preventDefault(); })  
  51.     ;  
  52. });  

demo page:http://johntang.github.com/JsTree/

Integrate demo page: http://johntang.github.com/JsTree/demo.html
Jstree demo page: http://johntang.github.com/JsTree/_demo/

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