Fighting regressions with git bisect


"git bisect" enables software users and developers to easily find thecommit that introduced a regression. We show why it is important tohave good tools to fight regressions. We describe how "git bisect"works from the outside and the algorithms it uses inside. Then weexplain how to take advantage of "git bisect" to improve currentpractices. And we discuss how "git bisect" could improve in thefuture.

Introduction to "git bisect"

Git is a Distributed Version Control system (DVCS) created by LinusTorvalds and maintained by Junio Hamano.

In Git like in many other Version Control Systems (VCS), the differentstates of the data that is managed by the system are calledcommits. And, as VCS are mostly used to manage software source code,sometimes "interesting" changes of behavior in the software areintroduced in some commits.

In fact people are specially interested in commits that introduce a"bad" behavior, called a bug or a regression. They are interested inthese commits because a commit (hopefully) contains a very small setof source code changes. And it’s much easier to understand andproperly fix a problem when you only need to check a very small set ofchanges, than when you don’t know where look in the first place.

So to help people find commits that introduce a "bad" behavior, the"git bisect" set of commands was invented. And it follows of coursethat in "git bisect" parlance, commits where the "interestingbehavior" is present are called "bad" commits, while other commits arecalled "good" commits. And a commit that introduce the behavior we areinterested in is called a "first bad commit". Note that there could bemore than one "first bad commit" in the commit space we are searching.

So "git bisect" is designed to help find a "first bad commit". And tobe as efficient as possible, it tries to perform a binary search.

Fighting regressions overview

Regressions: a big problem

Regressions are a big problem in the software industry. But it’sdifficult to put some real numbers behind that claim.

There are some numbers about bugs in general, like a NIST study in2002 [1] that said:

Software bugs, or errors, are so prevalent and so detrimental thatthey cost the U.S. economy an estimated $59.5 billion annually, orabout 0.6 percent of the gross domestic product, according to a newlyreleased study commissioned by the Department of Commerce’s NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST). At the national level,over half of the costs are borne by software users and the remainderby software developers/vendors. The study also found that, althoughall errors cannot be removed, more than a third of these costs, or anestimated $22.2 billion, could be eliminated by an improved testinginfrastructure that enables earlier and more effective identificationand removal of software defects. These are the savings associated withfinding an increased percentage (but not 100 percent) of errors closerto the development stages in which they are introduced. Currently,over half of all errors are not found until "downstream" in thedevelopment process or during post-sale software use.

And then:

Software developers already spend approximately 80 percent ofdevelopment costs on identifying and correcting defects, and yet fewproducts of any type other than software are shipped with such highlevels of errors.

Eventually the conclusion started with:

The path to higher software quality is significantly improved softwaretesting.

There are other estimates saying that 80% of the cost related tosoftware is about maintenance [2].

Though, according to Wikipedia [3]:

A common perception of maintenance is that it is merely fixingbugs. However, studies and surveys over the years have indicated thatthe majority, over 80%, of the maintenance effort is used fornon-corrective actions (Pigosky 1997). This perception is perpetuatedby users submitting problem reports that in reality are functionalityenhancements to the system.

But we can guess that improving on existing software is very costlybecause you have to watch out for regressions. At least this wouldmake the above studies consistent among themselves.

Of course some kind of software is developed, then used during sometime without being improved on much, and then finally thrown away. Inthis case, of course, regressions may not be a big problem. But on theother hand, there is a lot of big software that is continuallydeveloped and maintained during years or even tens of years by a lotof people. And as there are often many people who depend (sometimescritically) on such software, regressions are a really big problem.

One such software is the Linux kernel. And if we look at the Linuxkernel, we can see that a lot of time and effort is spent to fightregressions. The release cycle start with a 2 weeks long mergewindow. Then the first release candidate (rc) version is tagged. Andafter that about 7 or 8 more rc versions will appear with around oneweek between each of them, before the final release.

The time between the first rc release and the final release issupposed to be used to test rc versions and fight bugs and especiallyregressions. And this time is more than 80% of the release cycletime. But this is not the end of the fight yet, as of course itcontinues after the release.

And then this is what Ingo Molnar (a well known Linux kerneldeveloper) says about his use of git bisect:

I most actively use it during the merge window (when a lot of treesget merged upstream and when the influx of bugs is the highest) - andyes, there have been cases that i used it multiple times a day. Myaverage is roughly once a day.

So regressions are fought all the time by developers, and indeed it iswell known that bugs should be fixed as soon as possible, so as soonas they are found. That’s why it is interesting to have good tools forthis purpose.

Other tools to fight regressions

So what are the tools used to fight regressions? They are nearly thesame as those used to fight regular bugs. The only specific tools aretest suites and tools similar as "git bisect".

Test suites are very nice. But when they are used alone, they aresupposed to be used so that all the tests are checked after eachcommit. This means that they are not very efficient, because manytests are run for no interesting result, and they suffer fromcombinational explosion.

In fact the problem is that big software often has many differentconfiguration options and that each test case should pass for eachconfiguration after each commit. So if you have for each release: Nconfigurations, M commits and T test cases, you should perform:

N * M * T tests

where N, M and T are all growing with the size your software.

So very soon it will not be possible to completely test everything.

And if some bugs slip through your test suite, then you can add a testto your test suite. But if you want to use your new improved testsuite to find where the bug slipped in, then you will either have toemulate a bisection process or you will perhaps bluntly test eachcommit backward starting from the "bad" commit you have which may bevery wasteful.

"git bisect" overview

Starting a bisection

The first "git bisect" subcommand to use is "git bisect start" tostart the search. Then bounds must be set to limit the commitspace. This is done usually by giving one "bad" and at least one"good" commit. They can be passed in the initial call to "git bisectstart" like this:

$ git bisect start [BAD [GOOD...]]

or they can be set using:

$ git bisect bad [COMMIT]


$ git bisect good [COMMIT...]

where BAD, GOOD and COMMIT are all names that can be resolved to acommit.

Then "git bisect" will checkout a commit of its choosing and ask theuser to test it, like this:

$ git bisect start v2.6.27 v2.6.25
Bisecting: 10928 revisions left to test after this (roughly 14 steps)
[2ec65f8b89ea003c27ff7723525a2ee335a2b393] x86: clean up using max_low_pfn on 32-bit

Note that the example that we will use is really a toy example, wewill be looking for the first commit that has a version like"2.6.26-something", that is the commit that has a "SUBLEVEL = 26" linein the top level Makefile. This is a toy example because there arebetter ways to find this commit with Git than using "git bisect" (forexample "git blame" or "git log -S<string>").

Driving a bisection manually

At this point there are basically 2 ways to drive the search. It canbe driven manually by the user or it can be driven automatically by ascript or a command.

If the user is driving it, then at each step of the search, the userwill have to test the current commit and say if it is "good" or "bad"using the "git bisect good" or "git bisect bad" commands respectivelythat have been described above. For example:

$ git bisect bad
Bisecting: 5480 revisions left to test after this (roughly 13 steps)
[66c0b394f08fd89236515c1c84485ea712a157be] KVM: kill file->f_count abuse in kvm

And after a few more steps like that, "git bisect" will eventuallyfind a first bad commit:

$ git bisect bad
2ddcca36c8bcfa251724fe342c8327451988be0d is the first bad commit
commit 2ddcca36c8bcfa251724fe342c8327451988be0d
Author: Linus Torvalds <[email protected]>
Date:   Sat May 3 11:59:44 2008 -0700

    Linux 2.6.26-rc1

:100644 100644 5cf82581... 4492984e... M      Makefile

At this point we can see what the commit does, check it out (if it’snot already checked out) or tinker with it, for example:

$ git show HEAD
commit 2ddcca36c8bcfa251724fe342c8327451988be0d
Author: Linus Torvalds <[email protected]>
Date:   Sat May 3 11:59:44 2008 -0700

    Linux 2.6.26-rc1

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 5cf8258..4492984 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 NAME = Funky Weasel is Jiggy wit it


And when we are finished we can use "git bisect reset" to go back tothe branch we were in before we started bisecting:

$ git bisect reset
Checking out files: 100% (21549/21549), done.
Previous HEAD position was 2ddcca3... Linux 2.6.26-rc1
Switched to branch 'master'

Driving a bisection automatically

The other way to drive the bisection process is to tell "git bisect"to launch a script or command at each bisection step to know if thecurrent commit is "good" or "bad". To do that, we use the "git bisectrun" command. For example:

$ git bisect start v2.6.27 v2.6.25
Bisecting: 10928 revisions left to test after this (roughly 14 steps)
[2ec65f8b89ea003c27ff7723525a2ee335a2b393] x86: clean up using max_low_pfn on 32-bit
$ git bisect run grep '^SUBLEVEL = 25' Makefile
running grep ^SUBLEVEL = 25 Makefile
Bisecting: 5480 revisions left to test after this (roughly 13 steps)
[66c0b394f08fd89236515c1c84485ea712a157be] KVM: kill file->f_count abuse in kvm
running grep ^SUBLEVEL = 25 Makefile
Bisecting: 2740 revisions left to test after this (roughly 12 steps)
[671294719628f1671faefd4882764886f8ad08cb] V4L/DVB(7879): Adding cx18 Support for mxl5005s
running grep ^SUBLEVEL = 25 Makefile
Bisecting: 0 revisions left to test after this (roughly 0 steps)
[2ddcca36c8bcfa251724fe342c8327451988be0d] Linux 2.6.26-rc1
running grep ^SUBLEVEL = 25 Makefile
2ddcca36c8bcfa251724fe342c8327451988be0d is the first bad commit
commit 2ddcca36c8bcfa251724fe342c8327451988be0d
Author: Linus Torvalds <[email protected]>
Date:   Sat May 3 11:59:44 2008 -0700

    Linux 2.6.26-rc1

:100644 100644 5cf82581... 4492984e... M      Makefile
bisect run success

In this example, we passed "grep ^SUBLEVEL = 25 Makefile" asparameter to "git bisect run". This means that at each step, the grepcommand we passed will be launched. And if it exits with code 0 (thatmeans success) then git bisect will mark the current state as"good". If it exits with code 1 (or any code between 1 and 127included, except the special code 125), then the current state will bemarked as "bad".

Exit code between 128 and 255 are special to "git bisect run". Theymake it stop immediately the bisection process. This is useful forexample if the command passed takes too long to complete, because youcan kill it with a signal and it will stop the bisection process.

It can also be useful in scripts passed to "git bisect run" to "exit255" if some very abnormal situation is detected.

Avoiding untestable commits

Sometimes it happens that the current state cannot be tested, forexample if it does not compile because there was a bug preventing itat that time. This is what the special exit code 125 is for. It tells"git bisect run" that the current commit should be marked asuntestable and that another one should be chosen and checked out.

If the bisection process is driven manually, you can use "git bisectskip" to do the same thing. (In fact the special exit code 125 makes"git bisect run" use "git bisect skip" in the background.)

Or if you want more control, you can inspect the current state usingfor example "git bisect visualize". It will launch gitk (or "git log"if the DISPLAY environment variable is not set) to help you find abetter bisection point.

Either way, if you have a string of untestable commits, it mighthappen that the regression you are looking for has been introduced byone of these untestable commits. In this case it’s not possible totell for sure which commit introduced the regression.

So if you used "git bisect skip" (or the run script exited withspecial code 125) you could get a result like this:

There are only 'skip'ped commits left to test.
The first bad commit could be any of:
We cannot bisect more!

Saving a log and replaying it

If you want to show other people your bisection process, you can get alog using for example:

$ git bisect log > bisect_log.txt

And it is possible to replay it using:

$ git bisect replay bisect_log.txt

"git bisect" details

Bisection algorithm

As the Git commits form a directed acyclic graph (DAG), finding thebest bisection commit to test at each step is not so simple. AnywayLinus found and implemented a "truly stupid" algorithm, later improvedby Junio Hamano, that works quite well.

So the algorithm used by "git bisect" to find the best bisectioncommit when there are no skipped commits is the following:

1) keep only the commits that:

a) are ancestor of the "bad" commit (including the "bad" commit itself),b) are not ancestor of a "good" commit (excluding the "good" commits).

This means that we get rid of the uninteresting commits in the DAG.

For example if we start with a graph like this:

           \ /
 \ /   \
Y-Y     X-X-X-X

-> time goes this way ->

where B is the "bad" commit, "G" are "good" commits and W, X, and Yare other commits, we will get the following graph after this firststep:


So only the W and B commits will be kept. Because commits X and Y willhave been removed by rules a) and b) respectively, and because commitsG are removed by rule b) too.

Note for Git users, that it is equivalent as keeping only the commitgiven by:

git rev-list BAD --not GOOD1 GOOD2...

Also note that we don’t require the commits that are kept to bedescendants of a "good" commit. So in the following example, commits Wand Z will be kept:


2) starting from the "good" ends of the graph, associate to eachcommit the number of ancestors it has plus one

For example with the following graph where H is the "bad" commit and Aand D are some parents of some "good" commits:


this will give:

1 2 3
     \6 7 8
1   2/

3) associate to each commit: min(X, N - X)

where X is the value associated to the commit in step 2) and N is thetotal number of commits in the graph.

In the above example we have N = 8, so this will give:

1 2 3
     \2 1 0
1   2/

4) the best bisection point is the commit with the highest associatednumber

So in the above example the best bisection point is commit C.

5) note that some shortcuts are implemented to speed up the algorithm

As we know N from the beginning, we know that min(X, N - X) can’t begreater than N/2. So during steps 2) and 3), if we would associate N/2to a commit, then we know this is the best bisection point. So in thiscase we can just stop processing any other commit and return thecurrent commit.

Bisection algorithm debugging

For any commit graph, you can see the number associated with eachcommit using "git rev-list --bisect-all".

For example, for the above graph, a command like:

$ git rev-list --bisect-all BAD --not GOOD1 GOOD2

would output something like:

e15b73ad3db9b48d7d1ade32f8cd23a751fe0ace (dist=3)
15722f2fa328eaba97022898a305ffc8172db6b1 (dist=2)
78e86cf3e850bd755bb71831f42e200626fbd1e0 (dist=2)
a1939d9a142de972094af4dde9a544e577ddef0e (dist=2)
070eab2303024706f2924822bfec8b9847e4ac1b (dist=1)
a3864d4f32a3bf5ed177ddef598490a08760b70d (dist=1)
a41baa717dd74f1180abf55e9341bc7a0bb9d556 (dist=1)
9e622a6dad403b71c40979743bb9d5be17b16bd6 (dist=0)

Bisection algorithm discussed

First let’s define "best bisection point". We will say that a commit Xis a best bisection point or a best bisection commit if knowing itsstate ("good" or "bad") gives as much information as possible whetherthe state of the commit happens to be "good" or "bad".

This means that the best bisection commits are the commits where thefollowing function is maximum:

f(X) = min(information_if_good(X), information_if_bad(X))

where information_if_good(X) is the information we get if X is goodand information_if_bad(X) is the information we get if X is bad.

Now we will suppose that there is only one "first bad commit". Thismeans that all its descendants are "bad" and all the other commits are"good". And we will suppose that all commits have an equal probabilityof being good or bad, or of being the first bad commit, so knowing thestate of c commits gives always the same amount of informationwherever these c commits are on the graph and whatever c is. (So wesuppose that these commits being for example on a branch or near agood or a bad commit does not give more or less information).

Let’s also suppose that we have a cleaned up graph like one after step1) in the bisection algorithm above. This means that we can measurethe information we get in terms of number of commit we can remove fromthe graph..

And let’s take a commit X in the graph.

If X is found to be "good", then we know that its ancestors are all"good", so we want to say that:

information_if_good(X) = number_of_ancestors(X)  (TRUE)

And this is true because at step 1) b) we remove the ancestors of the"good" commits.

If X is found to be "bad", then we know that its descendants are all"bad", so we want to say that:

information_if_bad(X) = number_of_descendants(X)  (WRONG)

But this is wrong because at step 1) a) we keep only the ancestors ofthe bad commit. So we get more information when a commit is marked as"bad", because we also know that the ancestors of the previous "bad"commit that are not ancestors of the new "bad" commit are not thefirst bad commit. We don’t know if they are good or bad, but we knowthat they are not the first bad commit because they are not ancestorof the new "bad" commit.

So when a commit is marked as "bad" we know we can remove all thecommits in the graph except those that are ancestors of the new "bad"commit. This means that:

information_if_bad(X) = N - number_of_ancestors(X)  (TRUE)

where N is the number of commits in the (cleaned up) graph.

So in the end this means that to find the best bisection commits weshould maximize the function:

f(X) = min(number_of_ancestors(X), N - number_of_ancestors(X))

And this is nice because at step 2) we compute number_of_ancestors(X)and so at step 3) we compute f(X).

Let’s take the following graph as an example:

           /       \
A-B-C-D-E-F         O
           \       /

If we compute the following non optimal function on it:

g(X) = min(number_of_ancestors(X), number_of_descendants(X))

we get:

            4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6/       \0
A-B-C-D-E-F         O
           \       /
            4 3 2 1

but with the algorithm used by git bisect we get:

            7 7 6 5
1 2 3 4 5 6/       \0
A-B-C-D-E-F         O
           \       /
            7 7 6 5

So we chose G, H, K or L as the best bisection point, which is betterthan F. Because if for example L is bad, then we will know not onlythat L, M and N are bad but also that G, H, I and J are not the firstbad commit (since we suppose that there is only one first bad commitand it must be an ancestor of L).

So the current algorithm seems to be the best possible given what weinitially supposed.

Skip algorithm

When some commits have been skipped (using "git bisect skip"), thenthe bisection algorithm is the same for step 1) to 3). But then we useroughly the following steps:

6) sort the commit by decreasing associated value

7) if the first commit has not been skipped, we can return it and stophere

8) otherwise filter out all the skipped commits in the sorted list

9) use a pseudo random number generator (PRNG) to generate a randomnumber between 0 and 1

10) multiply this random number with its square root to bias it toward0

11) multiply the result by the number of commits in the filtered listto get an index into this list

12) return the commit at the computed index

Skip algorithm discussed

After step 7) (in the skip algorithm), we could check if the secondcommit has been skipped and return it if it is not the case. And infact that was the algorithm we used from when "git bisect skip" wasdeveloped in Git version 1.5.4 (released on February 1st 2008) untilGit version 1.6.4 (released July 29th 2009).

But Ingo Molnar and H. Peter Anvin (another well known linux kerneldeveloper) both complained that sometimes the best bisection pointsall happened to be in an area where all the commits areuntestable. And in this case the user was asked to test manyuntestable commits, which could be very inefficient.

Indeed untestable commits are often untestable because a breakage wasintroduced at one time, and that breakage was fixed only after manyother commits were introduced.

This breakage is of course most of the time unrelated to the breakagewe are trying to locate in the commit graph. But it prevents us toknow if the interesting "bad behavior" is present or not.

So it is a fact that commits near an untestable commit have a highprobability of being untestable themselves. And the best bisectioncommits are often found together too (due to the bisection algorithm).

This is why it is a bad idea to just chose the next best unskippedbisection commit when the first one has been skipped.

We found that most commits on the graph may give quite a lot ofinformation when they are tested. And the commits that will not onaverage give a lot of information are the one near the good and badcommits.

So using a PRNG with a bias to favor commits away from the good andbad commits looked like a good choice.

One obvious improvement to this algorithm would be to look for acommit that has an associated value near the one of the best bisectioncommit, and that is on another branch, before using the PRNG. Becauseif such a commit exists, then it is not very likely to be untestabletoo, so it will probably give more information than a nearly randomlychosen one.

Checking merge bases

There is another tweak in the bisection algorithm that has not beendescribed in the "bisection algorithm" above.

We supposed in the previous examples that the "good" commits wereancestors of the "bad" commit. But this is not a requirement of "gitbisect".

Of course the "bad" commit cannot be an ancestor of a "good" commit,because the ancestors of the good commits are supposed to be"good". And all the "good" commits must be related to the bad commit.They cannot be on a branch that has no link with the branch of the"bad" commit. But it is possible for a good commit to be related to abad commit and yet not be neither one of its ancestor nor one of itsdescendants.

For example, there can be a "main" branch, and a "dev" branch that wasforked of the main branch at a commit named "D" like this:

A-B-C-D-E-F-G  <--main
        H-I-J  <--dev

The commit "D" is called a "merge base" for branch "main" and "dev"because it’s the best common ancestor for these branches for a merge.

Now let’s suppose that commit J is bad and commit G is good and thatwe apply the bisection algorithm like it has been previouslydescribed.

As described in step 1) b) of the bisection algorithm, we remove allthe ancestors of the good commits because they are supposed to be goodtoo.

So we would be left with only:


But what happens if the first bad commit is "B" and if it has beenfixed in the "main" branch by commit "F"?

The result of such a bisection would be that we would find that H isthe first bad commit, when in fact it’s B. So that would be wrong!

And yes it can happen in practice that people working on one branchare not aware that people working on another branch fixed a bug! Itcould also happen that F fixed more than one bug or that it is arevert of some big development effort that was not ready to bereleased.

In fact development teams often maintain both a development branch anda maintenance branch, and it would be quite easy for them if "gitbisect" just worked when they want to bisect a regression on thedevelopment branch that is not on the maintenance branch. They shouldbe able to start bisecting using:

$ git bisect start dev main

To enable that additional nice feature, when a bisection is startedand when some good commits are not ancestors of the bad commit, wefirst compute the merge bases between the bad and the good commits andwe chose these merge bases as the first commits that will be checkedout and tested.

If it happens that one merge base is bad, then the bisection processis stopped with a message like:

The merge base BBBBBB is bad.
This means the bug has been fixed between BBBBBB and [GGGGGG,...].

where BBBBBB is the sha1 hash of the bad merge base and [GGGGGG,…]is a comma separated list of the sha1 of the good commits.

If some of the merge bases are skipped, then the bisection processcontinues, but the following message is printed for each skipped mergebase:

Warning: the merge base between BBBBBB and [GGGGGG,...] must be skipped.
So we cannot be sure the first bad commit is between MMMMMM and BBBBBB.
We continue anyway.

where BBBBBB is the sha1 hash of the bad commit, MMMMMM is the sha1hash of the merge base that is skipped and [GGGGGG,…] is a commaseparated list of the sha1 of the good commits.

So if there is no bad merge base, the bisection process continues asusual after this step.

Best bisecting practices

Using test suites and git bisect together

If you both have a test suite and use git bisect, then it becomes lessimportant to check that all tests pass after each commit. Though ofcourse it is probably a good idea to have some checks to avoidbreaking too many things because it could make bisecting other bugsmore difficult.

You can focus your efforts to check at a few points (for example rcand beta releases) that all the T test cases pass for all the Nconfigurations. And when some tests don’t pass you can use "gitbisect" (or better "git bisect run"). So you should perform roughly:

c * N * T + b * M * log2(M) tests

where c is the number of rounds of test (so a small constant) and b isthe ratio of bug per commit (hopefully a small constant too).

So of course it’s much better as it’s O(N * T) vs O(N * T * M) ifyou would test everything after each commit.

This means that test suites are good to prevent some bugs from beingcommitted and they are also quite good to tell you that you have somebugs. But they are not so good to tell you where some bugs have beenintroduced. To tell you that efficiently, git bisect is needed.

The other nice thing with test suites, is that when you have one, youalready know how to test for bad behavior. So you can use thisknowledge to create a new test case for "git bisect" when it appearsthat there is a regression. So it will be easier to bisect the bug andfix it. And then you can add the test case you just created to yourtest suite.

So if you know how to create test cases and how to bisect, you will besubject to a virtuous circle:

more tests ⇒ easier to create tests ⇒ easier to bisect ⇒ more tests

So test suites and "git bisect" are complementary tools that are verypowerful and efficient when used together.

Bisecting build failures

You can very easily automatically bisect broken builds using somethinglike:

$ git bisect start BAD GOOD
$ git bisect run make

Passing sh -c "some commands" to "git bisect run"

For example:

$ git bisect run sh -c "make || exit 125; ./my_app | grep 'good output'"

On the other hand if you do this often, then it can be worth havingscripts to avoid too much typing.

Finding performance regressions

Here is an example script that comes slightly modified from a realworld script used by Junio Hamano [4].

This script can be passed to "git bisect run" to find the commit thatintroduced a performance regression:


# Build errors are not what I am interested in.
make my_app || exit 255

# We are checking if it stops in a reasonable amount of time, so
# let it run in the background...

./my_app >log 2>&1 &

# ... and grab its process ID.

# ... and then wait for sufficiently long.

# ... and then see if the process is still there.
if kill -0 $pid
        # It is still running -- that is bad.
        kill $pid; sleep 1; kill $pid;
        exit 1
        # It has already finished (the $pid process was no more),
        # and we are happy.
        exit 0

Following general best practices

It is obviously a good idea not to have commits with changes thatknowingly break things, even if some other commits later fix thebreakage.

It is also a good idea when using any VCS to have only one smalllogical change in each commit.

The smaller the changes in your commit, the most effective "gitbisect" will be. And you will probably need "git bisect" less in thefirst place, as small changes are easier to review even if they areonly reviewed by the committer.

Another good idea is to have good commit messages. They can be veryhelpful to understand why some changes were made.

These general best practices are very helpful if you bisect often.

Avoiding bug prone merges

First merges by themselves can introduce some regressions even whenthe merge needs no source code conflict resolution. This is because asemantic change can happen in one branch while the other branch is notaware of it.

For example one branch can change the semantic of a function while theother branch add more calls to the same function.

This is made much worse if many files have to be fixed to resolveconflicts. That’s why such merges are called "evil merges". They canmake regressions very difficult to track down. It can even bemisleading to know the first bad commit if it happens to be such amerge, because people might think that the bug comes from bad conflictresolution when it comes from a semantic change in one branch.

Anyway "git rebase" can be used to linearize history. This can be usedeither to avoid merging in the first place. Or it can be used tobisect on a linear history instead of the non linear one, as thisshould give more information in case of a semantic change in onebranch.

Merges can be also made simpler by using smaller branches or by usingmany topic branches instead of only long version related branches.

And testing can be done more often in special integration brancheslike linux-next for the linux kernel.

Adapting your work-flow

A special work-flow to process regressions can give great results.

Here is an example of a work-flow used by Andreas Ericsson:

  • write, in the test suite, a test script that exposes the regression

  • use "git bisect run" to find the commit that introduced it

  • fix the bug that is often made obvious by the previous step

  • commit both the fix and the test script (and if needed more tests)

And here is what Andreas said about this work-flow [5]:

To give some hard figures, we used to have an average report-to-fixcycle of 142.6 hours (according to our somewhat weird bug-trackerwhich just measures wall-clock time). Since we moved to Git, we’velowered that to 16.2 hours. Primarily because we can stay on top ofthe bug fixing now, and because everyone’s jockeying to get to fixbugs (we’re quite proud of how lazy we are to let Git find the bugsfor us). Each new release results in ~40% fewer bugs (almost certainlydue to how we now feel about writing tests).

Clearly this work-flow uses the virtuous circle between test suitesand "git bisect". In fact it makes it the standard procedure to dealwith regression.

In other messages Andreas says that they also use the "best practices"described above: small logical commits, topic branches, no evilmerge,… These practices all improve the bisectability of the commitgraph, by making it easier and more useful to bisect.

So a good work-flow should be designed around the above points. Thatis making bisecting easier, more useful and standard.

Involving QA people and if possible end users

One nice about "git bisect" is that it is not only a developertool. It can effectively be used by QA people or even end users (ifthey have access to the source code or if they can get access to allthe builds).

There was a discussion at one point on the linux kernel mailing listof whether it was ok to always ask end user to bisect, and very goodpoints were made to support the point of view that it is ok.

For example David Miller wrote [6]:

What people don’t get is that this is a situation where the "end nodeprinciple" applies. When you have limited resources (here: developers)you don’t push the bulk of the burden upon them. Instead you pushthings out to the resource you have a lot of, the end nodes (here:users), so that the situation actually scales.

This means that it is often "cheaper" if QA people or end users can doit.

What is interesting too is that end users that are reporting bugs (orQA people that reproduced a bug) have access to the environment wherethe bug happens. So they can often more easily reproduce aregression. And if they can bisect, then more information will beextracted from the environment where the bug happens, which means thatit will be easier to understand and then fix the bug.

For open source projects it can be a good way to get more usefulcontributions from end users, and to introduce them to QA anddevelopment activities.

Using complex scripts

In some cases like for kernel development it can be worth developingcomplex scripts to be able to fully automate bisecting.

Here is what Ingo Molnar says about that [7]:

i have a fully automated bootup-hang bisection script. It is based on"git-bisect run". I run the script, it builds and boots kernels fullyautomatically, and when the bootup fails (the script notices that viathe serial log, which it continuously watches - or via a timeout, ifthe system does not come up within 10 minutes it’s a "bad" kernel),the script raises my attention via a beep and i power cycle the testbox. (yeah, i should make use of a managed power outlet to 100%automate it)

Combining test suites, git bisect and other systems together

We have seen that test suites an git bisect are very powerful whenused together. It can be even more powerful if you can combine themwith other systems.

For example some test suites could be run automatically at night withsome unusual (or even random) configurations. And if a regression isfound by a test suite, then "git bisect" can be automaticallylaunched, and its result can be emailed to the author of the first badcommit found by "git bisect", and perhaps other people too. And a newentry in the bug tracking system could be automatically created too.

The future of bisecting

"git replace"

We saw earlier that "git bisect skip" is now using a PRNG to try toavoid areas in the commit graph where commits are untestable. Theproblem is that sometimes the first bad commit will be in anuntestable area.

To simplify the discussion we will suppose that the untestable area isa simple string of commits and that it was created by a breakageintroduced by one commit (let’s call it BBC for bisect breakingcommit) and later fixed by another one (let’s call it BFC for bisectfixing commit).

For example:


where we know that Y is good and BFC is bad, and where BBC and X1 toX6 are untestable.

In this case if you are bisecting manually, what you can do is createa special branch that starts just before the BBC. The first commit inthis branch should be the BBC with the BFC squashed into it. And theother commits in the branch should be the commits between BBC and BFCrebased on the first commit of the branch and then the commit afterBFC also rebased on.

For example:


where commits quoted with ' have been rebased.

You can easily create such a branch with Git using interactive rebase.

For example using:

$ git rebase -i Y Z

and then moving BFC after BBC and squashing it.

After that you can start bisecting as usual in the new branch and youshould eventually find the first bad commit.

For example:

$ git bisect start Z' Y

If you are using "git bisect run", you can use the same manual fix upas above, and then start another "git bisect run" in the specialbranch. Or as the "git bisect" man page says, the script passed to"git bisect run" can apply a patch before it compiles and test thesoftware [8]. The patch should turn a current untestable commitsinto a testable one. So the testing will result in "good" or "bad" and"git bisect" will be able to find the first bad commit. And the scriptshould not forget to remove the patch once the testing is done beforeexiting from the script.

(Note that instead of a patch you can use "git cherry-pick BFC" toapply the fix, and in this case you should use "git reset --hardHEAD^" to revert the cherry-pick after testing and before returningfrom the script.)

But the above ways to work around untestable areas are a little bitclunky. Using special branches is nice because these branches can beshared by developers like usual branches, but the risk is that peoplewill get many such branches. And it disrupts the normal "git bisect"work-flow. So, if you want to use "git bisect run" completelyautomatically, you have to add special code in your script to restartbisection in the special branches.

Anyway one can notice in the above special branch example that the Z'and Z commits should point to the same source code state (the same"tree" in git parlance). That’s because Z' result from applying thesame changes as Z just in a slightly different order.

So if we could just "replace" Z by Z' when we bisect, then we wouldnot need to add anything to a script. It would just work for anyone inthe project sharing the special branches and the replacements.

With the example above that would give:


That’s why the "git replace" command was created. Technically itstores replacements "refs" in the "refs/replace/" hierarchy. These"refs" are like branches (that are stored in "refs/heads/") or tags(that are stored in "refs/tags"), and that means that they canautomatically be shared like branches or tags among developers.

"git replace" is a very powerful mechanism. It can be used to fixcommits in already released history, for example to change the commitmessage or the author. And it can also be used instead of git "grafts"to link a repository with another old repository.

In fact it’s this last feature that "sold" it to the Git community, soit is now in the "master" branch of Git’s Git repository and it shouldbe released in Git 1.6.5 in October or November 2009.

One problem with "git replace" is that currently it stores all thereplacements refs in "refs/replace/", but it would be perhaps betterif the replacement refs that are useful only for bisecting would be in"refs/replace/bisect/". This way the replacement refs could be usedonly for bisecting, while other refs directly in "refs/replace/" wouldbe used nearly all the time.

Bisecting sporadic bugs

Another possible improvement to "git bisect" would be to optionallyadd some redundancy to the tests performed so that it would be morereliable when tracking sporadic bugs.

This has been requested by some kernel developers because some bugscalled sporadic bugs do not appear in all the kernel builds becausethey are very dependent on the compiler output.

The idea is that every 3 test for example, "git bisect" could ask theuser to test a commit that has already been found to be "good" or"bad" (because one of its descendants or one of its ancestors has beenfound to be "good" or "bad" respectively). If it happens that a commithas been previously incorrectly classified then the bisection can beaborted early, hopefully before too many mistakes have been made. Thenthe user will have to look at what happened and then restart thebisection using a fixed bisect log.

There is already a project called BBChop created by Ealdwulf Wuffingaon Github that does something like that using Bayesian Search Theory[9]:

BBChop is like git bisect (or equivalent), but works when your bugis intermittent. That is, it works in the presence of false negatives(when a version happens to work this time even though it contains thebug). It assumes that there are no false positives (in principle, thesame approach would work, but adding it may be non-trivial).

But BBChop is independent of any VCS and it would be easier for Gitusers to have something integrated in Git.


We have seen that regressions are an important problem, and that "gitbisect" has nice features that complement very well practices andother tools, especially test suites, that are generally used to fightregressions. But it might be needed to change some work-flows and(bad) habits to get the most out of it.

Some improvements to the algorithms inside "git bisect" are possibleand some new features could help in some cases, but overall "gitbisect" works already very well, is used a lot, and is already veryuseful. To back up that last claim, let’s give the final word to IngoMolnar when he was asked by the author how much time does he think"git bisect" saves him when he uses it:

a lot.

About ten years ago did i do my first bisection of a Linux patchqueue. That was prior the Git (and even prior the BitKeeper) days. Iliterally days spent sorting out patches, creating what in essencewere standalone commits that i guessed to be related to that bug.

It was a tool of absolute last resort. I’d rather spend days lookingat printk output than do a manual patch bisection.

With Git bisect it’s a breeze: in the best case i can get a ~15 stepkernel bisection done in 20-30 minutes, in an automated way. Even withmanual help or when bisecting multiple, overlapping bugs, it’s rarelymore than an hour.

In fact it’s invaluable because there are bugs i would never eventry to debug if it wasn’t for git bisect. In the past there were bugpatterns that were immediately hopeless for me to debug - at best icould send the crash/bug signature to lkml and hope that someone elsecan think of something.

And even if a bisection fails today it tells us something valuableabout the bug: that it’s non-deterministic - timing or kernel imagelayout dependent.

So git bisect is unconditional goodness - and feel free to quote that;-)


Many thanks to Junio Hamano for his help in reviewing this paper, forreviewing the patches I sent to the Git mailing list, for discussingsome ideas and helping me improve them, for improving "git bisect" alot and for his awesome work in maintaining and developing Git.

Many thanks to Ingo Molnar for giving me very useful information thatappears in this paper, for commenting on this paper, for hissuggestions to improve "git bisect" and for evangelizing "git bisect"on the linux kernel mailing lists.

Many thanks to Linus Torvalds for inventing, developing andevangelizing "git bisect", Git and Linux.

Many thanks to the many other great people who helped one way oranother when I worked on Git, especially to Andreas Ericsson, JohannesSchindelin, H. Peter Anvin, Daniel Barkalow, Bill Lear, John Hawley,Shawn O. Pierce, Jeff King, Sam Vilain, Jon Seymour.

Many thanks to the Linux-Kongress program committee for choosing theauthor to given a talk and for publishing this paper.


  • [1] Software Errors Cost U.S. Economy $59.5 Billion Annually. Nist News Release.

  • [2] Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language. Sun Microsystems.

  • [3] Software maintenance. Wikipedia.

  • [4] Junio C Hamano. Automated bisect success story. Gmane.

  • [5] Christian Couder. Fully automated bisecting with "git bisect run".

  • [6] Jonathan Corbet. Bisection divides users and developers.

  • [7] Ingo Molnar. Re: BUG 2.6.23-rc3 can’t see sd partitions on Alpha. Gmane.

  • [8] Junio C Hamano and the git-list. git-bisect(1) Manual Page. Linux Kernel Archives.

  • [9] Ealdwulf. bbchop. GitHub.

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