ORACLE 多字段排序再合并

drop table temp ;

create table temp ( id number , st varchar2(100), end varchar2(100)) ;

insert into temp values( 1 , 11,null) ;
insert into temp values( 1 , 66,null) ;
insert into temp values( 1 , 33,null) ;
insert into temp values( 1 , null,22) ;
insert into temp values( 1 , null,55) ;
insert into temp values( 2 , 33,null) ;
insert into temp values( 2 , 77,null) ;
insert into temp values( 2 , 11,null) ;
insert into temp values( 2 , null,22) ;
insert into temp values( 2 , null,55) ;
insert into temp values( 2 , null,99) ;

select * from temp ; 

from  (
select t1.*, lead(le1) over(partition by id  order by le1 desc) le2 from 
( select T.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( order by st||end) le1 from TEMP T ) t1 ) t2
start with le2 is null
connect by  le2 = prior le1
group by id 


select * from temp ;

1 1 11
2 1 66
3 1 33
4 1 22
5 1 55
6 2 33
7 2 77
8 2 11
9 2 22
10 2 55
11 2 99


1 1 11,33,66 22,55
2 2 11,33,7722,55,99

上述SQL 在 11G中运行没问题, 在10G环境需改为:

with temp_data as (
select t1.*, lead(le1) over(partition by id  order by le1 desc) le2 from   
 ( select T.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( order by st||end) le1 from TEMP T ) t1 
from  temp_data t2  
start with le2 is null  
connect by  le2 = prior le1  
group by id   

你可能感兴趣的:(ORACLE 多字段排序再合并)