/*Title: 11.求二叉树中节点的最大距离: 解一 Author: gocode Date: 2012-10-15*/ #include <assert.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; // 二叉树结点 typedef struct tagBSTNode { int nValue; tagBSTNode *psLeft; tagBSTNode *psRight; // 二叉树结构的构造函数,用于初始化 tagBSTNode() { nValue = 0; psLeft = psRight = NULL; } } S_BSTNode; // 删除结点清除内存 void DeleteAllNode(S_BSTNode* pRoot) { if(NULL == pRoot) return; DeleteAllNode(pRoot->psLeft); DeleteAllNode(pRoot->psRight); delete pRoot; } // 创建二叉树 void AddBSTreeNode(S_BSTNode* &pRoot, int nValue) { if(NULL == pRoot) { pRoot = new S_BSTNode; assert(NULL != pRoot); pRoot->nValue = nValue; return; } if(pRoot->nValue > nValue) { AddBSTreeNode(pRoot->psLeft, nValue); } else if( pRoot->nValue < nValue) { AddBSTreeNode(pRoot->psRight, nValue); } } // 取得最大深度 int GetMaxDepth(const S_BSTNode* pRoot) { // 根节点为空,则返回0 if(NULL == pRoot) return 0; // 左右结点都为空,则返回0 // 如有一个孩子,则继续计算深度 if(NULL == pRoot->psLeft && NULL == pRoot->psRight) return 0; int nLeftDepth = 0, nRightDepth = 0; if(NULL != pRoot->psLeft) nLeftDepth = GetMaxDepth(pRoot->psLeft) + 1; if(NULL != pRoot->psRight) nRightDepth = GetMaxDepth(pRoot->psRight) + 1; // 比较左右子树的深度,返回最大值 if(nRightDepth >= nLeftDepth) return nRightDepth; else return nLeftDepth; } // 取得最大距离=左最大深度+右最大深度 int GetMaxDistance(const S_BSTNode* pRoot) { if(NULL == pRoot) return 0; int nLeftDepth = GetMaxDepth(pRoot->psLeft); nLeftDepth += ((pRoot->psLeft != NULL) ? 1 : 0); int nRightDepth =GetMaxDepth(pRoot->psRight); nRightDepth += ((pRoot->psRight != NULL) ? 1 : 0); return nLeftDepth + nRightDepth; } int main() { S_BSTNode *pRoot = NULL; AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 5); AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 4); AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 8); AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 7); AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 12); AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 10); int nMaxDis = GetMaxDistance(pRoot); cout <<"11.求二叉树中节点的最大距离:解一"<<endl; cout << "Max distance of Binary Search Tree is " << nMaxDis << endl; DeleteAllNode(pRoot); system("pause"); return 0; }
/*Title: 11.求二叉树中节点的最大距离: 解二 Author: gocode Date: 2012-10-15*/ #include <assert.h> #include <iostream> #include<tchar.h> using namespace std; // 数据结构定义 typedef struct NODE { NODE* psLeft;// 左子树 NODE* psRight;// 右子树 int nMaxLeft;// 左子树中的最长距离 int nMaxRight; // 右子树中的最长距离 int nValue;// 该节点的值 NODE() { nValue = nMaxLeft = nMaxRight = 0; psLeft = psRight = NULL; } } S_BSTNode; void AddBSTreeNode(S_BSTNode* &pRoot, int nValue) { if (NULL == pRoot) { pRoot = new S_BSTNode; assert(NULL != pRoot); pRoot->nValue = nValue; return; } if (pRoot->nValue > nValue) AddBSTreeNode(pRoot->psLeft, nValue); else if ( pRoot->nValue < nValue) AddBSTreeNode(pRoot->psRight, nValue); } void DeleteAllNode(S_BSTNode* pRoot) { if (NULL == pRoot)return; DeleteAllNode(pRoot->psLeft); DeleteAllNode(pRoot->psRight); delete pRoot; } int g_nMaxLen = 0; // 寻找树中最长的两段距离 void FindMaxLen(NODE* pRoot) { // 遍历到叶子节点,返回 if(NULL == pRoot) return; // 如果左子树为空,那么该节点的左边最长距离为0 if(NULL == pRoot->psLeft) pRoot->nMaxLeft = 0; // 如果右子树为空,那么该节点的右边最长距离为0 if(NULL == pRoot->psRight) pRoot->nMaxRight = 0; // 如果左子树不为空,递归寻找左子树最长距离 if(pRoot->psLeft != NULL) FindMaxLen(pRoot->psLeft); // 如果右子树不为空,递归寻找右子树最长距离 if(pRoot->psRight != NULL) FindMaxLen(pRoot->psRight); // 计算左子树最长节点距离 if(pRoot->psLeft != NULL) { int nTempMax = 0; if(pRoot->psLeft->nMaxLeft > pRoot->psLeft->nMaxRight) nTempMax = pRoot->psLeft->nMaxLeft; else nTempMax = pRoot->psLeft->nMaxRight; pRoot->nMaxLeft = nTempMax + 1; } // 计算右子树最长节点距离 if(pRoot->psRight != NULL) { int nTempMax = 0; if(pRoot->psRight->nMaxLeft > pRoot->psRight->nMaxRight) nTempMax = pRoot->psRight->nMaxLeft; else nTempMax = pRoot->psRight->nMaxRight; pRoot->nMaxRight = nTempMax + 1; } // 更新最长距离 if((pRoot->nMaxLeft + pRoot->nMaxRight) > g_nMaxLen) g_nMaxLen = pRoot->nMaxLeft + pRoot->nMaxRight; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { S_BSTNode *pRoot = NULL; AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 5); AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 4); AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 8); AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 7); AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 12); AddBSTreeNode(pRoot, 10); FindMaxLen(pRoot); cout <<"11.求二叉树中节点的最大距离:解二"<<endl; cout << "Max distance of Binary Search Tree is " << g_nMaxLen << endl; DeleteAllNode(pRoot); system("pause"); return 0; }