f[i] = max{f[i - 1], value(j, i) = (在第j天买光f[j]的钱,在第i天卖完所得的价值)}
在第j天卖光可以得到股票B的数量 nb = f[j] / (A[j] * Rate[j] + B[j])
在第j天卖光可以得到股票A的数量 na = nb * Rate[j]
所以value(j, i) = na * A[i] + nb * B[i];
复杂度O(n^2),60分。代码长度 < 1kb
f [1]←S * Rate[1] / (A[1] * Rate[1] + B[1])
For i ← 2 to n
For j ← 1 to i-1
x ← f [j] * A[i] + f [j] / Rate[j] * B[i]
If x > Ans
Then Ans ← x
End For
f [i] ← Ans * Rate[i] / (A[i] * Rate[i] + B[i])
End For
Splay 强行维护一个凸包 可以过掉 由于Splay维护一个凸包 所以每次插入一个点都再处理一下这个点的左右是否仍然保持凸性,删除凸包内的点,也可能该点在凸包内就一次删掉了。(加了读入优化,可忽略)
图稍微盗几张放这里吧,凸性的一些证明详细这个链接, http://www.cppblog.com/zxytim/archive/2010/04/28/113854.html ,我是模仿这位菊苣的写的,由于抄的不留心导致debug了很久。
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> const int maxn = 100010; #define REP(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) #define FOR(i,l,r) for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) #define INF 1e10 #define eps 1e-8 typedef double DB; using namespace std; /** I/O Accelerator Interface .. **/ //{ #define g (c=getchar()) #define d isdigit(g) #define p x=x*10+c-'0' #define n x=x*10+'0'-c #define pp l/=10,p #define nn l/=10,n template<class T> inline T& RD(T &x){ char c;while(!d);x=c-'0';while(d)p; return x; } inline DB& RF(DB &x){ //scanf("%lf", &x); char c;while(g,c!='-'&&c!='.'&&!isdigit(c)); if(c=='-')if(g=='.'){x=0;DB l=1;while(d)nn;x*=l;} else{x='0'-c;while(d)n;if(c=='.'){DB l=1;while(d)nn;x*=l;}} else if(c=='.'){x=0;DB l=1;while(d)pp;x*=l;} else{x=c-'0';while(d)p;if(c=='.'){DB l=1;while(d)pp;x*=l;}} return x; } #undef nn #undef pp #undef n #undef p #undef d #undef g template<class T> inline void OT(const T &x){ printf("%.3lf\n", x); } template<class T> inline void checkMax(T &a,const T b){if (a<b) a=b;} struct SplayNode{ int l, r, fa; double x, y; }node[maxn]; int tot=0; inline double CrossProduct(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2){ return (x1 - x0) * (y2 - y0) - (y1 - y0) * (x2 - x0); } inline double CrossProduct(int a, int b, int c){ return CrossProduct(node[a].x, node[a].y, node[b].x, node[b].y, node[c].x, node[c].y); } namespace SplayTree{ int root = 0; inline void RightRotate(int x){ int l = node[x].l, fa = node[x].fa; node[x].l = node[l].r; node[node[x].l].fa = x; node[l].r = x; node[x].fa = l; if (fa){ if (x == node[fa].l){ node[fa].l = l; } else{ node[fa].r = l; } } node[l].fa = fa; } inline void LeftRotate(int x){ int r = node[x].r, fa = node[x].fa; node[x].r = node[r].l; node[node[x].r].fa = x; node[r].l = x; node[x].fa = r; if (fa){ if (x == node[fa].l){ node[fa].l = r; } else{ node[fa].r = r; } } node[r].fa = fa; } inline void Splay(int x, int FA){ int fa, Fa; while(node[x].fa != FA){ fa = node[x].fa; Fa = node[fa].fa; if (Fa == FA){ if (x == node[fa].l) RightRotate(fa); else LeftRotate(fa); } else{ if (x == node[fa].l){ if (fa == node[Fa].l){ RightRotate(Fa); RightRotate(fa); } else{ RightRotate(fa); LeftRotate(Fa); } } else{ if (fa == node[Fa].r){ LeftRotate(Fa); LeftRotate(fa); } else{ LeftRotate(fa); RightRotate(Fa); } } } } if (FA == 0) root = x; } inline int Pred(int x){ if (node[x].l){ x = node[x].l; while(1){ if (!node[x].r){ return x; } x = node[x].r; } } else{ while(1){ if (node[x].fa){ if (x == node[node[x].fa].r){ return node[x].fa; } x = node[x].fa; } else{ return 0; } } } } inline int Succ(int x){ if (node[x].r){ x = node[x].r; while(1){ if (!node[x].l){ return x; } x = node[x].l; } } else{ while(1){ if (node[x].fa){ if (x == node[node[x].fa].l){ return node[x].fa; } x = node[x].fa; } else{ return 0; } } } } inline void Del(int now){ Splay(now, 0); int pred = Pred(now), succ = Succ(now); if (pred && succ){ Splay(pred, 0); Splay(succ, root); node[node[root].r].l = 0; } else if (pred && !succ){ Splay(pred, 0); node[root].r = 0; } else if (!pred && succ){ Splay(succ, 0); node[root].l = 0; } else{ root = 0; } } inline void AdjustLeft(int now){ int p1, p2; while(1){ p1 = Pred(now); p2 = Pred(p1); if (p1 && p2){ if(CrossProduct(p2, p1, now) >= 0 || node[p1].y <= node[now].y){ Del(p1); } else{ break; } } else if(p1 && node[p1].y <= node[now].y){ Del(p1); } else{ break; } } } inline void AdjustRight(int now){ int p1, p2; while(1){ p1 = Succ(now); p2 = Succ(p1); if (p1 && p2){ if(CrossProduct(now, p1, p2) >= 0){ Del(p1); } else{ break; } } else{ break; } } } inline void Adjust(int now){ int pred = Pred(now); int succ = Succ(now); if (pred && succ && CrossProduct(pred, now, succ) >= 0){ Del(now); } else if (succ && node[succ].y >= node[now].y){ Del(now); } else{ AdjustLeft(now); AdjustRight(now); } } inline void Insert(double x, double y){ int now = root, fa = 0, flag = 0; while(1){ if (!now){ now = ++tot; node[now].x = x, node[now].y = y; node[now].fa = fa; if (flag == 0){ node[fa].l = now; } else{ node[fa].r = now; } Splay(now, 0); break; } else{ fa = now; if (x <= node[now].x) now = node[now].l, flag = 0; else now = node[now].r, flag = 1; } } Adjust(root); } inline double Cal(double x, double y, double A, double B){ return A*x + B*y; } inline double Slope(double x, double y){ if (fabs(x) < eps){ return INF; } return y/x; } inline double getMax(double A, double B){ double k = -A/B; double x, y; int now = root; while(1){ x = node[now].x; y = node[now].y; int pred = Pred(now), succ = Succ(now); if (!pred && !succ){ return Cal(x, y, A, B); } else if (pred && !succ){ if (k <= Slope(x - node[pred].x, y - node[pred].y)){ return Cal(x, y, A, B); } else{ if (node[now].l){ now = node[now].l; } else{ return Cal(x, y, A, B); } } } else if (!pred && succ){ if (k >= Slope(node[succ].x - x, node[succ].y - y)){ return Cal(x, y, A, B); } else{ if (node[now].r){ now = node[now].r; } else{ return Cal(x, y, A, B); } } } else{ double kl = Slope(x - node[pred].x, y - node[pred].y); double kr = Slope(node[succ].x - x, node[succ].y - y); if (kl >= k && k >= kr){ return Cal(x, y, A, B); } else if(k <= kr){ now = node[now].r; } else{ now = node[now].l; } } } } } int main(){ // freopen("data.in","r",stdin); // freopen("data.out","w",stdout); int n, s; double ans, A, B, R; RD(n); RD(s); RF(A); RF(B); RF(R); ans = s; #define y (ans/(A*R+B)) #define x (y*R) SplayTree::Insert(x,y); FOR(i,2,n){ RF(A); RF(B); RF(R); checkMax(ans, SplayTree::getMax(A, B)); SplayTree::Insert(x, y); #undef x #undef y } OT(ans); return 0; }