
You can add animation clips to an Animation component even for models without muscle definitions (ie, non-Mecanim).

The animation clips you add to such a non-Mecanim model should also be setup in a non-Mecanim way (ie, theMuscle Definition property should be set to None)


 (如果“Run”动画剪辑是Mecanim的,拖到boy的Animation组件上会提示:The AnimationClip 'Run' used by the Animation component 'boy' must be marked as Legacy.)


步骤如下:新建一个Animation Controller,将A模型的动画剪辑拖到里面,一番编辑之后,将这个AnimationController拖拽到B的Animator组件的Controller属性中。

如果动画剪辑不是Mecanim的,就根本不能拖到AnimationController窗口中(Animation clip 'XXX' is not retargetable. Animation clips used within the Animator Controller need to have Muscle Definition set up in the Asset Importer Inspector)
