[Visual Basic]vb调用winInet API接口post数据到指定的url

『vb调用winInet API接口post数据到指定的url』

'This module is called modWinInet.bas. Use the SplitAddr() function to get the address in the correct format for PostInfo.

Option Explicit

'Author:    Sam Huggill
'Email:     [email protected]

Private Declare Function InternetOpen Lib "wininet.dll" _
         Alias "InternetOpenA" _
            (ByVal lpszCallerName As String, _
             ByVal dwAccessType As Long, _
             ByVal lpszProxyName As String, _
             ByVal lpszProxyBypass As String, _
             ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long

      Private Declare Function InternetConnect Lib "wininet.dll" _
            Alias "InternetConnectA" _
            (ByVal hInternetSession As Long, _
             ByVal lpszServerName As String, _
             ByVal nProxyPort As Integer, _
             ByVal lpszUsername As String, _
             ByVal lpszPassword As String, _
             ByVal dwService As Long, _
             ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
             ByVal dwContext As Long) As Long

   Private Declare Function InternetReadFile Lib "wininet.dll" _
            (ByVal hFile As Long, _
             ByVal sBuffer As String, _
             ByVal lNumBytesToRead As Long, _
             lNumberOfBytesRead As Long) As Integer

   Private Declare Function HttpOpenRequest Lib "wininet.dll" _
            Alias "HttpOpenRequestA" _
            (ByVal hInternetSession As Long, _
             ByVal lpszVerb As String, _
             ByVal lpszObjectName As String, _
             ByVal lpszVersion As String, _
             ByVal lpszReferer As String, _
             ByVal lpszAcceptTypes As Long, _
             ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
             ByVal dwContext As Long) As Long

   Private Declare Function HttpSendRequest Lib "wininet.dll" _
            Alias "HttpSendRequestA" _
            (ByVal hHttpRequest As Long, _
             ByVal sHeaders As String, _
             ByVal lHeadersLength As Long, _
             ByVal sOptional As String, _
             ByVal lOptionalLength As Long) As Boolean

   Private Declare Function InternetCloseHandle Lib "wininet.dll" _
            (ByVal hInternetHandle As Long) As Boolean

   Private Declare Function HttpAddRequestHeaders Lib "wininet.dll" _
             Alias "HttpAddRequestHeadersA" _
             (ByVal hHttpRequest As Long, _
             ByVal sHeaders As String, _
             ByVal lHeadersLength As Long, _
             ByVal lModifiers As Long) As Integer

Public Function PostInfo$(srv$, port$, script$, postdat$)

  Dim hInternetOpen As Long
  Dim hInternetConnect As Long
  Dim hHttpOpenRequest As Long
  Dim bRet As Boolean
  hInternetOpen = 0
  hInternetConnect = 0
  hHttpOpenRequest = 0
  'Use registry access settings.
  hInternetOpen = InternetOpen("http generic", _
                  vbNullString, _
                  vbNullString, _
  If hInternetOpen <> 0 Then
     'Type of service to access.
     'Change the server to your server name
     hInternetConnect = InternetConnect(hInternetOpen, _
                        srv$, _
                        port$, _
                        vbNullString, _
                        "HTTP/1.0", _
                        INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, _
                        0, _
     If hInternetConnect <> 0 Then
      'Brings the data across the wire even if it locally cached.
       Const INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD = &H80000000
       hHttpOpenRequest = HttpOpenRequest(hInternetConnect, _
                           "POST", _
                           script$, _
                           "HTTP/1.0", _
                           vbNullString, _
                           0, _
                           INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, _
        If hHttpOpenRequest <> 0 Then
           Dim sHeader As String
           Const HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD = &H20000000
           Const HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE = &H80000000
  sHeader = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" _
             & vbCrLf
           bRet = HttpAddRequestHeaders(hHttpOpenRequest, _
             sHeader, Len(sHeader), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE _
             Or HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD)
           Dim lpszPostData As String
           Dim lPostDataLen As Long
           lpszPostData = postdat$
           lPostDataLen = Len(lpszPostData)
           bRet = HttpSendRequest(hHttpOpenRequest, _
                  vbNullString, _
                  0, _
                  lpszPostData, _
           Dim bDoLoop             As Boolean
           Dim sReadBuffer         As String * 2048
           Dim lNumberOfBytesRead  As Long
           Dim sBuffer             As String
           bDoLoop = True
           While bDoLoop
            sReadBuffer = vbNullString
            bDoLoop = InternetReadFile(hHttpOpenRequest, _
               sReadBuffer, Len(sReadBuffer), lNumberOfBytesRead)
            sBuffer = sBuffer & _
                 Left(sReadBuffer, lNumberOfBytesRead)
            If Not CBool(lNumberOfBytesRead) Then bDoLoop = False
           PostInfo = sBuffer
           bRet = InternetCloseHandle(hHttpOpenRequest)
        End If
        bRet = InternetCloseHandle(hInternetConnect)
     End If
     bRet = InternetCloseHandle(hInternetOpen)
  End If
End Function

Public Sub SplitAddr(ByVal addr$, srv$, script$)
'Inputs: The full url including http://
' Two variables that will be changed
'Returns: Splits the addr$ var into the server name
' and the script path

  Dim i%

  i = InStr(addr$, "/")
  srv$ = Mid(addr$, i + 2, Len(addr$) - (i + 1))
  i = InStr(srv$, "/")
  script$ = Mid(srv$, i, Len(srv$) + 1 - i)
  srv$ = Left$(srv$, i - 1)

End Sub
