操作系统:Fedora Linux 14
<textarea cols="50" rows="15" name="code" class="cpp">/** Object: MessageBox ** Desc: 各种信息框的使用 ** File: main.cpp ** Compile:qmake-qt4 -project;qmake-qt4;make; ** Author: LiXiujie www.xiujie.cn ** Date: 2011-05-12 ** Note: 编译说明: ** qmake-qt4 -prject 自动生成程序的项目文件(*.pro); ** qmake-qt4 用于生成程序的Makefile文件; ** make 编译 Makefile 文件得到可执行文件。 ** */ #include <QApplication> // 所有QT图形化应用程序必须包含此文件,它包含了QT图形化应用程序的各种资源、基本设置、控制流及事件处理等。 #include "MessageBox.h" // 自定义类头文件 int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ QApplication app(argc, argv); MessageBox *mb = new MessageBox(); mb->show(); return app.exec(); } </textarea>
<textarea cols="50" rows="15" name="code" class="cpp">/** Object: MessageBox ** Desc: 各种信息框的使用 ** File: MessageBox.h ** Class: MessageBox各种信息框的使用类 头文件 ** Compile:qmake-qt4 -project;qmake-qt4;make; ** Author: LiXiujie www.xiujie.cn ** Date: 2011-05-12 ** Note: 编译说明: ** qmake-qt4 -prject 自动生成程序的项目文件(*.pro); ** qmake-qt4 用于生成程序的Makefile文件; ** make 编译 Makefile 文件得到可执行文件。 ** */ #ifndef MESSAGEBOX_H #define MESSAGEBOX_H #include <QtGui> // 包含了QT基本头文件和GUI头文件。GUI:图形用户界面。 class MessageBox : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: MessageBox(QWidget *parent=0); private: QLabel *m_pLabel; // 标签控件 private slots: // 槽 void slotQuestion(); void slotInformation(); void slotWarning(); void slotCritical(); void slotAbout(); void slotAboutQt(); void slotCustom(); }; #endif // MESSAGEBOX_H </textarea>
<textarea cols="50" rows="15" name="code" class="cpp">/** Object: MessageBox ** Desc: 各种信息框的使用 ** File: MessageBox.h ** Class: MessageBox各种信息框的使用类 源文件 ** Compile:qmake-qt4 -project;qmake-qt4;make; ** Author: LiXiujie www.xiujie.cn ** Date: 2011-05-12 ** Note: 编译说明: ** qmake-qt4 -prject 自动生成程序的项目文件(*.pro); ** qmake-qt4 用于生成程序的Makefile文件; ** make 编译 Makefile 文件得到可执行文件。 ** */ #include "MessageBox.h" MessageBox::MessageBox(QWidget *parent): QDialog(parent){ setWindowTitle(tr("Message Box Example")); m_pLabel = new QLabel; // 标签控件实例化 QPushButton *pPB1 = new QPushButton("Question"); // 按钮控件实例化 QPushButton *pPB2 = new QPushButton("Information"); QPushButton *pPB3 = new QPushButton("Warning"); QPushButton *pPB4 = new QPushButton("Critical"); QPushButton *pPB5 = new QPushButton("About"); QPushButton *pPB6 = new QPushButton("About Qt"); QPushButton *pPB7 = new QPushButton("Custom"); QGridLayout *pGL = new QGridLayout; // 表格布局控件 pGL->addWidget(pPB1,0,0); pGL->addWidget(pPB2,0,1); pGL->addWidget(pPB3,1,0); pGL->addWidget(pPB4,1,1); pGL->addWidget(pPB5,2,0); pGL->addWidget(pPB6,2,1); pGL->addWidget(pPB7,3,0); QVBoxLayout *pVBL = new QVBoxLayout; // 垂直布局控件 pVBL->setMargin(10); pVBL->setSpacing(20); pVBL->addWidget(m_pLabel); pVBL->addLayout(pGL); setLayout(pVBL); // 本对话框使用垂直布局控件 /* 绑定按钮单击事件处理函数 */ connect(pPB1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotQuestion())); connect(pPB2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotInformation())); connect(pPB3, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotWarning())); connect(pPB4, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCritical())); connect(pPB5, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAbout())); connect(pPB6, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAboutQt())); connect(pPB7, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCustom())); } void MessageBox::slotQuestion(){ switch(QMessageBox::question(this, "Question", tr("It's end of document,search from begin?"), QMessageBox::Ok|QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Ok)) // Yes/No询问信息对话框 { case QMessageBox::Ok: m_pLabel->setText(" Question button / Ok "); break; case QMessageBox::Cancel: m_pLabel->setText(" Question button / Cancel "); break; default: break; } return; } void MessageBox::slotInformation(){ QMessageBox::information(this, "Information", tr("anything you want tell user")); // 一般信息提示对话框 return; } void MessageBox::slotWarning(){ switch(QMessageBox::warning(this, "Warning", tr("Save changes to document?"), QMessageBox::Save|QMessageBox::Discard|QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Save)) // 警告信息对话框 { case QMessageBox::Save: m_pLabel->setText(" Warning button / Save "); break; case QMessageBox::Discard: m_pLabel->setText(" Warning button / Discard "); break; case QMessageBox::Cancel: m_pLabel->setText(" Warning button / Cancel "); break; default: break; } return; } void MessageBox::slotCritical(){ QMessageBox::critical(this, "Critical", tr("tell user a critical error")); // 严重错误信息对话框 m_pLabel->setText(" Critical MessageBox "); return; } void MessageBox::slotAbout() { QMessageBox::about(this, "About", tr("Message box example!")); // 关于我对话框 m_pLabel->setText(" About MessageBox "); return; } void MessageBox::slotAboutQt() { QMessageBox::aboutQt(this,"About Qt"); // 关于QT信息对话框 m_pLabel->setText(" About Qt MessageBox "); return; } void MessageBox::slotCustom() { QMessageBox customMsgBox; customMsgBox.setWindowTitle("Custom message box"); // 设置信息对话框标题 QPushButton *lockButton = customMsgBox.addButton(tr("Lock"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); QPushButton *unlockButton = customMsgBox.addButton(tr("Unlock"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); QPushButton *cancelButton = customMsgBox.addButton(QMessageBox::Cancel); customMsgBox.setIconPixmap(QPixmap("images/fedora.jpg")); customMsgBox.setText(tr("This is a custom message box")); customMsgBox.exec(); if(customMsgBox.clickedButton() == lockButton) m_pLabel->setText(" Custom MessageBox / Lock "); if(customMsgBox.clickedButton() == unlockButton) m_pLabel->setText(" Custom MessageBox / Unlock "); if(customMsgBox.clickedButton() == cancelButton) m_pLabel->setText(" Custom MessageBox / Cancel "); return; } </textarea>