

这要求Revit具有感知用户所做的操作,并且能随后对模型作出修改。对于感知用户的操作或动作,Revit有两个办法,一个是用反应器,也就是事件。另一个是模型动态更新机制DMU(Dynamic Model Update)。

Revit提供了一些事件,比如捕获文档的打开,保存,关闭,打印,视图切换等等。也提供了构建级别的事件(DocumentChanged)来捕获有新的对象加入,或有些对象发生修改,或一些对象的参数发生变化。但是在DocumentChanged事件处理函数里,无法对模型进行修改。禁止在这里进行模型的修改是为了防止循环调用DocumentChanged事件处理函数,形成死循环。基于这个原因,Revit 提供了DMU机制,模型动态更新。





  public class UIEventApp : IExternalApplication
    // Flag to indicate if we want to show a message at each object modified events. 
    public static bool m_showEvent = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// OnShutdown() - called when Revit ends. 
    /// </summary>
    public Result OnShutdown(UIControlledApplication app)
      // (1) unregister our document changed event hander 
      app.ControlledApplication.DocumentChanged -= UILabs_DocumentChanged;

      return Result.Succeeded;

    /// <summary>
    /// OnStartup() - called when Revit starts. 
    /// </summary>
    public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication app)

      // (2) register our dynamic model updater (WindowDoorUpdater class definition below.) 
      // We are going to keep doors and windows at the center of the wall. 
      // Construct our updater. 
      WindowDoorUpdater winDoorUpdater = new WindowDoorUpdater(app.ActiveAddInId);
      // ActiveAddInId is from addin menifest. 
      // Register it 

      // Tell which elements we are interested in being notified about. 
      // We want to know when wall changes its length. 

      ElementClassFilter wallFilter = new ElementClassFilter(typeof(Wall));
      UpdaterRegistry.AddTrigger(winDoorUpdater.GetUpdaterId(), wallFilter, Element.GetChangeTypeGeometry());

      return Result.Succeeded;


  // dynamic model update - derive from IUpdater class 

  public class WindowDoorUpdater : IUpdater
    // Unique id for this updater = addin GUID + GUID for this specific updater. 
    UpdaterId m_updaterId = null;

    // Flag to indicate if we want to perform 
    public static bool m_updateActive = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor 
    /// </summary>
    public WindowDoorUpdater(AddInId id)
      m_updaterId = new UpdaterId(id, new Guid("EF43510F-38CB-4980-844C-72174A674D56"));

    /// <summary>
    /// This is the main function to do the actual job. 
    /// For this exercise, we assume that we want to keep the door and window always at the center. 
    /// </summary>
    public void Execute(UpdaterData data)
      if (!m_updateActive) return;

      Document rvtDoc = data.GetDocument();
      ICollection<ElementId> idsModified = data.GetModifiedElementIds();

      foreach (ElementId id in idsModified)
        //  Wall aWall = rvtDoc.get_Element(id) as Wall; // For 2012
        Wall aWall = rvtDoc.GetElement(id) as Wall; // For 2013
        CenterWindowDoor(rvtDoc, aWall);

        //Get the wall solid. 

        Options opt = new Options();
        opt.ComputeReferences = false;

        Solid wallSolid = null;
        GeometryElement geoElem = aWall.get_Geometry(opt);
        foreach (GeometryObject geoObj in geoElem.Objects)
          wallSolid = geoObj as Solid;
          if (wallSolid != null)
            if (wallSolid.Faces.Size > 0)
        //XYZ ptCenter = wallSolid.ComputeCentroid();        


/// <summary>
    /// Helper function for Execute. 
    /// Checks if there is a door or a window on the given wall. 
    /// If it does, adjust the location to the center of the wall. 
    /// For simplicity, we assume there is only one door or window. 
    /// (TBD: or evenly if there are more than one.) 
    /// </summary>
    public void CenterWindowDoor(Document rvtDoc, Wall aWall)
      // Find a winow or a door on the wall. 
      FamilyInstance e = FindWindowDoorOnWall(rvtDoc, aWall);
      if (e == null) return;

      // Move the element (door or window) to the center of the wall. 

      // Center of the wall 
      LocationCurve wallLocationCurve = aWall.Location as LocationCurve;
      XYZ pt1 = wallLocationCurve.Curve.get_EndPoint(0);
      XYZ pt2 = wallLocationCurve.Curve.get_EndPoint(1);
      XYZ midPt = (pt1 + pt2) * 0.5;

      LocationPoint loc = e.Location as LocationPoint;
      loc.Point = new XYZ(midPt.X, midPt.Y, loc.Point.Z);

    /// <summary>
    /// Helper function 
    /// Find a door or window on the given wall. 
    /// If it does, return it. 
    /// </summary>
    public FamilyInstance FindWindowDoorOnWall(Document rvtDoc, Wall aWall)
      // Collect the list of windows and doors 
      // No object relation graph. So going hard way. 
      // List all the door instances 
      var windowDoorCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(rvtDoc);

      ElementCategoryFilter windowFilter = new ElementCategoryFilter(BuiltInCategory.OST_Windows);
      ElementCategoryFilter doorFilter = new ElementCategoryFilter(BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors);
      LogicalOrFilter windowDoorFilter = new LogicalOrFilter(windowFilter, doorFilter);

      IList<Element> windowDoorList = windowDoorCollector.ToElements();

      // This is really bad in a large model!
      // You might have ten thousand doors and windows.
      // It would make sense to add a bounding box containment or intersection filter as well.

      // Check to see if the door or window is on the wall we got. 
      foreach (FamilyInstance e in windowDoorList)
        if (e.Host.Id.Equals(aWall.Id))
          return e;

      // If you come here, you did not find window or door on the given wall. 

      return null;

在Revit有三个例子演示了DMU的使用机制。请搜索UpdaterRegistry.RegisterUpdater 找到这几个例子更多了解模型动态更新的用法。

作者:  叶雄进 , Autodesk ADN
