<Bean type=”com.nlo.pojo.User”> <Fields> <Bean name=”name” type=”java.lang.String” default=”Abby”/> <Bean name=”id” type=”int” default=”1”/> </Fields> </Bean>
class User{ String name=”Abby”; int id=1; }
对于该User类的实例(User u1=new User()),该XML和该Java类定义,都是用于描述u1这个类实例的元数据。
<Element name=”Bean” min=”0” max=”*”> <Attribute name=”type” type=”String”/> <Element name=”fields” min=”1” max=”1” > <Attribute name=”type” type=”String”/> <Attribute name=”name” type=”String”/> <Attribute name=”default” type=”Object”/> </Element> </Element>
package galaxy.ide.configurable.editor.schema; import galaxy.ide.configurable.editor.persistent.IPersistentHelper; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; /** * 数据结构接口,使用 {@link DataSchemaAnalysts}可以根据数据结构来获取具体数据模型中的具体值 * * @author caiyu * @date 2014-1-13 */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public interface IDataSchema<T> { /** * 获取Class * * @return */ Class<T> getOwner(); void setOwner(Class<T> type); /** * 数据结构关键字 * * @return */ String getId(); /** * 添加字段 * * @param memberId * @param member */ void addField(String memberId, IDataSchema<?> member); /** * 获取字段 * * @param memberId * @return */ IDataSchema<?> getField(String memberId); /** * 获取全部的字段 * * @return */ Set<Entry<String, IDataSchema<?>>> getFieldEntrySet(); void setName(String name); /** * 获取名称 * * @return */ String getName(); /** * 复制目标结构 * * @param schema */ void copy(IDataSchema<?> schema); /** * 根据过滤器复制 * * @param schema * @param filters */ void copy(IDataSchema<?> schema, String... filters); /** * * @return */ String getBundleId(); /** * 设置bundleId * * @param bundleId * @return */ void setBundleId(String bundleId); /** * 获取Class分类 * * @return */ ClassType getType(); /** * 获取当前结构默认的持久化助手 * * @return */ IPersistentHelper getDefaultPersistentHelper(); void setDefualtPersistentHelper(IPersistentHelper persistHelper); IDataSchema<?> getFirstField(); boolean containsField(String key); void addProperty(String key, Object property); /** * 获取额外属性 * * @param key * @return */ Object getProperty(String key); String[] getPropertyKeys(); }
package galaxy.ide.configurable.editor.persistent; import galaxy.ide.configurable.editor.schema.IDataSchema; /** * 持久化助手接口 * <P> * C->Content object class</br> P->Persistent object class * * * @author caiyu * @date 2013-12-19 */ public interface IPersistentHelper<C, P> { /** * 根据数据结构,从持久化对象中加载内容 * * @return */ C load(P persistentTarget, IDataSchema<C> schema); /** * 根据数据结构,将内容保存为持久化对象 * * @param content */ P save(C content, IDataSchema<C> schema); }
/** * 留待日后重写,使用DataSchemaAnalysts分析 * * @author caiyu * @date 2014-1-7 */ public final class XmlPersistentHelper extends AbstractPersistentHelper<Object, Element> { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public Object load(Element persistentTarget, IDataSchema schema) { // TODO load Object instance = deserialCustomType(persistentTarget, schema); if (instance != null) return instance; if (instance == null) instance = deserialBasicType(persistentTarget, schema); if (instance == null) instance = deserialKeyValueType(persistentTarget, schema); if (instance == null) instance = deserialBeanType(persistentTarget, schema); return instance; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public Element save(Object content, IDataSchema schema) { Assert.isNotNull(schema); // TODO save Element root = serialCustomType(content, schema); if (content != null) { if (root == null) root = serialBasicType(content, schema); if (root == null) root = serialKeyValueType(content, schema); if (root == null) root = serialBeanType(content, schema); } return root; } public Element serialBeanType(Object content, IDataSchema<?> schema) { Assert.isNotNull(schema); Element root = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement( schema.getName()); try { Element child = null; for (Entry<String, IDataSchema<?>> field : schema .getFieldEntrySet()) { Field f = DataSchemaAnalysts.getFieldByName(schema.getOwner(), field.getKey()); // schema.getOwner().getDeclaredField(field.getKey()); f.setAccessible(true); IDataSchema<?> subSchema = field.getValue(); Object o = f.get(content); child = save(o, subSchema); if (child != null) root.add(child); f.setAccessible(false); } return root; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new InvalidBeanSchemaException("can not handle schema " + e.getMessage()); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Element serialBasicType(Object content, IDataSchema<?> schema) { Element root = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement( schema.getName()); Class<?> owner = schema.getOwner(); boolean flag = false; if (owner == String.class || owner == Double.class || owner == Long.class || owner == Float.class || owner == Integer.class || owner == Character.class || owner == Boolean.class) { flag = true; root.setText(content.toString()); } else { if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(owner)) { Assert.isTrue(content instanceof List, "unaccept content owner: " + content.getClass()); List list = (List) content; seriaList(list, schema, root); flag = true; } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(owner)) { Assert.isTrue(content instanceof Map, "unaccept content owner: " + content.getClass()); Map map = (Map) content; serialMap(map, schema, root); flag = true; } } if (flag) return root; return null; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void serialMap(Map map, IDataSchema<?> schema, Element root) { String primaryKey = (String) schema .getProperty(ExtensionConstants.PRIMARY_KEY); if (primaryKey == null || primaryKey.trim().length() == 0) { Element child = null; Set<Entry<String, IDataSchema<?>>> set = schema.getFieldEntrySet(); for (Entry<String, IDataSchema<?>> entry : set) { Object o = map.get(entry.getValue().getName()); child = save(o, entry.getValue()); if (child != null) root.add(child); } } else { IDataSchema<?> valueSchema = schema.getFieldEntrySet().iterator() .next().getValue(); Element child = null; for (Object value : map.values()) { child = save(value, valueSchema); if (child != null) root.add(child); } } } /** * 反序列化基本数据类型,比如String,Integer,Double等 * * @param schema * @param element * @return */ private Object deserialBasicType(Element persistentTarget, IDataSchema<?> schema) { Class<?> owner = schema.getOwner(); String value = persistentTarget == null ? null : persistentTarget .getText(); ClassType type = schema.getType(); switch (type) { case Map: case List: if (value == null) break; try { // 处理集合型数据 if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(owner)) { Object o = schema.getOwner().newInstance(); Assert.isTrue(o instanceof List, "unaccept content owner: " + o.getClass()); return deserialList(persistentTarget, schema, o); } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(owner)) { Object o = schema.getOwner().newInstance(); Assert.isTrue(o instanceof Map, "unaccept content owner: " + o.getClass()); return deserialMap(persistentTarget, schema, o); } } catch (InstantiationException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } break; default: return type.handle(value); } return null; } }
/** * * 数据结构解析器 * * @author caiyu * @date 2014-4-15 */ public class DataSchemaAnalysts { public static Field getFieldByName(Object obj, String fieldName) throws NoSuchFieldException { Assert.isNotNull(obj, fieldName + " should not be null"); for (Class<?> superClass = obj.getClass(); superClass != Object.class; superClass = superClass .getSuperclass()) { try { return superClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName); } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } throw new NoSuchFieldException("can not find field: [" + fieldName + "] in " + obj); } public static Field getFieldByName(Class<?> clazz, String fieldName) throws NoSuchFieldException { for (Class<?> superClass = clazz; superClass != Object.class; superClass = superClass .getSuperclass()) { try { return superClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { // System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } throw new NoSuchFieldException(clazz + " " + fieldName); } public static Field[] getAllFields(Class<?> clazz) { List<Field> field = new ArrayList<Field>(20); for (Class<?> superClass = clazz; superClass != Object.class; superClass = superClass .getSuperclass()) { field.addAll(Arrays.asList(superClass.getDeclaredFields())); } return field.toArray(new Field[0]); } /** * 根据父对象(parent)的数据结构(parentSchema),分析抽取关键字(key)对应的子对象 * * @param parentSchema * @param parent * @param key * @return * @throws NoSuchFieldException * @throws SecurityException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InvocationTargetException */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static Object analyse(IDataSchema<?> parentSchema, Object parent, String key) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { ClassType type = parentSchema.getType(); if (type == null) throw new AnalyseDataSchemaException("type of " + parentSchema.getName() + " [" + parent + "] can not be null"); switch (type) { case Bean: Field f = getFieldByName(parent, key); f.setAccessible(true); Object o = f.get(parent); f.setAccessible(false); return o; case Map: return ((Map) parent).get(key); case List: int i = Integer.parseInt(key); return ((List) parent).get(i); case Key_Value: DataType dataType = parentSchema.getOwner().getAnnotation( DataType.class); if (dataType != null && dataType.value() == DataTypeValue.MAP) { Method getMethod = extraMethodByAnnotation( parentSchema.getOwner(), get.class); return getMethod.invoke(parent, key); } } return null; } /** * 抽取含有指定注解的方法 * * @param owner * @param annotationClass * @return */ public static Method extraMethodByAnnotation(Class<?> owner, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass) { for (Method method : owner.getDeclaredMethods()) { Annotation t = method.getAnnotation(annotationClass); if (t != null) { return method; } } throw new InvalidAnnotationConfigException(owner + " has no annoation " + annotationClass); } public static ClassType analyseClassType(final Class<?> owner) { if (owner == String.class) return ClassType.String; else if (owner == Integer.class) return ClassType.Integer; else if (owner == Double.class) return ClassType.Double; else if (owner == Float.class) return ClassType.Float; else if (owner == Long.class) return ClassType.Long; else if (owner == Character.class) return ClassType.Character; else if (owner == Boolean.class) return ClassType.Boolean; else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(owner)) return ClassType.List; else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(owner)) return ClassType.Map; else if (owner.getAnnotation(DataType.class) != null) { if (owner.getAnnotation(DataType.class).value() == DataTypeValue.MAP) { return ClassType.Key_Value; } } return ClassType.Bean; } /** * 将value应用到指定的target上 * * @param targetSchema * @param target * @param valueSchema * @param value * @throws SecurityException * @throws NoSuchFieldException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws InvocationTargetException */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public static void perform(IDataSchema<?> targetSchema, Object target, String key, Object value) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub ClassType type = targetSchema.getType(); if (type == null) throw new AnalyseDataSchemaException("type of " + targetSchema.getName() + " [" + target + "] can not be null"); switch (type) { case Bean: Field f = getFieldByName(target, key); f.setAccessible(true); if (f.getType().isPrimitive() && value == null) value = DataSchemaUtil.getPrimitiveDefaultValue(f.getType()); f.set(target, value); f.setAccessible(false); break; case Map: String primaryKey = (String) targetSchema .getProperty(ExtensionConstants.PRIMARY_KEY); if (primaryKey != null && primaryKey.length() != 0) { IDataSchema<?> childSchema = targetSchema.getFieldEntrySet() .iterator().next().getValue(); Object k = analyse(childSchema, value, (String) primaryKey); ((Map) target).put(k, value); } else ((Map) target).put(key, value); break; case List: if (target != null) ((List) target).add(value); else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "XML format error, missing element " + targetSchema.getName()); break; case Key_Value: DataType dataType = targetSchema.getOwner().getAnnotation( DataType.class); if (dataType != null && dataType.value() == DataTypeValue.MAP) { Method putMethod = extraMethodByAnnotation( targetSchema.getOwner(), put.class); putMethod.invoke(target, key, value); } break; } } }