android 捕获并处理HOME键

    1. 在activity中加上这段代码就可以屏蔽home键(onKeyDown事件会捕捉到home键)。

    public void onAttachedToWindow()  
    public void onAttachedToWindow()
    }  2.因为android系统自己对与home键power键在PhoneWindowManager中做了处理,不会返回到上层应用的。以下为系统源码:
    \frameworks\policies\base\phone\com\android\internal\policy\impl\ 1089行  
    if (code == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME) {  
                // If a system window has focus, then it doesn't make sense   
                // right now to interact with applications.   
                WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs = win != null ? win.getAttrs() : null;  
                if (attrs != null) {  
                    final int type = attrs.type;  
                    if (type == WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD  
                            || type == WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD_DIALOG) {  
                        // the "app" is keyguard, so give it the key   
                        return false;  
                    final int typeCount = WINDOW_TYPES_WHERE_HOME_DOESNT_WORK.length;  
                    for (int i=0; i<typeCount; i++) {  
                        if (type == WINDOW_TYPES_WHERE_HOME_DOESNT_WORK[i]) {  
                            // don't do anything, but also don't pass it to the app   
                            return true;  
    \frameworks\policies\base\phone\com\android\internal\policy\impl\ 1089行
    if (code == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME) {
                // If a system window has focus, then it doesn't make sense
                // right now to interact with applications.
                WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs = win != null ? win.getAttrs() : null;
                if (attrs != null) {
                    final int type = attrs.type;
                    if (type == WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD
                            || type == WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD_DIALOG) {
                        // the "app" is keyguard, so give it the key
                        return false;
                    final int typeCount = WINDOW_TYPES_WHERE_HOME_DOESNT_WORK.length;
                    for (int i=0; i<typeCount; i++) {
                        if (type == WINDOW_TYPES_WHERE_HOME_DOESNT_WORK[i]) {
                            // don't do anything, but also don't pass it to the app
                            return true;


    type == WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD这一句,我们可以看到,android对于锁屏特殊判断了,所以我就模拟这个进行的实现,只是有一点,activity中重写onAttachedToWindow()方法需要api 5以上。

     摘自 xiaoxiaobian3310903的专栏
