nsis DotNetVer



From NSIS Wiki


  • 1 DotNetVer.nsh
    • 1.1 Functions
    • 1.2 Usage Example
    • 1.3 Source Code (Dec, 2011)
    • 1.4 Sample NSI File

[edit] DotNetVer.nsh

LogicLib extensions for checking Microsoft .NET Framework versions and service packs.

[edit] Functions

HasDotNet<version> checks if the specific version of .NET framework is installed.

<version> can be replaced with the following values:

  • 1.0
  • 1.1
  • 2.0
  • 3.0
  • 3.5
  • 4.0

AtLeastDotNetServicePack checks if the .NET framework has a service pack version at least as specified.

IsDotNetServicePack checks if the .NET framework has a service pack version exactly as specified.

HasDotNetClientProfile checks if the .NET framework is a client profiled install.

HasDotNetFullProfile checks if the .NET framework is a full install.

AtMostDotNetServicePack doesn't do its job correctly, depecrated (dont use)...

[edit] Usage Example

${If} ${HasDotNet4.0}
    DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} AtLeastDotNetServicePack 1
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is at least SP1."
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 SP1 not installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} HasDotNetClientProfile 1
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (Client Profile) available."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} HasDotNetFullProfile 1
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (Full Profile) available."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} HasDotNetFullProfile 0
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (Full Profile) not available."

[edit] Source Code (Dec, 2011)

  • Save as .nsh file in your "NSIS/Include" folder.
; ---------------------
;      DotNetVer.nsh
;      Written by: David Grinberg
;      Homepage: http://ontheperiphery.veraida.com/
;      Updated By: Brandon Hansen (http://www.remotehams.com/)
; ---------------------
; LogicLib extensions for checking Microsoft .NET Framework versions and service packs.
; Latests Updates by Brandon Hansen, KG6YPI (RemoteHams.com)
; Dec 26, 2011 - .NET Framework 4.0 detection fixes - client profile not being found
; Dec 07, 2010 - .NET Framework 4.0 detection added by Brandon Hansen (KG6YPI)
; Usage examples:
; ${If} ${HasDotNet4.0}
;    DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 installed."
;    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} AtLeastDotNetServicePack 1
;        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is at least SP1."
;    ${Else}
;        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 SP1 not installed."
;    ${EndIf}
;    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} HasDotNetClientProfile 1
;        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (Client Profile) available."
;    ${EndIf}
;    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} HasDotNetFullProfile 1
;        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (Full Profile) available."
;    ${EndIf}
;    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} HasDotNetFullProfile 0
;        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (Full Profile) not available."
;    ${EndIf}
; ${EndIf}
!verbose push
!verbose 3
!ifndef ___DOTNETVER__NSH___
!define ___DOTNETVER__NSH___
!include LogicLib.nsh
!include Util.nsh
# constants
!define DOTNETVER_1_0  "1.0"
!define DOTNETVER_1_1  "1.1"
!define DOTNETVER_2_0  "2.0"
!define DOTNETVER_3_0  "3.0"
!define DOTNETVER_3_5  "3.5"
!define DOTNETVER_4_0  "4.0"
# variable declaration
!macro __DotNetVer_DeclareVars
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_1.0
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_1.1
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_2.0
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_3.0
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_3.5
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_4.0
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNETVER_1.0_SP
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNETVER_1.1_SP
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNETVER_2.0_SP
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNETVER_3.0_SP
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNETVER_3.5_SP
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNETVER_4.0_SP
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_1.0_CLIENT
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_1.1_CLIENT
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_2.0_CLIENT
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_3.0_CLIENT
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_3.5_CLIENT
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_4.0_CLIENT
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_1.0_FULL
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_1.1_FULL
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_2.0_FULL
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_3.0_FULL
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_3.5_FULL
        Var /GLOBAL __DOTNET_4.0_FULL
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_1.0 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_1.1 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_2.0 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_3.0 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_3.5 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_4.0 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_1.0_SP 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_1.1_SP 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_2.0_SP 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_3.0_SP 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_3.5_SP 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_4.0_SP 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_1.0_CLIENT 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_1.1_CLIENT 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_2.0_CLIENT 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_3.0_CLIENT 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_3.5_CLIENT 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_4.0_CLIENT 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_1.0_FULL 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_1.1_FULL 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_2.0_FULL 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_3.0_FULL 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_3.5_FULL 0
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_4.0_FULL 0
# lazy initialization macro
!macro __DotNetVer_InitVars
    # only calculate version once
    StrCmp $__DONTNET_FOUNDVER "" dotnetver.noveryet
    !insertmacro __DotNetVer_DeclareVars
    Push $0    ;registry count
    Push $1    ;registry key
    Push $2    ;version number
    Push $3    ;installed
    Push $4    ;service pack number
    Push $8    ;strLen helper var
    StrCpy $0 0
    EnumRegKey $1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP" $0
    StrCmp $1 "" dotnetver.done
    IntOp $0 $0 + 1
    StrCpy $2 $1 1 0
    StrCmp $2 "v" +1 dotnetver.startenum
    StrCpy $2 $1 3 1
    ; Check for .NET 1.0 to 3.5
    ReadRegDWORD $3 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\$1" "Install"
    ReadRegDWORD $4 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\$1" "SP"
    ; This is a sanity check that works on .NET 1.0 to 3.5
    ; if it fails check for dotnet 4
    IntCmp $3 0 dotnetcheck.40
    StrCmp $2 ${DOTNETVER_1_0} dotnetver.10
    StrCmp $2 ${DOTNETVER_1_1} dotnetver.11
    StrCmp $2 ${DOTNETVER_2_0} dotnetver.20
    StrCmp $2 ${DOTNETVER_3_0} dotnetver.30
    StrCmp $2 ${DOTNETVER_3_5} dotnetver.35
    StrCmp $2 ${DOTNETVER_4_0} dotnetver.40
    StrCmp $2 "4" dotnetver.40
    Goto dotnetver.startenum
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_1.0 1
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_1.0_SP $4
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_1.0_FULL 1
        Goto dotnetver.startenum
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_1.1 1
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_1.1_SP $4
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_1.1_FULL 1
        Goto dotnetver.startenum
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_2.0 1
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_2.0_SP $4
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_2.0_FULL 1
        Goto dotnetver.startenum
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_3.0 1
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_3.0_SP $4
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_3.0_FULL 1
        Goto dotnetver.startenum
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_3.5 1
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_3.5_SP $4
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_3.5_FULL 1
        Goto dotnetver.startenum
        ; Check for .NET 4.0 (Full Profile)
        ReadRegDWORD $3 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" "Install"
        ReadRegDWORD $4 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" "SP"
	StrLen $8 $3
        IntCmp $8 0 dotnetcheck.40c
        IntCmp $3 0 dotnetcheck.40c
        StrCmp $2 ${DOTNETVER_4_0} dotnetver.40_Full
        StrCmp $2 "4" dotnetver.40_Full
        ; Check for .NET 4.0 (Client Profile)
        ReadRegDWORD $3 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client" "Install"
        ReadRegDWORD $4 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client" "SP"
	StrLen $8 $3
        IntCmp $8 0 dotnetver.startenum
        IntCmp $3 0 dotnetver.startenum
        StrCmp $2 ${DOTNETVER_4_0} dotnetver.40_Client
        StrCmp $2 "4" dotnetver.40_Client
        Goto dotnetver.startenum
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_4.0 1
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_4.0_SP $4
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_4.0_FULL 1
        Goto dotnetcheck.40c ; continue looking for other profiles
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_4.0 1
        StrCpy $__DOTNETVER_4.0_SP $4
        StrCpy $__DOTNET_4.0_CLIENT 1
        Goto dotnetver.startenum
    StrCpy $__DONTNET_FOUNDVER "1"
    Pop $8
    Pop $4
    Pop $3
    Pop $2
    Pop $1
    Pop $0
!macro _HasDotNet _a _b _t _f
    ${CallArtificialFunction} __DotNetVer_InitVars
   !insertmacro _= `$__DOTNET_${_b}` `1` `${_t}` `${_f}`
!macro __DotNetVer_DefineTest Ver
  !define HasDotNet${Ver} `"" HasDotNet ${Ver}`
!insertmacro __DotNetVer_DefineTest ${DOTNETVER_1_0}
!insertmacro __DotNetVer_DefineTest ${DOTNETVER_1_1}
!insertmacro __DotNetVer_DefineTest ${DOTNETVER_2_0}
!insertmacro __DotNetVer_DefineTest ${DOTNETVER_3_0}
!insertmacro __DotNetVer_DefineTest ${DOTNETVER_3_5}
!insertmacro __DotNetVer_DefineTest ${DOTNETVER_4_0}
!macro _AtLeastDotNetServicePack _a _b _t _f
    ${CallArtificialFunction} __DotNetVer_InitVars
    !insertmacro _>= `$__DOTNETVER_${_a}_SP` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}`
!define AtLeastDotNetServicePack `AtLeastDotNetServicePack`
!macro _AtMostDotNetServicePack _a _b _t _f
    ${CallArtificialFunction} __DotNetVer_InitVars
    !insertmacro _<= `$__DOTNETVER_${_a}_SP` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}`
!define AtMostDotNetServicePack `AtMostDotNetServicePack`
!macro _IsDotNetServicePack _a _b _t _f
    ${CallArtificialFunction} __DotNetVer_InitVars
    !insertmacro _= `$__DOTNETVER_${_a}_SP` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}`
!define IsDotNetServicePack `IsDotNetServicePack`
!macro _HasDotNetClientProfile _a _b _t _f
    ${CallArtificialFunction} __DotNetVer_InitVars
    !insertmacro _= `$__DOTNET_${_a}_CLIENT` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}`
!define HasDotNetClientProfile `HasDotNetClientProfile`
!macro _HasDotNetFullProfile _a _b _t _f
    ${CallArtificialFunction} __DotNetVer_InitVars
    !insertmacro _= `$__DOTNET_${_a}_FULL` `${_b}` `${_t}` `${_f}`
!define HasDotNetFullProfile `HasDotNetFullProfile`
# done
!endif # !___DOTNETVER__NSH___
!verbose pop

[edit] Sample NSI File

!define PRODUCT_NAME "DotNetVer Tests"
!define PRODUCT_VERSION "1.1"
!define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE "http://nsis.sourceforge.net/"
SetCompressor lzma
!include "LogicLib.nsh"
!include "DotNetVer.nsh"
Page instfiles
OutFile "DotNetVerTests.exe"
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Test DotNetVer"
ShowInstDetails show
Section "MainSection" SEC01
 ${If} ${HasDotNet1.0}
    DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 installed."
 ${If} ${HasDotNet1.1}
    DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 installed."
 ${If} ${HasDotNet2.0}
    DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_2_0} IsDotNetServicePack 1
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_2_0} IsDotNetServicePack 2
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_2_0} IsDotNetServicePack 3
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP3 installed."
 ${If} ${HasDotNet3.0}
    DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_3_0} IsDotNetServicePack 1
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP1 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_3_0} IsDotNetServicePack 2
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_3_0} IsDotNetServicePack 3
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP3 installed."
 ${If} ${HasDotNet3.5}
    DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_3_5} IsDotNetServicePack 1
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_3_5} IsDotNetServicePack 2
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP2 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_3_5} IsDotNetServicePack 3
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP3 installed."
 ${If} ${HasDotNet4.0}
    DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} HasDotNetClientProfile 1
       DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (Client Profile) available."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} HasDotNetFullProfile 1
       DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (Extended Profile) available."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} IsDotNetServicePack 1
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 SP1 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} IsDotNetServicePack 2
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 SP2 installed."
    ${If} ${DOTNETVER_4_0} IsDotNetServicePack 3
        DetailPrint "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 SP3 installed."
