unit untPdfPrint; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIForm, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniPanel, uniURLFrame, Datasnap.DBClient, Vcl.OleServer, grproLib_TLB; type TfrmPdfPrint = class(TUniForm) UniURLFrame1: TUniURLFrame; procedure UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); private PdfFileName: string; { Private declarations } public procedure CDSExportData(CDS: TClientDataSet; ReportFileName: string; FileName: string; FileType: GRExportType); { Public declarations } end; function frmPdfPrint: TfrmPdfPrint; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses MainModule, uniGUIApplication; function frmPdfPrint: TfrmPdfPrint; begin Result := TfrmPdfPrint(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TfrmPdfPrint)); end; procedure TfrmPdfPrint.CDSExportData(CDS: TClientDataSet; ReportFileName, FileName: string; FileType: GRExportType); var Grexport: IGRExportOption; Report1: Tgridppreport; cds1: TClientDataSet; FieldName: string; I: Integer; begin Report1 := Tgridppreport.Create(nil); cds1 := TClientDataSet.Create(nil); try Report1.LoadFromFile(ReportFileName); cds1.Data := CDS.Data; // 复制一份cds的数据,使用复制的数据来转换为报表数据 case FileType of gretPDF: Grexport := Report1.PrepareExport(gretPDF);// 导出pdf文档 end; Grexport.AbortShowOptionDlg := False; // 因为是服务器,所以不显示导出对话框,否则会有错误 Grexport.AbortOpenFile := False; // 因为是服务器,所以导出完成后不打开导出文件. Grexport.FileName := FileName; Self.PdfFileName := FileName; Report1.PrepareRecordset; cds1.First; // 以下将tclientdataset数据集转化为Grid++REport数据集 while cds1.Eof = False do begin Report1.DetailGrid.Recordset.Append; for I := 0 to cds1.FieldCount - 1 do begin FieldName := cds1.Fields[I].FieldName; if Report1.FieldByName(cds1.Fields[I].FieldName) <> nil then begin Report1.FieldByDBName(cds1.Fields[I].FieldName).Value := cds1.Fields[I].Value; end; end; Report1.DetailGrid.Recordset.Post; cds1.Next; end; Report1.Export(False); // 执行导出 Report1.UnprepareExport; finally Report1.Free; cds1.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmPdfPrint.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin UniURLFrame1.URL := PdfFileName; end; end.
object frmPdfPrint: TfrmPdfPrint Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = #25171#21360 ClientHeight = 391 ClientWidth = 765 Color = clBtnFace OldCreateOrder = False WindowState = wsMaximized OnShow = UniFormShow MonitoredKeys.Keys = <> RTL = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object UniURLFrame1: TUniURLFrame Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 765 Height = 391 Hint = '' Align = alClient Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] TabOrder = 0 ParentColor = False Color = clWindow end end