《Fundamentals of Project Management 4th Edition》 读书笔记 第五章 建立项目风险计划

CHAPTER 5 Creating the Project Risk Plan




Risk management is the systematic processof identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risk. Systematic is a key wordhere, as many project managers attempt to deal with risks on an informal basiswith little or no prior planning.



A formal, comprehensive project risk planallows the project manager to be proactive regarding the innumerable thingsthat can and do go wrong with a project. Without this plan, you are forced tomanage reactively when things go wrong—easily the most expensive approach.



You and your team members should take astrategic approach to “what can go wrong” and begin laying the foundation forthe detailed plan to follow. Without this foundation, projects often experiencethe negative impact of risks that become reality, risks that might have beenprevented or mitigated through contingency planning. This is reactive behavior,and you must live in the proactive world to be successful as a project manager.



The Six-Step Process 六步法



Step 1: Make a List



Steps 2 & 3: Determine the Probabilityof Risk Occurrence and Negative Impact

How probable is it that each risk willbecome a reality?

If the risk becomes a reality, how badlywill it damage the project? This is the next question that needs to be askedand answered.



Step 4: Prevent or Mitigate the Risk



Step 5: Consider Contingencies



Step 6: Establish the Trigger Point

The trigger point is the point at which therisk becomes enough of a reality that the project manager needs to trigger thecontingency.

Trigger too soon and you will probablyspend time, effort, or money for no good reason. Trigger too late and you mayend up experiencing the full impact of the occurrence, with little value addedby implementing the contingency.

If the contingency affects a task or taskson the critical path (see Chapter 7), additional buffer days should beconsidered.



The most comprehensive risk plan can becompromised if you realize that you do not have the time or means to take appropriateaction. Establishing reserves enables you to leverage the plan to its fullestpotential. The best-laid plans are impotent without the time and/or budget toallow for effective implementation. As a result, you need to establishcontingency and management reserves.




Contingency reserves are designated amountsof time and/or budget to account for risks to the project that have beenidentified and actively accepted. They are created to cover known risks to theproject.



Management reserves are designated amountsof time and/or budget included in your plan to account for risks to the projectthat cannot be predicted. Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know.Management reserves are created to cover unknown risks to the project.


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