<span style="font-size:18px;">x = 0:1.25:10; y = sin(x); xi = 0:.1:10; %Matlab yi = interp1(x,y,xi); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y,'o',xi,yi, xi, sin(xi),'r'); title('Interpolation using Matlab function interp1');</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">x = 0:1.25:10; y = sin(x); xi = 0:.1:10; </span>产生数据集,和需要插值的数据
% 1D Interpolation %************************************************************************** x = 0:1.25:10; y = sin(x); xi = 0:.1:10; %Matlab yi = interp1(x,y,xi); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y,'o',xi,yi, xi, sin(xi),'r'); title('Interpolation using Matlab function interp1'); %% %RBF %op=rbfcreate(x, y,'RBFFunction', 'thinplate'); rbfcheck(op); %op=rbfcreate(x, y,'RBFFunction', 'linear'); rbfcheck(op); %op=rbfcreate(x, y,'RBFFunction', 'cubic'); rbfcheck(op); %op=rbfcreate(x, y,'RBFFunction', 'gaussian'); rbfcheck(op); op=rbfcreate(x, y,'RBFFunction', 'multiquadric', 'RBFConstant', 2); rbfcheck(op); op=rbfcreate(x, y); rbfcheck(op); %op=rbfcreate(x, y,'RBFFunction', 'gaussian'); %op=rbfcreate(x, y); fi = rbfinterp(xi, op); subplot(2,1,2); plot(x, y,'o', xi, fi,xi, sin(xi),'r'); title('RBF interpolation');
function options = rbfcreate(x, y, varargin) %RBFCREATE Creates an RBF interpolation % OPTIONS = RBFSET(X, Y, 'NAME1',VALUE1,'NAME2',VALUE2,...) creates an % radial base function interpolation % % RBFCREATE with no input arguments displays all property names and their % possible values. % %RBFCREATE PROPERTIES % % % Alex Chirokov, [email protected] % 16 Feb 2006 tic; % Print out possible values of properties. if (nargin == 0) & (nargout == 0) fprintf(' x: [ dim by n matrix of coordinates for the nodes ]\n'); fprintf(' y: [ 1 by n vector of values at nodes ]\n'); fprintf(' RBFFunction: [ gaussian | thinplate | cubic | multiquadrics | {linear} ]\n'); fprintf(' RBFConstant: [ positive scalar ]\n'); fprintf(' RBFSmooth: [ positive scalar {0} ]\n'); fprintf(' Stats: [ on | {off} ]\n'); fprintf('\n'); return; end Names = [ 'RBFFunction ' 'RBFConstant ' 'RBFSmooth ' 'Stats ' ]; [m,n] = size(Names); names = lower(Names); options = []; for j = 1:m options.(deblank(Names(j,:))) = []; end %************************************************************************** %Check input arrays %************************************************************************** [nXDim nXCount]=size(x); [nYDim nYCount]=size(y); if (nXCount~=nYCount) error(sprintf('x and y should have the same number of rows')); end; if (nYDim~=1) error(sprintf('y should be n by 1 vector')); end; options.('x') = x; options.('y') = y; %************************************************************************** %Default values %************************************************************************** options.('RBFFunction') = 'linear'; options.('RBFConstant') = (prod(max(x')-min(x'))/nXCount)^(1/nXDim); %approx. average distance between the nodes options.('RBFSmooth') = 0; options.('Stats') = 'off'; %************************************************************************** % Argument parsing code: similar to ODESET.m %************************************************************************** i = 1; % A finite state machine to parse name-value pairs. if rem(nargin-2,2) ~= 0 error('Arguments must occur in name-value pairs.'); end expectval = 0; % start expecting a name, not a value while i <= nargin-2 arg = varargin{i}; if ~expectval if ~isstr(arg) error(sprintf('Expected argument %d to be a string property name.', i)); end lowArg = lower(arg); j = strmatch(lowArg,names); if isempty(j) % if no matches error(sprintf('Unrecognized property name ''%s''.', arg)); elseif length(j) > 1 % if more than one match % Check for any exact matches (in case any names are subsets of others) k = strmatch(lowArg,names,'exact'); if length(k) == 1 j = k; else msg = sprintf('Ambiguous property name ''%s'' ', arg); msg = [msg '(' deblank(Names(j(1),:))]; for k = j(2:length(j))' msg = [msg ', ' deblank(Names(k,:))]; end msg = sprintf('%s).', msg); error(msg); end end expectval = 1; % we expect a value next else options.(deblank(Names(j,:))) = arg; expectval = 0; end i = i + 1; end if expectval error(sprintf('Expected value for property ''%s''.', arg)); end %************************************************************************** % Creating RBF Interpolatin %************************************************************************** %选择所用基函数的形式 这五种函数 高斯 线性 立方 薄板 多项式 switch lower(options.('RBFFunction')) case 'linear' options.('rbfphi') = @rbfphi_linear; %线性 case 'cubic' options.('rbfphi') = @rbfphi_cubic;%立方 case 'multiquadric' options.('rbfphi') = @rbfphi_multiquadrics;%多项式 case 'thinplate' options.('rbfphi') = @rbfphi_thinplate;%薄板 case 'gaussian' options.('rbfphi') = @rbfphi_gaussian;%高斯型 otherwise options.('rbfphi') = @rbfphi_linear; end phi = options.('rbfphi'); % 调用函数,求解出数据集使用调用||x-xi||函数的值 A=rbfAssemble(x, phi, options.('RBFConstant'), options.('RBFSmooth')); b=[y'; zeros(nXDim+1, 1)]; %这是数据集对应的输出值Y %inverse rbfcoeff=A\b; %这是径向基函数对应的参数系数 %SVD % [U,S,V] = svd(A); % % for i=1:1:nXCount+1 % if (S(i,i)>0) S(i,i)=1/S(i,i); end; % end; % rbfcoeff = V*S'*U*b; options.('rbfcoeff') = rbfcoeff; if (strcmp(options.('Stats'),'on')) fprintf('%d point RBF interpolation was created in %e sec\n', length(y), toc); fprintf('\n'); end; function [A]=rbfAssemble(x, phi, const, smooth) %x 为已知的数据集 %phi 表示调用的是哪个基函数形式 %const 表示高斯形式时的方差 %smooth 偏移量 一般为0 [dim n]=size(x); %得到数据集的维数 A=zeros(n,n); %初始化有数据集带入基函数中得到的值 for i=1:n for j=1:i r=norm(x(:,i)-x(:,j)); %每个数据跟其他数据之间的距离 temp=feval(phi,r, const); %带入相应的基函数中得到的值,存储到A中,用于求解系数 A(i,j)=temp; A(j,i)=temp; end A(i,i) = A(i,i) - smooth; end % Polynomial part P=[ones(n,1) x']; A = [ A P P' zeros(dim+1,dim+1)]; %************************************************************************** % Radial Base Functions %************************************************************************** %五种基函数的表达式 function u=rbfphi_linear(r, const) u=r; function u=rbfphi_cubic(r, const) u=r.*r.*r; function u=rbfphi_gaussian(r, const) u=exp(-0.5*r.*r/(const*const)); function u=rbfphi_multiquadrics(r, const) u=sqrt(1+r.*r/(const*const)); function u=rbfphi_thinplate(r, const) u=r.*r.*log(r+1);这是进行求解新插入值得过程
function [f] = rbfinterp(x, options) %x 为插值的数据 %options 径向基函数的参数设定 tic; phi = options.('rbfphi'); %调用的基函数形式 rbfconst = options.('RBFConstant');%基函数的方差设置 nodes = options.('x'); %已知的数据集x rbfcoeff = (options.('rbfcoeff'))';%求得的径向基函数的系数 [dim n] = size(nodes); [dimPoints nPoints] = size(x); if (dim~=dimPoints) error(sprintf('x should have the same number of rows as an array used to create RBF interpolation')); end; f = zeros(1, nPoints); r = zeros(1, n); for i=1:1:nPoints s=0; r = (x(:,i)*ones(1,n)) - nodes; %新数据点到已知每个数据点的距离 r = sqrt(sum(r.*r, 1)); % for j=1:n % r(j) = norm(x(:,i) - nodes(:,j)); % end s = rbfcoeff(n+1) + sum(rbfcoeff(1:n).*feval(phi, r, rbfconst)); for k=1:dim s=s+rbfcoeff(k+n+1)*x(k,i); % linear part end f(i) = s; end; if (strcmp(options.('Stats'),'on')) fprintf('Interpolation at %d points was computed in %e sec\n', length(f), toc); end;