-XX:+PrintGC:输出形式:[GC 118250K->113543K(130112K), 0.0094143 secs] [Full GC 121376K->10414K(130112K), 0.0650971 secs]
-XX:+PrintGCDetails:输出形式:[GC [DefNew: 8614K->781K(9088K), 0.0123035 secs] 118250K->113543K(130112K), 0.0124633 secs] [GC [DefNew: 8614K->8614K(9088K), 0.0000665 secs][Tenured: 112761K->10414K(121024K), 0.0433488 secs] 121376K->10414K(130112K), 0.0436268 secs]
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGC:PrintGCTimeStamps可与上面两个混合使用
输出形式:11.851: [GC 98328K->93620K(130112K), 0.0082960 secs]
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime:打印每次垃圾回收前,程序未中断的执行时间。可与上面混合使用。输出形式:Application time: 0.5291524 seconds
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime:打印垃圾回收期间程序暂停的时间。可与上面混合使用。输出形式:Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0468229 seconds
-XX:PrintHeapAtGC: 打印GC前后的详细堆栈信息。输出形式:
34.702: [GC {Heap before gc invocations=7:
def new generation total 55296K, used 52568K [0x1ebd0000, 0x227d0000, 0x227d0000)
eden space 49152K, 99% used [0x1ebd0000, 0x21bce430, 0x21bd0000)
from space 6144K, 55% used [0x221d0000, 0x22527e10, 0x227d0000)
to space 6144K, 0% used [0x21bd0000, 0x21bd0000, 0x221d0000)
tenured generation total 69632K, used 2696K [0x227d0000, 0x26bd0000, 0x26bd0000)
the space 69632K, 3% used [0x227d0000, 0x22a720f8, 0x22a72200, 0x26bd0000)
compacting perm gen total 8192K, used 2898K [0x26bd0000, 0x273d0000, 0x2abd0000)
the space 8192K, 35% used [0x26bd0000, 0x26ea4ba8, 0x26ea4c00, 0x273d0000)
ro space 8192K, 66% used [0x2abd0000, 0x2b12bcc0, 0x2b12be00, 0x2b3d0000)
rw space 12288K, 46% used [0x2b3d0000, 0x2b972060, 0x2b972200, 0x2bfd0000)
34.735: [DefNew: 52568K->3433K(55296K), 0.0072126 secs] 55264K->6615K(124928K)Heap after gc invocations=8:
def new generation total 55296K, used 3433K [0x1ebd0000, 0x227d0000, 0x227d0000)
eden space 49152K, 0% used [0x1ebd0000, 0x1ebd0000, 0x21bd0000)
from space 6144K, 55% used [0x21bd0000, 0x21f2a5e8, 0x221d0000)
to space 6144K, 0% used [0x221d0000, 0x221d0000, 0x227d0000)
tenured generation total 69632K, used 3182K [0x227d0000, 0x26bd0000, 0x26bd0000)
the space 69632K, 4% used [0x227d0000, 0x22aeb958, 0x22aeba00, 0x26bd0000)
compacting perm gen total 8192K, used 2898K [0x26bd0000, 0x273d0000, 0x2abd0000)
the space 8192K, 35% used [0x26bd0000, 0x26ea4ba8, 0x26ea4c00, 0x273d0000)
ro space 8192K, 66% used [0x2abd0000, 0x2b12bcc0, 0x2b12be00, 0x2b3d0000)
rw space 12288K, 46% used [0x2b3d0000, 0x2b972060, 0x2b972200, 0x2bfd0000)
, 0.0757599 secs]