select * from dictionary
create tablesapce testSpace
datafile 'E:oracleSpace\test.dbf'
size 100M
autoextend on;
create user test
identified by t123456
grant connect,resource,dba to test
create table test(
did number(8) not null,
dName varchar2(2000),
dsex varchar2(2000),
dtime date
insert into test value(SEQ_test.nextval,'张三','男',to_date('2012-1-1','yyyy-MM-dd'))
update test set d.Name='李四',dsex='女'
create sequence SEQ_test
start with 1
increment by 1
insert into test(id,name,sex,age,adds,phone)
select ta.id,tb.name,tc.sex,td.adds,te.pbone
create table test as select ta.id,tb.name,tc.sex from表
--创建索引 试图过程 都可以使用plsql创建
----oracle3中查询 1.简单2,集合.3 子查询
select t.字段 from test t where 条件1='xx' and 条件2=''
--多表查询 如果不加条件限制会造成笛卡尔积 t1表3条数据 t2表4条数据 就会查出12条数据
select t1.id,t1.name,t2.id,t2.name from t1,t2
where t1.id=t2.id
--连接查询 条件连接 左边4条右边不够用null数据对齐
select t1.id,t1.name,t2.id,t2.name from
t1 left jion t2
on t1.id=t2.id
//或者 用oracle自己左链接方法
select t1.id,t1.name,t2.id,t2.name from t1,t2
where t1.id=t2.id(+)
select ta.id,ta.name,tb.id,tb.name from
(select table1.id,table1.name from table1 where xxx ) ta,
(select table2.id,table2.name from table2 where xxx) tb,
where ta.id=tb.id(+)
select jmc, case when nds is null then '0' else nds end as jg from gg_jing
--分组查询 要想对结果集分组 查询的字段必须含有 分组函数(统计函数)
select cssj,count(),max(),min() from table
group by cssj