MINA 编解码器实例: http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2375317
Mina Socket与报文过滤链: http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2376440
Mina 协议编解码过滤器一(协议编解码工厂、协议编码器):
Mina 协议编解码过滤器二(协议解码器):
Mina 队列Queue: http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2376712
Mina 协议编解码过滤器三(会话write与消息接收过滤):
* A {@link ProtocolDecoder} that cumulates the content of received
* buffers to a [i]cumulative buffer[/i] to help users implement decoders.
* <p>CumulativeProtocolDecoder累计接收的数据到一个累计性的buffer中,以帮助使用解码数据。
* If the received {@link ByteBuffer} is only a part of a message.
* decoders should cumulate received buffers to make a message complete or
* to postpone decoding until more buffers arrive.
* <p>如果接收的数据只是消息的一部分,解码器应该累计接收的buffer,直到消息传输完成,
* Here is an example decoder that decodes CRLF terminated lines into
* <code>Command</code> objects:
* <pre>这里是一个使用CRLF为行结束符的解码器
* public class CRLFTerminatedCommandLineDecoder
* extends CumulativeProtocolDecoder {
* private Command parseCommand(ByteBuffer in) {
* // Convert the bytes in the specified buffer to a
* // Command object.
* ...
* }
* protected boolean doDecode(IoSession session, ByteBuffer in,
* ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
* throws Exception {
* // Remember the initial position.
* int start = in.position();
* // Now find the first CRLF in the buffer.
* byte previous = 0;
* while (in.hasRemaining()) {
* byte current = in.get();
* if (previous == '\r' && current == '\n') {
* // Remember the current position and limit.
* int position = in.position();
* int limit = in.limit();
* try {
* in.position(start);
* in.limit(position);
* // The bytes between in.position() and in.limit()
* // now contain a full CRLF terminated line.解析命令
* out.write(parseCommand(in.slice()));
* } finally {
* // Set the position to point right after the
* // detected line and set the limit to the old
* // one.解码后恢复position,limit位置
* in.position(position);
* in.limit(limit);
* }
* // Decoded one line; CumulativeProtocolDecoder will
* // call me again until I return false. So just
* // return true until there are no more lines in the
* // buffer.解码一行数据;累计协议解码再次调用doDecode,直到doDecode返回false;
* return true;
* }
* previous = current;
* }
* 如果在buffer中,没有发现换行符,则重置position位置为start
* // Could not find CRLF in the buffer. Reset the initial
* // position to the one we recorded above.
* in.position(start);
* return false;
* }
* }
* </pre>
* @author The Apache Directory Project ([email protected])
* @version $Rev$, $Date$
public abstract class CumulativeProtocolDecoder extends ProtocolDecoderAdapter {
private static final String BUFFER = CumulativeProtocolDecoder.class
+ ".Buffer";
* Creates a new instance.
protected CumulativeProtocolDecoder() {
* Cumulates content of <tt>in</tt> into internal buffer and forwards
* decoding request to {@link #doDecode(IoSession, ByteBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput)}.
* <tt>doDecode()</tt> is invoked repeatedly until it returns <tt>false</tt>
* and the cumulative buffer is compacted after decoding ends.
* 累计数据放在内部buffer in中,转发解码请求到#doDecode方法,在#doDecode方法返回false之前,
* @throws IllegalStateException if your <tt>doDecode()</tt> returned
* <tt>true</tt> not consuming the cumulative buffer.
public void decode(IoSession session, ByteBuffer in,
ProtocolDecoderOutput out) throws Exception {
boolean usingSessionBuffer = true;//是否开启会话缓存buffer
ByteBuffer buf = (ByteBuffer) session.getAttribute(BUFFER);//从会话获取属性BUFFER对应的buffer
// If we have a session buffer, append data to that; otherwise
// use the buffer read from the network directly.
if (buf != null) {
} else {
buf = in;
usingSessionBuffer = false;
for (;;) {
int oldPos = buf.position();
boolean decoded = doDecode(session, buf, out);
if (decoded) {
if (buf.position() == oldPos) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"doDecode() can't return true when buffer is not consumed.");
if (!buf.hasRemaining()) {
} else {
// if there is any data left that cannot be decoded, we store
// it in a buffer in the session and next time this decoder is
// invoked the session buffer gets appended to
if (buf.hasRemaining()) {
if (usingSessionBuffer)
storeRemainingInSession(buf, session);
} else {
if (usingSessionBuffer)
* Implement this method to consume the specified cumulative buffer and
* decode its content into message(s).
* 实现此方法,用于消费累积性buffer中的数据,解码数据为上层消息对象。
* @param in the cumulative buffer
* @return <tt>true</tt> if and only if there's more to decode in the buffer
* and you want to have <tt>doDecode</tt> method invoked again.
* Return <tt>false</tt> if remaining data is not enough to decode,
* then this method will be invoked again when more data is cumulated.
* @throws Exception if cannot decode <tt>in</tt>.
protected abstract boolean doDecode(IoSession session, ByteBuffer in,
ProtocolDecoderOutput out) throws Exception;
* Releases the cumulative buffer used by the specified <tt>session</tt>.
* Please don't forget to call <tt>super.dispose( session )</tt> when
* you override this method.
释放会话的可累计性缓存buffer,当重写此方法,不要忘了调用super.dispose( session )。
public void dispose(IoSession session) throws Exception {
private void removeSessionBuffer(IoSession session) {
ByteBuffer buf = (ByteBuffer) session.removeAttribute(BUFFER);
if (buf != null) {
private void storeRemainingInSession(ByteBuffer buf, IoSession session) {
ByteBuffer remainingBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(buf.capacity());
session.setAttribute(BUFFER, remainingBuf);