
Problem Statement


After selling goods all day, a salesman would like to determine the most desirable item in his inventory. You are given a String[] items, each element of which represents a single item that was sold during the day. Return the item that was sold the most number of times. In case of a tie, return the item that comes first alphabetically.


Class: BestSeller
Method: findBestSeller
Parameters: String[]
Returns: String
Method signature: String findBestSeller(String[] items)
(be sure your method is public)


- items will contain between 1 and 50 elements, inclusive.
- Each element of items will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive.
- Each element of items will contain only lowercase letters ('a'-'z').


{"table", "chair", "table", "table", "lamp", "door", "lamp", "table", "chair"}
Returns: "table"
The salesman sold four "table"s, two "chair"s, two "lamp"s, and one "door". The "table" is his best-selling item.
{"a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b"}
Returns: "a"
There is a tie between "a" and "b", "a" is returned, because it comes first alphabetically.
{"icecream", "peanuts", "peanuts", "chocolate", "candy", "chocolate", "icecream", "apple"}
Returns: "chocolate"
The salesman sold two of each of these items: "icecream", "peanuts", and "chocolate". Since there is a tie, "chocolate" is returned because it comes first alphabetically. "apple" comes even earlier, but only tied items are considered.
Returns: "soul"

import java.util.Arrays;

public class BestSeller {

	public static String findBestSeller(String[] items) {
		int max, maxi, count = 1;
		max = maxi = 0;
		for (int i = 1; i < items.length; i++) {
			if (!items[i].equals(items[i-1])) {
				if (count > max) {
					max = count;
					maxi = i - 1;
				count = 1;
			} else
		return (count > max) ? items[items.length-1] : items[maxi];


