Thinking in Java之对象的创建过程

引用Thinking in Java中的一段话:

To summarize the process of creatingan object, consider a class called Dog:

1.  Even though it doesn’t explicitly use the static keyword, the constructor is actually a

staticmethod. So the first time an object of type Dogis created, orthe first time a

staticmethod or static field of class Dogis accessed, the Java interpreter must

locate Dog.class, which it does by searching through the classpath.

2.  As Dog.classis loaded (creating a Classobject, which you’ll learn about later), all of

its staticinitializers are run. Thus, static initialization takes place only once, as the

Classobject is loaded for the first time.

3.  When you create a new Dog( ), the construction process for a Dogobject first

allocates enough storage for a Dogobject on the heap.

4.  This storage is wiped to zero, automatically setting all the primitives in that Dog

object to their default values (zero for numbers and the equivalent for booleanand

char) and the references to null.

5.  Any initializations that occur at the point of field definition are executed.

6.  Constructors are executed. As you shall see in the Reusing Classeschapter, this might

actually involve a fair amount of activity, especially when inheritance is involved.




      3、当我们用new Dog()创建一个对象时,Dog对象的构造过程首先在堆中为Dog对象分配足够的存储空间。




       下面还是引用Thinking in Java中的一个例子来说明在在继承关系的程序中对象的创建过程。

/: reusing/ 
// The full process of initialization. 
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; 
class Insect { 
private int i = 9; 
protected int j; 
Insect() { 
print("i = " + i + ", j = " + j); 
j = 39; 
private static int x1 = 
printInit("static Insect.x1 initialized"); 
static int printInit(String s) { 
return 47; 
public class Beetle extends Insect { 
private int k = printInit("Beetle.k initialized"); 
public Beetle() { 
print("k = " + k); 
print("j = " + j); 
private static int x2 = 
printInit("static Beetle.x2 initialized"); 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
print("Beetle constructor"); 
Beetle b = new Beetle(); 
} /* Output: 
static Insect.x1 initialized 
static Beetle.x2 initialized 
Beetle constructor 
i = 9, j = 0 
Beetle.k initialized 
k = 47 
j = 39 

      当我们运行Beetle类的时候(java Beetle),首先发生的事情是访问它的main方法,因此类加载器会找到这个类(其实就是Beetle.class文件),在加载这个类的过程中,加载器发现它有一个父类,此时它又转去加载它的父类。


