DB2-SQLCODE 错误码大全---[IBM官方]


SQL error codes

### SQLCODE Description
### -007 statement contains the illegal character invalid-character
### -010 the string constant beginning string is not terminated
### -011 comment not closed
### -029 into clause required
### -051 identifier-name (sql-type) was previously declared or referenced
### -056 an sqlstate or sqlcode variable declaration is in a nested compound statement
### -057 the return statement in an sql function must return a value.
### -058 value specified on return statement must be an integer
### -060 invalid specification-type specification : specification-value
### -078 parameter names must be specified for routine routine-name
### -079 qualifier for object name was specified as qualifier1 but qualifier2 is required
### -084 unacceptable sql statement
### -087 a null value was specified in a context where a null is not allowed
### -096 variable variable-name does not exist or is not supported by the server and a default value was not provided
### -097 the use of long varchar or long vargraphic is not allowed in this context
### -101 the statement is too long or too complex
### -102 string constant is too long. string begins string
### -103 constant is an invalid numeric constant
### -104 illegal symbol “token”. some symbols that might be legal are: token-list
### -105 invalid string
### -107 the name name-value is too long. maximum allowable size is maximum-size
### -108 the name name is qualified incorrectly
### -109 clause-type clause is not permitted
### -110 invalid hexadecimal constant beginning constant
### -111 an aggregate function does not include a column name
### -112 the operand of an aggregate function includes an aggregate function, an olap specification, or a scalar fullselect
### -113 invalid character found in: string, reason code nnn
### -114 the location name location does not match the current server
### -115 a predicate is invalid because the comparison operator operator is followed by a parenthesized list or by any or all without a subquery
### -117 the number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns
### -118 the object table or view of the delete or update statement is also identified in a from clause
### -119 a column or expression in a having clause is not valid
### -120 an aggregate function or olap specification is not valid in the context in which it was invoked
### -121 the column name is identified more than once in the insert or update operation or set transition variable statement
### -122 column or expression in the select list is not valid
### -123 the parameter in position n in the function name must be a constant or keyword
### -125 an integer in the order by clause does not identify a column of the result
### -126 the select statement contains both an update clause and an order by clause
### -127 distinct is specified more than once in a subselect
### -128 invalid use of null in a predicate
### -129 the statement contains too many table names
### -130 the escape clause consists of more than one character, or the string pattern contains an invalid occurrence of the escape character
### -131 statement with like predicate has incompatible data types
### -132 an operand of value is not valid
### -133 an aggregate function in a subquery of a having clause is invalid because all column references in its argument are not correlated to the group by result that the having clause is applied to
### -134 improper use of a string, lob, or xml value
### -136 sort cannot be executed because the sort key length too long
### -137 the length resulting from operation is greater than maximum-length
### -138 the second or third argument of the substr or substring function is out of range
### -142 the sql statement is not supported
### -144 invalid section number number
### -147 alter function function-name failed because source functions or spatial functions cannot be altered
### -148 the source table or tablespace source-name cannot be altered, reason reason-code
### -150 the object of the insert, delete, update, merge, or truncate statement is a view, system-maintained materialized query table, or transition table for which the requested operation is not permitted
### -151 the update operation is invalid because the catalog description of column column-name indicates that it cannot be updated
### -152 the drop clause clause in the alter statement is invalid because constraint-name is a constraint-type
### -153 the statement is invalid because the view or table definition does not include a unique name for each column
### -154 the statement failed because view or table definition is not valid
### -156 the statement does not identify a table
### -157 only a table name can be specified in a foreign key clause. object-name is not the name of a table.
### -158 the number of columns specified for name is not the same as the number of columns in the result table.
### -159 the statement references object-name which identifies an actual-type rather than an expected-type
### -160 the with check option clause is not valid for the specified view
### -161 the insert or update is not allowed because a resulting row does not satisfy the view definition
### -164 authorization-id does not have the privilege to create a view with qualification qualifier-name
### -170 the number of arguments specified for function-name is invalid
### -171 the data type, length, or value of argument argument-position of function-name is invalid
### -173 ur is specified on the with clause but the cursor is not read-only
### -180 the date, time, or timestamp value value is invalid
### -181 the string representation of a datetime value is not a valid datetime value
### -182 an arithmetic expression with a datetime value is invalid
### -183 an arithmetic operation on a date or timestamp has a result that is not within the valid range of dates
### -184 an arithmetic expression with a datetime value contains a parameter marker
### -185 the local format option has been used with a date or time and no local exit has been installed
### -186 the local date length or local time length has been increased and executing program relies on the old length
### -187 a reference to a current datetime special register is invalid because the mvs tod clock is bad or the mvs parmtz is out of range
### -188 the string representation of a name is invalid
### -189 ccsid ccsid is invalid
### -190 the attributes specified for the column table-name.column-name are not compatible with the existing column definition
### -191 a string cannot be used because it is invalid mixed data
### -197 a qualified column name is not allowed in the order by clause when a set operator is also specified
### -198 the operand of the prepare or execute immediate statement is blank or empty
### -199 illegal use of keyword keyword. token token-list was expected
### -203 a reference to column column-name is ambiguous
### -204 name is an undefined name
### -205 column-name is not a column of table table-name
### -206 object-name is not valid in the context where it is used
### -208 the order by clause is invalid because column column-name is not part of the result table
### -212 name is specified more than once in the referencing clause of a trigger definition
### -214 an expression in the following position, or starting with position-or-expression-start in the clause-type clause is not valid. reason code = reason-code
### -216 the number of elements on each side of a predicate operator does not match. predicate operator is operator.
### -219 the required explanation table table-name does not exist
### -220 the column column-name in explanation table table-name is not defined properly
### -221 “set of optional columns” in explanation table table-name is incomplete. optional column column-name is missing
### -222 an update or delete operation was attempted against a hole using cursor cursor-name
### -224 the result table does not agree with the base table using cursor-name
### -225 fetch statement for cursor-name is not valid for the declaration of the cursor
### -227 fetch fetch-orientation is not allowed, because cursor cursor-name has an unknown position (sqlcode,sqlstate)
### -228 for update clause specified for read-only cursor cursor-name
### -229 the locale locale specified in a set lc_ctype or other statement that is locale sensitive was not found
### -240 the partition clause of a lock table statement is invalid
### -242 the object named object-name of type object-type was specified more than once in the list of objects, or the name is the same as an existing object
### -243 sensitive cursor cursor-name cannot be defined for the specified select statement
### -244 sensitivity sensitivity specified on the fetch is not valid for cursor cursor-name
### -245 the invocation of function routine-name is ambiguous
### -246 statement using cursor cursor-name specified number of rows num-rows which is not valid with dimension
### -247 a hole was detected on a multiple row fetch statement using cursor cursor-name, but indicator variables were not provided to detect the condition
### -248 a positioned delete or update statement for cursor cursor-name specified row n of a rowset, but the row is not contained within the current rowset
### -249 definition of rowset access for cursor cursor-name is inconsistent with the fetch orientation clause clause specified
### -250 the local location name is not defined when processing a three-part object name
### -251 token name is not valid
### -253 a non-atomic statement statement successfully completed for some of the requested rows, possibly with warnings, and one or more errors
### -254 a non-atomic statement statement attempted to process multiple rows of data, but errors occurred
### -270 function not supported
### -300 the string contained in host variable or parameter position-number is not nul-terminated
### -301 the value of input host variable or parameter number position-number cannot be used as specified because of its data type
### -302 the value of input variable or parameter number position-number is invalid or too large for the target column or the target value
### -303 a value cannot be assigned to output host variable number position-number because the data types are not comparable
### -304 a value with data type data-type1 cannot be assigned to a host variable because the value is not within the range of the host variable in position position-number with data type data-type2
### -305 the null value cannot be assigned to output host variable number position-number because no indicator variable is specified
### -309 a predicate is invalid because a referenced host variable has the null value
### -310 decimal host variable or parameter number contains non-decimal data
### -311 the length of input host variable number position-number is negative or greater than the maximum
### -312 variable variable-name is not defined or not usable
### -313 the number of host variables specified is not equal to the number of parameter markers
### -314 the statement contains an ambiguous host variable reference
### -327 the row cannot be inserted because it is outside the bound of the partition range for the last partition
### -330 a string cannot be used because it cannot be processed. reason reason-code, character code-point, host variable position-number
### -331 character conversion cannot be performed because a string, position position-number, cannot be converted from source-ccsid to target-ccsid, reason reason-code
### -332 character conversion between ccsid from-ccsid to to-ccsid requested by reason-code is not supported
### -333 the subtype of a string variable is not the same as the subtype known at bind time and the difference cannot be resolved by character conversion
### -336 the scale of the decimal number must be zero
### -338 an on clause is invalid
### -340 the common table expression name has the same identifier as another occurrence of a common table expression definition within the same statement
### -341 a cyclic reference exists between the common table expressions name1 and name2
### -342 the common table expression name must not use select distinct and must use union all because it is recursive
### -343 the column names are required for the recursive common table expression name
### -344 the recursive common table expression name has mismatched data types or lengths or code page for column column-name
### -345 the fullselect of the recursive common table expression name must be a union all and must not include aggregate functions, group by clause, having clause, or an explicit join including an on clause
### -346 an invalid reference to common table expression name occurs in the first fullselect, as a second occurrence in the same from clause, or in the from clause of a subquery
### -348 sequence-expression cannot be specified in this context
### -350 column-name was implicitly or explicitly referenced in a context in which it cannot be used
### -351 an unsupported sqltype was encountered in position position-number of the select-list
### -352 an unsupported sqltype was encountered in position position-number of the input-list
### -353 fetch is not allowed, because cursor cursor-name has an unknown position
### -354 a rowset fetch statement may have returned one or more rows of data. however, one or more non-terminating error conditions were encountered. use the get diagnostics statement for more information regarding the conditions that were encountered
### -355 a lob column is too large to be logged
### -356 key expression expression-number is not valid, reason code = reason-code
### -359 the range of values for the identity column or sequence is exhausted
### -363 the extended indicator variable value for parameter position-number is out of range.
### -365 use of the value of extended indicator variable in position value-position is not valid.
### -372 only one rowid, identity, row change timestamp, row begin, row end, transaction start id, or security label column is allowed in a table
### -373 default cannot be specified for column or sql variable name
### -374 the clause clause has not been specified in the create or alter function statement for language sql function function-name but an examination of the function body reveals that it should be specified
### -390 the function function-name, specific name specific-name, is not valid in the context where it is used
### -392 sqlda provided for cursor cursor-name has been changed from the previous fetch (reason-code)
### -393 the condition or connection number is invalid
### -396 object-type object-name attempted to execute an sql statement during final call processing
### -397 generated is specified as part of a column definition, but it is not valid for the definition of the column
### -398 a locator was requested for host variable number position-number but the variable is not a lob
### -399 invalid value rowid was specified
### -400 the catalog has the maximum number of user defined indexes
### -401 the data types of the operands of an operation are not compatible
### -402 an arithmetic function or operator function-operator is applied to character or datetime data
### -404 the sql statement specifies a string that is too long
### -405 the numeric constant constant cannot be used as specified because it is out of range
### -406 a calculated or derived numeric value is not within the range of its object column
### -407 an update, insert, or set value is null, but the object column column-name cannot contain null values
### -408 the value is not compatible with the data type of its target. target name is name
### -409 invalid operand of a count function
### -410 a numeric value value is too long, or it has a value that is not within the range of its data type
### -412 the select clause of a subquery specifies multiple columns
### -413 overflow or underflow occurred during numeric data type conversion
### -414 a like predicate is invalid because the first operand is not a string
### -415 the corresponding columns, column-number, of the operands of a set operator are not compatible
### -416 an operand of a set operator contains a long string column
### -417 a statement string to be prepared includes parameter markers as the operands of the same operator
### -418 a statement string to be prepared contains an invalid use of parameter markers
### -419 the decimal divide operation is invalid because the result would have a negative scale
### -420 the value of a string argument was not acceptable to the function-name function
### -421 the operands of a set operator do not have the same number of columns
### -423 invalid value for locator in position position-#
### -426 dynamic commit not valid at an application server where updates are not allowed
### -427 dynamic rollback not valid at an application server where updates are not allowed
### -430 routine-type routine-name (specific name specific-name) has abnormally terminated
### -431 routine routine-name (specific name specific-name) of type routine-type has been interrupted by the user
### -433 value value is too long
### -435 an invalid sqlstate sqlstate is specified in a raise_error function, resignal statement, or signal statement
### -438 application raised error with diagnostic text: text
### -440 no authorized routine-type by the name routine-name having compatible arguments was found
### -441 invalid use of ‘distinct’ or ‘all’ with function function-name
### -443 routine routine-name (specific name specific-name) has returned an error sqlstate with diagnostic text msg-text
### -444 user program name could not be found
### -449 create or alter statement for function or procedure routine-name contains an invalid format of the external name clause or is missing the external name clause
### -450 user-defined function or stored procedure name, parameter number parmnum, overlayed storage beyond its declared length.
### -451 the data-item definition in the create or alter statement for routine-name contains data type type which is not supported for the type and language of the routine
### -452 unable to access the file referenced by host variable variable-position. reason code: reason-code
### -453 there is a problem with the returns clause in the create function statement for function-name
### -454 the signature provided in the create function statement for function-name matches the signature of some other function already existing in the schema
### -455 in create function for function-name, the schema name schema-name1 provided for the specific name does not match the schema name schema-name2 of the function
### -456 in create function for function-name, the specific name specific-name already exists in the schema
### -457 a function or distinct type cannot be called name since it is reserved for system use
### -458 in a reference to function function-name by signature, a matching function could not be found
### -461 a value with data type source-data-type cannot be cast to type target-data-type
### -469 sql call statement must specify an output host variable for parameter number
### -470 sql call statement specified a null value for input parameter number, but the stored procedure does not support null values.
### -471 invocation of function or procedure name failed due to reason rc
### -472 cursor cursor-name was left open by external function function-name (specific name specific-name)
### -473 a user defined data type cannot be called the same name as a system predefined type (built-in type)
### -475 the result type type-1 of the source function cannot be cast to the returns type type-2 of the user-defined function function-name
### -476 reference to function function-name was named without a signature, but the function is not unique within its schema
### -478 drop or revoke on object type object-type cannot be processed because object dependent-object of type dependent-type is dependent on it
### -480 the procedure procedure-name has not yet been called
### -482 the procedure procedure-name returned no locators
### -483 in create function for function-name statement, the number of parameters does not match the number of parameters of the source function
### -487 object-type object-name attempted to execute an sql statement when the definition of the function or procedure did not specify this action
### -490 number number directly specified in an sql statement is outside the range of allowable values in this context (minval, maxval)
### -491 create statement for user-defined function function-name must have a returns clause and: the external clause with other required keywords; the parameter names; or the source clause
### -492 the create function for function-name has a problem with parameter number number. it may involve a mismatch with a source function
### -495 estimated processor cost of estimate-amount1 processor seconds (estimate-amount2 service units) in cost category cost-category exceeds a resource limit error threshold of limit- amount service units
### -496 the sql statement cannot be executed because it references a result set that was not created by the current server
### -497 the maximum limit of internal identifiers has been exceeded for database database-name
### -499 cursor cursor-name has already been assigned to this or another result set from procedure procedure-name.
### -500 the identified cursor was closed when the connection was destroyed
### -501 the cursor identified in a fetch or close statement is not open
### -502 the cursor identified in an open statement is already open
### -503 a column cannot be updated because it is not identified in the update clause of the select statement of the cursor
### -504 cursor name cursor-name is not declared
### -507 the cursor identified in the update or delete statement is not open
### -508 the cursor identified in the update or delete statement is not positioned on a row or rowset that can be updated or deleted
### -509 the table identified in the update or delete statement is not the same table designated by the cursor
### -510 the table designated by the cursor of the update or delete statement cannot be modified
### -511 the for update clause cannot be specified because the result table designated by the select statement cannot be modified
### -512 statement reference to remote object is invalid
### -513 the alias alias-name must not be defined on another local or remote alias
### -514 the cursor cursor-name is not in a prepared state
### -516 the describe statement does not specify a prepared statement
### -517 cursor cursor-name cannot be used because its statement name does not identify a prepared select statement
### -518 the execute statement does not identify a valid prepared statement
### -519 the prepare statement identifies the select statement of the opened cursor cursor-name
### -525 the sql statement cannot be executed because it was in error at bind time for section = sectno package = pkgname consistency token = contoken
### -526 the requested operation or usage does not apply to table-type temporary table table-name
### -530 the insert or update value of foreign key constraint-name is invalid
### -531 parent key in a parent row cannot be updated because it has one or more dependent rows in relationship constraint-name
### -532 the relationship constraint-name restricts the deletion of row with rid x rid-number
### -533 invalid multiple-row insert
### -534 the primary key cannot be updated because of multiple-row update
### -536 the delete statement is invalid because table table-name can be affected by the operation
### -537 the primary key, foreign key, unique, or partitioning key clause identifies column column-name more than once
### -538 foreign key name does not conform to the description of a parent key of table table-name
### -539 table table-name does not have a primary key
### -540 the definition of table table-name is incomplete because it lacks a primary index or a required unique index
### -542 column-name cannot be a column of a hash key, primary key, a unique constraint, or a parent key because it can contain null values
### -543 a row in a parent table cannot be deleted because the check constraint check-constraint restricts the deletion
### -544 the check constraint specified in the alter table statement cannot be added because an existing row violates the check constraint
### -545 the requested operation is not allowed because a row does not satisfy the check constraint check-constraint
### -546 the check constraint constraint-name is invalid
### -548 a check constraint that is defined with column-name is invalid
### -549 the statement statement is not allowed for object_type1 object_name because the bind option dynamicrules(run) is not in effect for object_type2
### -551 auth-id does not have the privilege to perform operation operation on object object-name
### -552 authorization-id does not have the privilege to perform operation operation
### -553 authorization-id specified is not one of the valid authorization ids for requested operation
### -554 an authorization id or role cannot grant a privilege to itself
### -555 an authorization id or role cannot revoke a privilege from itself
### -556 revoke-target cannot have the privilege privilege object-name revoked by revoker-id because the revokee does not possess the privilege or the revoker did not make the grant
### -557 inconsistent grant/revoke keyword keyword. permitted keywords are keyword-list
### -559 all authorization functions have been disabled
### -562 the specified privileges cannot be granted to public.
### -567 bind-type authorization error using auth-id authority package = package-name privilege = privilege
### -571 the statement would result in a multiple site update
### -573 table table-name does not have a unique key with the specified column names
### -574 the specified default value or identity attribute value conflicts with the definition of column column-name
### -575 object object-name (object type object-type) cannot be referenced explicitly or implicitly
### -577 object-type object-name attempted to modify data when the definition of the function or procedure did not specify this action
### -578 the return statement was not executed for sql function function-name.
### -579 object-type object-name attempted to read data when the definition of the function or procedure did not specify this action
### -580 the result-expressions of a case expression cannot all be null
### -581 the data types of the result-expressions of a case expression are not compatible
### -582 the search-condition in a searched-when-clause of a case is not valid in the context in which it was specified. the search condition contains a quantified predicate or an in predicate that includes a fullselect, and these are not allowed in the specified context.
### -583 the use of function or expression name is invalid because it is not deterministic or has an external action
### -584 invalid use of null
### -585 the collection collection-id appears more than once in the set special-register statement
### -586 the total length of the current path special register cannot exceed 2048 characters
### -589 a positioned delete or update statement for cursor cursor-name specified a row of a rowset, but the cursor is not positioned on a rowset
### -590 name name is not unique in the create or alter for routine routine-name
### -592 not authorized to create functions or procedures in wlm environment env-name
### -593 not null must be specified for column-name because it is defined as a rowid (or distinct type for rowid), row change timestamp column, row begin column, row end column, or column of a period column-name
### -594 attempt to create a nullable rowid or distinct type column column-name
### -601 the name (version or volume serial number) of the object to be defined or the target of a rename statement is identical to the existing name (version or volume serial number) object-name of the object type object-type
### -602 too many columns, periods, or key-expressions specified in a create index or alter index statement
### -603 a unique index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are duplicates with respect to the values of the identified columns and periods
### -604 a data type definition specifies an invalid length, precision, or scale attribute
### -607 operation or option operation is not defined for this object
### -611 only lockmax 0 can be specified when the lock size of the tablespace is tablespace or table
### -612 identifier is a duplicate name
### -613 the primary key or a hash key or a unique constraint is too long or has too many columns and periods
### -614 the index cannot be created or altered, or the length of a column cannot be changed because the sum of the internal lengths of the columns for the index is greater than the allowable maximum
### -615 operation-type is not allowed on a package in use
### -616 obj-type1 obj-name1 cannot be dropped because it is referenced by obj-type2 obj-name2
### -618 operation operation is not allowed on system databases
### -619 operation disallowed because the database is not stopped
### -620 keyword keyword in stmt-type statement is not permitted for a space-type space in the database-type database
### -621 duplicate dbid dbid was detected and previously assigned to database-name
### -622 for mixed data is invalid because the mixed data install option is no
### -623 cluster is not valid for table-name
### -624 table table-name already has a primary key or unique constraint with specified columns and periods
### -625 table table-name does not have an index to enforce the uniqueness of the primary or unique key
### -626 the alter statement is not executable because the page set is not stopped
### -627 the alter statement is invalid because the table space or index has user-managed data sets
### -628 the clauses are mutually exclusive
### -629 set null cannot be specified because foreign key name cannot contain null values
### -631 foreign key name is too long or has too many columns
### -632 the table cannot be defined as a dependent of table-name because of delete rule restrictions
### -633 the delete rule must be delete-rule
### -634 the delete rule must not be cascade
### -635 the delete rules cannot be different or cannot be set null
### -636 ranges specified for partition part-num are not valid
### -637 duplicate keyword-name keyword or clause
### -638 table table-name cannot be created because column definition is missing
### -639 a nullable column of a foreign key with a delete rule of set null cannot be a column of the key of a partitioned index
### -640 locksize row cannot be specified because table in this tablespace has type 1 index
### -643 a check constraint or the value of an expression for a column of an index exceeds the maximum allowable length key expression
### -644 invalid value specified for keyword or clause keyword-or-clause in statement statement-type
### -646 table table-name cannot be created in specified table space table-space-name because it already contains a table
### -647 bufferpool bp-name for implicit or explicit tablespace or indexspace name has not been activated
### -650 the alter statement cannot be executed, reason reason-code
### -651 table description exceeds maximum size of object descriptor.
### -652 violation of installation defined edit or validation procedure proc-name
### -653 table table-name in partitioned table space tspace-name is not available because its partitioned index has not been created
### -655 the create or alter stogroup is invalid because the storage group would have both specific and non-specific volume ids
### -658 a object-type cannot be dropped using the statement statement
### -660 index index-name cannot be created or altered on partitioned table space tspace-name because key limits are not specified
### -661 object-type object-name cannot be created on partitioned table space tspace-name because the number of partition specifications is not equal to the number of partitions of the table space
### -662 a partitioned index cannot be created on a table space, or a table space cannot be index-controlled. table space tspace-name, reason reason-code
### -663 the number of key limit values is either zero, or greater than the number of columns in the key of index index-name
### -665 the partition clause of an alter statement is omitted or invalid
### -666 stmt-verb object cannot be executed because function is in progress
### -667 the clustering index for a partitioned table space cannot be explicitly dropped
### -668 the column cannot be added to the table because the table has an edit procedure defined with row attribute sensitivity
### -669 the object cannot be explicitly dropped. reason reason-code
### -670 the record length of the table exceeds the page size limit
### -671 the bufferpool attribute of the table space cannot be altered as specified because it would change the page size of the table space
### -672 operation drop not allowed on table table_name
### -676 the physical characteristics of the index are incompatible with respect to the specified statement. the statement has failed. reason reason-code
### -677 insufficient virtual storage for bufferpool expansion
### -678 the constant constant specified for the index limit key must conform to the data type data-type of the corresponding column column-name
### -679 the object name cannot be created because a drop is pending on the object
### -680 too many columns specified for a table, view or table function
### -681 column column-name in violation of installation defined field procedure. rt: return-code, rs: reason-code, msg: message-token
### -682 field procedure procedure-name could not be loaded
### -683 the specification for column, distinct type, function, or procedure data-item contains incompatible clauses
### -684 the length of constant list beginning string is too long
### -685 invalid field type, column-name
### -686 column defined with a field procedure can not compare with another column with different field procedure
### -687 field types incomparable
### -688 incorrect data returned from field procedure, column-name, msgno
### -689 too many columns defined for a dependent table
### -690 the statement is rejected by data definition control support. reason reason-code
### -691 the required registration table table-name does not exist
### -692 the required unique index index-name for ddl registration table table-name does not exist
### -693 the column column-name in ddl registration table or index name is not defined properly
### -694 the schema statement cannot be executed because a drop is pending on the ddl registration table table-name
### -695 invalid value seclabel specified for security label column of table table-name
### -696 the definition of trigger trigger-name includes an invalid use of correlation name or transition table name name. reason code=reason-code
### -697 old or new correlation names are not allowed in a trigger defined with the for each statement clause. old_table or new_table names are not allowed in a trigger with the before clause.
### -713 the replacement value for special-register is invalid
### -715 program program-name with mark release-dependency-mark failed because it depends on functions of the release from which fallback has occurred
### -716 program program-name precompiled with incorrect level for this release
### -717 bind-type for object-type object-name with mark release-dependency-mark failed because object-type depends on functions of the release from which fallback has occurred
### -718 rebind of package package-name failed because ibmreqd of ibmreqd is invalid
### -719 bind add error using auth-id authority package package-name already exists
### -720 bind error, attempting to replace package = package_name with version= version2 but this version already exists
### -721 bind error for package = pkg-id contoken = contoken’x is not unique so it cannot be created
### -722 bind-type error using auth-id authority package package-name does not exist
### -723 an error occurred in a triggered sql statement in trigger-name. information returned: sqlcode: sql-code, sqlstate: sql-state, message tokens token-list, section number section-number
### -724 the activation of the object-type object object-name would exceed the maximum level of indirect sql cascading
### -725 the special register register at location location was supplied an invalid value
### -726 bind error attempting to replace package = package-name. there are enable or disable entries currently associated with the package
### -729 a stored procedure specifying commit on return cannot be the target of a nested call statement
### -730 the parent of a table in a read-only shared database must also be a table in a read-only shared database
### -731 user-defined dataset dsname must be defined with shareoptions(1,3)
### -732 the database is defined on this subsystem with the roshare read attribute but the table space or index space has not been defined on the owning subsystem
### -733 the description of a table space, index space, or table in a roshare read database must be consistent with its description in the owner system
### -734 the roshare attribute of a database cannot be altered from roshare read
### -735 database dbid cannot be accessed because it is no longer a shared database
### -736 invalid obid obid specified
### -737 implicit table space not allowed
### -739 create or alter function function-name failed because functions cannot modify data when they are processed in parallel.
### -740 function name is defined with the option modifies sql data which is not valid in the context in which it was invoked
### -741 a database-type database is already defined for member member-name
### -742 dsndb07 is the implicit work file database
### -746 the sql statement in function, trigger, or in stored procedure name violates the nesting sql restriction
### -747 table table-name is not available until the auxiliary tables and indexes for its externally stored columns have been created
### -748 an index index-name already exists on auxiliary table table-name
### -750 the source table table-name cannot be renamed or altered because it is referenced in an existing view, materialized query table, or is a clone table, or has a clone table defined for it.
### -751 object-type object-name (specific name specific name) attempted to execute an sql statement sql-statement that is not allowed
### -752 the connect statement is invalid because the process is not in the connectable state
### -763 invalid table space name space-name
### -764 a lob table space and its associated base table space must be in the same database
### -765 table is not compatible with database
### -766 the object of a statement is a table for which the requested operation is not permitted
### -767 missing or invalid column specification for index index-name
### -768 an auxiliary table already exists for the specified column or partition
### -769 specification of create aux table does not match the characteristics of the base table
### -770 table table-name cannot have a lob column unless it also has a rowid, or an xml column unless it also has a docid column
### -771 invalid specification of a rowid column
### -773 case not found for case statement
### -775 statement specified in sql routine is not allowed within a compound statement.
### -776 use of cursor cursor-name is not valid
### -778 ending label label-name does not match the beginning label
### -779 label label specified on a goto, iterate, or leave statement is not valid
### -780 undo specified for a handler
### -781 condition condition-name is not defined or the definition is not in scope
### -782 a condition or sqlstate condition-value specified is not valid
### -783 select list for cursor cursor-name in for statement is not valid. column column-name is not unique
### -784 constraint constraint-name cannot be dropped.
### -785 use of sqlcode or sqlstate is not valid
### -787 resignal statement issued outside of a handler
### -797 the trigger trigger-name is defined with an unsupported triggered sql statement
### -798 a value cannot be specified for column column-name which is defined as generated always
### -802 exception error exception-type has occurred during operation-type operation on data-type data, position position-number
### -803 an inserted or updated value is invalid because the index in index space indexspace-name constrains columns of the table so no two rows can contain duplicate values in those columns. rid of existing row is x record-id
### -804 an error was found in the application program input parameters for the sql statement, reason reason
### -805 dbrm or package name location-name.collection-id.dbrm-name.consistency-token not found in plan plan-name. reason reason-code
### -807 access denied: package package-name is not enabled for access from connection-type connection-name
### -808 the connect statement is not consistent with the first connect statement
### -811 the result of an embedded select statement or a subselect in the set clause of an update statement is a table of more than one row, or the result of a subquery of a basic predicate is more than one value
### -812 the sql statement cannot be processed because a blank collection-id was found in the current packageset special register while trying to form a qualified package name for program program-name.consistency-token using plan plan-name
### -817 the sql statement cannot be executed because the statement will result in a prohibited data change operation.
### -818 the precompiler-generated timestamp x in the load module is different from the bind timestamp y built from the dbrm z
### -819 the view cannot be processed because the length of its parse tree in the catalog is zero
### -820 the sql statement cannot be processed because catalog-table contains a value that is not valid in this release
### -822 the sqlda contains an invalid data address or indicator variable address
### -840 too many items returned in a select or insert list
### -842 a connection to location-name already exists
### -843 the set connection or release statement must specify an existing connection
### -845 a previous value expression cannot be used before the next value expression generates a value in the current application process for sequence sequence-name
### -846 invalid specification of an identity column or sequence object object-type object-name. reason code = reason-code
### -867 invalid specification of a rowid column
### -870 the number of host variables in the statement is not equal to the number of descriptors
### -872 a valid ccsid has not yet been specified for this subsystem
### -873 the statement referenced data encoded with different encoding schemes or ccsids in an invalid context
### -874 the encoding scheme specified for the object-type must be the same as the containing table space or other parameters
### -875 operand cannot be used with the ascii data referenced
### -876 object-type cannot be created or altered, reason reason-code
### -877 ccsid ascii or ccsid unicode is not allowed for this database or table space
### -878 the explain-object used for explain must be encoded in unicode. it cannot be in ascii or ebcdic.
### -879 create or alter statement for object-name cannot define a column, distinct type, function or stored procedure parameter as mixed or graphic with encoding scheme encoding-scheme
### -880 savepoint savepoint-name does not exist or is invalid in this context
### -881 a savepoint with name savepoint-name already exists, but this savepoint name cannot be reused
### -882 savepoint does not exist
### -900 the sql statement cannot be executed because the application process is not connected to a server
### -901 unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that does not preclude the successful execution of subsequent sql statements
### -902 pointer to the essential control block (ct/rda) has value 0, rebind required
### -904 unsuccessful execution caused by an unavailable resource. reason reason-code, type of resource resource-type, and resource name resource-name
### -905 unsuccessful execution due to resource limit being exceeded, resource name = resource-name limit = limit-amount1 cpu seconds (limit-amount2 service units) derived from limit-source
### -906 the sql statement cannot be executed because this function is disabled due to a prior error
### -908 bind-type error using auth-id authority. bind, rebind or auto-rebind operation is not allowed
### -909 the object has been deleted or altered
### -910 the sql statement cannot access an object on which uncommitted changes are pending
### -911 the current unit of work has been rolled back due to deadlock or timeout. reason reason-code, type of resource resource-type, and resource name resource-name
### -913 unsuccessful execution caused by deadlock or timeout. reason code reason-code, type of resource resource-type, and resource name resource-name
### -917 bind package failed
### -918 the sql statement cannot be executed because a connection has been lost
### -919 a rollback operation is required
### -922 authorization failure: error-type error. reason reason-code
### -923 connection not established: db2 condition reason reason-code, type resource-type, name resource-name
### -924 db2 connection internal error, function-code,return-code,reason-code
### -925 commit not valid in ims, cics or rrsaf environment
### -926 rollback not valid in ims, cics or rrsaf environment
### -927 the language interface (li) was called when the connecting environment was not established. the program should be invoked under the dsn command
### -929 failure in a data capture exit: token
### -939 rollback required due to unrequested rollback of a remote server
### -947 the sql statement failed because it will change a table defined with data capture changes, but the data cannot be propagated
### -948 distributed operation is invalid
### -950 the location name specified in the connect statement is invalid or not listed in the communications database
### -951 object object-name object type object-type is in use and cannot be the target of the specified alter statement
### -952 processing was interrupted by a cancel request from a client program
### -981 the sql statement failed because the rrsaf connection is not in a state that allows sql operations, reason reason-code.
### -989 after trigger trigger-name attempted to modify a row in table table-name that was modified by an sql data change statement within a from clause
### -991 call attach was unable to establish an implicit connect or open to db2. rc1= rc1 rc2= rc2
### -992 package package-name cannot be executed or deployed on location location-name
### -1403 the username and/or password supplied is incorrect
### -1760 create procedure for procedure-name must have valid language and external clauses
### -2001 the number of host variable parameters for a stored procedure is not equal to the number of expected host variable parameters. actual number sqldanum, expected number opnum
### -4302 java stored procedure or user-defined function routine-name (specific name specific-name) has exited with an exception exception-string
### -4700 attempt to use new function before new function mode
### -4701 the number of partitions, or the combination of the number of table space partitions and the corresponding length of the partitioning limit key exceeds the system limit; or the combination of the number of table space partitions exceeds the maxpartitions for partition by growth table space.
### -4704 an unsupported data type was encountered as an include column
### -4705 option specified on alter statement for routine-name (routine-type) is not valid
### -4706 alter statement for an sql routine cannot be processed because the options currently in effect (envid current-envid) are not the same as the ones that were in effect (envid defined-envid) when the routine or version was first defined
### -4709 explain monitored stmts failed with reason code = yyyyy
### -4710 exchange data statement specified table1 and table2 but the tables do not have a defined clone relationship
### -4727 system parameter system-parameter value parameter-value is inconsistent with clause clause specified on statement-name statement.
### -4730 invalid specification of xml column table-name.column-name is not defined in the xml versioning format, reason reason-code
### -4731 the native sql routine statement for package location-name.collection-id.program-name.consistency-token statement number statement-number cannot be processed.
### -4732 the maximum number of alters allowed has been exceeded for object-type
### -4733 the alter table statement cannot be executed because column column-name is mixed data, or the data type or length specified does not agree with the existing data type or length
### -4734 the load module for the procedure assumes a parameter varchar option that is not consistent with the option specified on the create procedure statement for procedure-name
### -4735 invalid table reference for table locator
### -4736 a period specification or period clause is not supported as specified for object object-name. reason code = reason-code.
### -4737 statement statement is not allowed when using a trusted connection
### -4738 table table-name cannot be defined as specified in the statement statement in a common criteria environment
### -4739 environment settings (identified by envid1) used by object-name are not the same as the ones that were in effect (identified byenvid2) when other column masks and row permissions were defined for table table-name
### -4742 the statement cannot be executed by db2 or in the accelerator (reason reason-code)
### -4746 the statement cannot be processed for an accelerated query. reason code reason-code.
### -4747 the create or alter table statement failed because some functionality was specified in the table definition that is not supported with the table type. unsupported functionality:functionality-keyword.
### -4751 bind-type for package = package-name failed because of the use of keyword. one or more statements were not successfully processed.
### -4753 function-name function failure, rc=return-code reason=reason-code was received from z/os unicode services
### -5001 table table-name is not valid
### -5012 host variable host-variable is not exact numeric with scale zero
### -7008 object-name not valid for operation (reason-code)
### -16000 an xquery expression cannot be processed because the context-component component of the static context has not been assigned. error qname = err:xpst0001
### -16001 an xquery expression starting with token token cannot be processed because the focus component of the dynamic context has not been assigned. error qname = err:xpdy0002
### -16002 an xquery expression has an unexpected token token following text. expected tokens may include: token-list. error qname= err:xpst0003
### -16003 an expression of data type value-type cannot be used when the data type expected-type is expected in the context. error qname= err:xpty0004
### -16005 an xquery expression references an element name, attribute name, type name, function name, namespace prefix, or variable name undefined-name that is not defined within the static context. error qname= err:xpst0008
### -16007 -16007 the xquery path expression references an axis axis-type that is not supported. error qname = err:xqst0010
### -16009 an xquery function named function-name with number-of-parms parameters is not defined in the static context. error qname= err:xpst0017
### -16011 the result of an intermediate step expression in an xquery path expression contains an atomic value. error qname = err:xpty0019
### -16012 the context item in an axis step must be a node. error qname = err:xpty0020
### -16015 an element constructor contains an attribute node named attribute-name that follows an xquery node that is not an attribute node. error qname = err:error-name
### -16016 the attribute name attribute-name cannot be used more than once in an element constructor. error qname = err:xqty0025
### -16020 the context node in a path expression that begins with an initial “/” or “//” does not have an xquery document node root. error qname = err:xpdy0050
### -16022 operands of types xquery-data-types are not valid for operator operator-name . error qname = err:xpty0004
### -16023 the xquery prolog cannot contain multiple declarations for the same namespace prefix ns-prefix. error qname = err:xqst0033
### -16024 the namespace prefix prefix-name cannot be redeclared or cannot be bound to the specified uri. error qname = err:xqst0070
### -16026 the name attribute-name is used for more than one attribute in the constructor for the element named element-name. error qname=err:xqst0040
### -16029 two or more namespaces within the same xquery element constructor use the same namespace prefix prefix-name. error qname=err:xqst0071
### -16031 xquery language feature using syntax string is not supported
### -16032 the string string is not a valid uri. error qname = err:xqst0046
### -16033 the target data type type-name of a castable expression is not an atomic data type defined for the in-scope xml schema types or is a data type that cannot be used in a castable expression. error qname=err:xpst0080
### -16036 the uri that is specified in a namespace declaration cannot be a zero-length string
### -16038 the arguments of fn:datetime have different timezones. error qname=err:forg0008.
### -16041 an implicit or explicit invocation of the fn:boolean function in the xquery expression could not compute the effective boolean value of the sequence. error qname=err:forg0006
### -16046 a numeric xquery expression attempted to divide by zero. error qname = err:foar0001
### -16047 an xquery expression resulted in arithmetic overflow or underflow. error qname= err:foar0002
### -16048 an xquery prolog cannot contain more than one declaration-type declaration. error qname = error-qname
### -16049 the lexical value value is not valid for the type-name data type in the function or cast. error qname= err:foca0002
### -16051 the value value of data type source-type is out of range for an implicit or explicit cast to target data type target-type. error qname = err:error-qname
### -16052 nan cannot be used as a float or double value in a datetime operation. error qname=err:foca0005.
### -16055 an arithmetic operation involving a datetime value resulted in overflow. error qname=err:fodt0001.
### -16056 an arithmetic operation involving a duration value resulted in overflow. error qname=err:fodt0002.
### -16057 a timezone value is not valid. error qname=err:fodt0003.
### -16061 the value value cannot be constructed as, or cast (using an implicit or explicit cast) to the data type data-type. error qname = err:forg0001
### -16065 an empty sequence cannot be cast to the data type data-type, error qname = err:forg0006
### -16066 the argument passed to the aggregate function function-name is not valid. error qname = err:forg0006
### -16067 the flags argument value passed to the function function-name is not valid. error qname= err:forx0001
### -16068 the regular expression argument value passed to the function function-name is not valid. error qname= err:forx0002
### -16069 a regular expression argument value passed to the function function-name matches a zero-length string. error qname= err:forx0003
### -16075 the sequence to be serialized contains an item that is an attribute node. error qname = err:senr0001
### -16080 an xquery expression includes one or more expression-type expressions outside the xquery-update-constant of an xmlmodify function. error qname=err:xust0001.
### -16081 the xquery-update-constant in the xmlmodify function is not an updating expression or an empty sequence expression. error qname=err:xust0002.
### -16085 the target node of an xquery expression-type expression is not valid. error qname=err:error-name.
### -16086 the replacement sequence of a replace expression contains invalid nodes for the specified target node. error qname=err:error-name.
### -16087 the result of applying the updating expressions in the xmlmodify function is not a valid instance of the xquery and xpath data model. additional information: information-1, information-2. error qname=err:xudy0021.
### -16088 an expression-type expression has a binding of a namespace prefix prefix-string to namespace uri uri-string, introduced to an element named element-name, that conflicts with an existing namespace binding of the same prefix to a different uri in the in-scope namespaces of that element node. error qname=err:xudy0023.
### -16089 an expression-type expression and possibly other updating expressions in an xmlmodify function introduce conflicting namespace bindings into an element named element-name. the prefix prefix-string is bound to uri-string while another binding of the same prefix uses a different namespace uri. error qname=err:xudy0024.
### -16246 incomplete annotation mapping at or near line lineno in xml schema document uri. reason code = reason-code.
### -16247 source xml type source-data-type cannot be mapped to target sql type target-data-type in the annotation at or near line lineno in xml schema document uri
### -16248 unknown annotation annotation-name at or near line lineno in xml schema document uri
### -16249 the db2-xdb:expression annotation expression at or near line lineno in xml schema document uri is too long.
### -16250 the db2-xdb:defaultsqlschema with value schema-name at or near line lineno in xml schema document uri conflicts with another db2-xdb:defaultsqlschema specified in one of the xml schema documents within the same xml schema.
### -16251 duplicate annotation defined for object-name at or near location in xml schema document uri
### -16252 the db2-xdb:rowset name rowset-name specified at or near line lineno in the xml schema document uri is already associated with another table
### -16253 the db2-xdb:condition annotation condition at or near line lineno in xml schema document uri is too long.
### -16254 a db2-xdb:locationpath locationpath at or near line lineno in xml schema document uri is not valid with reason code reason-code.
### -16255 a db2-xdb:rowset value rowset-name used at or near line lineno in xml schema document uri conflicts with a db2-xdb:table annotation with the same name.
### -16257 xml schema feature feature specified is not supported for decomposition.
### -16258 the xml schema contains a recursive element which is an unsupported feature for decomposition. the recursive element is identified as elementnamespace : elementname of type typenamespace : typename.
### -16259 invalid many-to-many mappings detected in xml schema document uri1 near line lineno1 and in xml schema document uri2 near line lineno2.
### -16260 xml schema annotations include no mappings to any column of any table.
### -16262 the annotated xml schema has no columns mapped for rowset rowsetname.
### -16265 the xml document cannot be decomposed using xml schema xsrobject-name which is not enabled or is inoperative for decomposition.
### -16266 an sql error occurred during decomposition of document docid while attempting to insert data. information returned for the error includes sqlcode sqlcode, sqlstate sqlstate, and message tokens token-list.
### -20003 gbpcache none cannot be specified for tablespace or index in grecp
### -20004 8k or 16k bufferpool pagesize invalid for a workfile object
### -20005 the internal id limit of limit has been exceeded for object type object-type
### -20008 attempt to use an unsupported feature on object object-name. reason code: reason-code
### -20016 the value of the inline length associated with object-name is too big or the inline length clause is not allowed in the context.
### -20019 the result type returned from the function body cannot be assigned to the data type defined in the returns clause
### -20046 the selectivity clause following predicate-string can only specified for a spatial predicate function.
### -20058 the fullselect specified for materialized query table table-name is not valid.
### -20060 unsupported data type data-type encountered in sql object-type object-name
### -20070 auxiliary table table-name cannot be created because column column-name is not a lob column
### -20071 wlm environment name must be specified function-name
### -20072 csect-name bind-type bind-subtype error using authorization-id authority. operation is not allowed on a package-type package package-name
### -20073 the function function-name cannot be altered because it is referenced in existing view or materialized query table definitions
### -20074 the object object-name cannot be created because the first three characters are reserved for system objects
### -20091 a view name was specified after like in addition to the including identity column attributes clause
### -20092 a table or view was specified in the like clause, but the object cannot be used in this context
### -20093 the table table-name cannot be converted to or from a materialized query table, or the materialized query table property cannot be altered. reason code = reason-code.
### -20094 the column column-name is a generated column and cannot be used in the before trigger trigger-name.
### -20100 an error occurred when binding a triggered sql statement. information returned: section number : section-number sqlcode sqlerror, sqlstate sqlstate, and message tokens token-list
### -20101 the function function-name failed with reason reason-code
### -20102 create or alter statement for routine routine-name specified the option option which is not allowed for the type of routine
### -20104 an attempt to alter a ccsid from from-ccsid to to-ccsid failed
### -20106 the ccsid for the table space or database cannot be changed because the table space or database already contains a table that is referenced in existing view, or materialized query table definitions or an extended index
### -20107 host variable or parameter number position-number cannot be used as specified because reason reason
### -20108 a result set contains an unsupported data type in position number position-number for cursor cursor-name opened by stored procedure procedure-name
### -20110 cannot implicitly connect to a remote site with a savepoint outstanding
### -20111 cannot issue savepoint, release savepoint, rollback to savepoint from a trigger, from a user-defined function, or from a global transaction
### -20117 a window specification for an olap specification is not valid. reason code = reason-code.
### -20120 an sql table function must return a table result.
### -20123 call to stored procedure procedure-name failed because the result set returned for cursor cursor-name is scrollable, but the cursor is not positioned before the first row
### -20124 open cursor cursor failed because the cursor is scrollable but the client does not support this
### -20125 call to stored procedure procedure-name failed because the result set for cursor cursor-name is scrollable, but the client does not support this, reason reason-code.
### -20127 value specified on fetch statement for absolute or relative is too large for drda
### -20129 local special register is not valid as used
### -20142 sequence sequence-name cannot be used as specified
### -20143 the encryption or decryption function failed, because the encryption password value is not set
### -20144 the encryption is invalid because the length of the password was less than 6 bytes or greater than 127 bytes
### -20146 the decryption failed. the data is not encrypted
### -20147 the encryption function failed. multiple pass encryption is not supported
### -20148 a return statement does not exist or was not invoked during the execution of routine routine-name with specific name specific-name.
### -20163 hexadecimal constant gx is not allowed
### -20165 an sql data change statement within a from clause is not allowed in the context in which it was specified
### -20166 an sql data change statement within a select specified a view view-name which is not a symmetric view or could not have been defined as a symmetric view
### -20177 set data type clause on alter table specified floating point, but this change is disallowed
### -20178 view view-name already has an instead of operation trigger defined
### -20179 the instead of trigger cannot be created because the view view-name is defined using the with check option
### -20180 column column-name in table table-name cannot be altered as specified
### -20181 column cannot be added to index index-name
### -20182 partitioning clause clause on stmt-type statement for index-name is not valid
### -20183 the partitioned, add partition, add partitioning key, alter partition, rotate partition, or partition by range clause specified on create or alter for table-name is not valid
### -20185 cursor cursor-name is not defined to access rowsets, but a clause was specified that is valid only with rowset access
### -20186 a clause specified for the dynamic sql statement being processed is not valid
### -20200 the install or replace of jar-id with url url failed due to reason reason-code-(reason-string).
### -20201 the install, replace, remove, or alter of jar-name failed due to reason reason-code-(reason-string)
### -20202 the remove of jar-name failed as class is in use
### -20203 user-defined function or procedure name has a java method with an invalid signature. the error is at or near parameter number. the signature is signature.
### -20204 the user-defined function or procedure routine-name was unable to map to a single java method
### -20207 the install or remove of jar-name specified the use of a deployment descriptor.
### -20210 the sql statement cannot be executed because it was precompiled at a level that is incompatible with the current value of the encoding bind option or special register
### -20211 the specification order by or fetch first n rows only is invalid
### -20212 user-defined routine name encountered an exception attempting to load java class class-name from jar jar-name. original exception: exception-string
### -20213 stored procedure procedure-name has returned a dynamic result set, parameter number, that is not valid
### -20223 the encrypt_tdes or decrypt function failed. encryption facility not available return-code, reason-code
### -20224 encrypted data that was originally a binary string cannot be decrypted to a character string
### -20227 required clause is missing for argument number of expression
### -20228 a stacked diagnostics area is not available
### -20232 character conversion from ccsid from-ccsid to to-ccsid failed with error code error-code for table dbid.obid column column-number requested by csect-name
### -20235 the column column-name cannot be added or altered because table-name is a materialized query table
### -20240 invalid specification of a security label column table-name.column-name reason code reason-code
### -20248 attempted to explain all cached statements or a cached statement with stmtid or stmttoken id-token but the required explain information is not accessible. reason reason-code
### -20249 the package package-name needs to be rebound in order to be successfully executed (required-maintenance)
### -20252 diagnostics area full. no more errors can be recorded for the not atomic statement
### -20257 final table is not valid when the target view view-name of the sql data change statement in a fullselect has an instead of trigger defined
### -20258 invalid use of input sequence ordering
### -20260 the assignment clause of the update operation and the values clause of the insert operation must specify at least one column that is not an include column
### -20264 for table table-name, primary-auth-id with security label primary-auth-id-seclabel is not authorized to perform operation on a row with security label row-seclabel. the record identifier (rid) of this row is rid-number.
### -20265 security label is reason for primary-auth-id
### -20266 alter view for view-name failed
### -20275 the xml name xml-name is not valid. reason code = reason-code
### -20276 the xml namespace prefix xml-namespace-prefix is not valid. reason code = reason-code
### -20279 the view view-name cannot be enabled for query optimization. reason code = reason-code
### -20281 primary-auth-id does not have the mls write-down privilege
### -20283 a dynamic create statement cannot be processed when the value of current schema differs from current sqlid
### -20286 db2 converted string token-type tokenfrom from-ccsid to to-ccsid, and resulted in substitution characters
### -20289 invalid string unit unit specified for function function-name
### -20295 the execution of a built in function function resulted in an error reason code reason-code
### -20300 the list of columns specified for the clause clause is not allowed in combination with the list of columns for the partitioning key for the table.
### -20304 invalid index definition involving an xmlpattern clause or a column of data type xml. reason code = reason-code
### -20305 an xml value cannot be inserted or updated because of an error detected when inserting or updating the index identified by index-id on table table-name. reason code = reason-code
### -20306 an index on an xml column cannot be created because of an error detected when inserting the xml values into the index. reason code = reason-code
### -20310 the remove of jar-name1 failed, as it is in use by jar-name2
### -20311 the value provided for the new java path is illegal
### -20312 the alter of jar jar-id failed because the specified path references itself
### -20313 debug mode option for routine routine-name cannot be changed
### -20314 the parameter list (or an option) does not match the parameter list (or option) for all other versions of routine routine-name
### -20315 the currently active version for routine routine-name (routine-type) cannot be dropped
### -20326 an xml element name, attribute name, namespace prefix, or uri ending with string-end exceeds the limit of 1000 bytes
### -20327 the depth of an xml document exceeds the limit of 128 levels
### -20328 the document with target namespace namespace and schema location location has already been added for the xml schema identified by schema name
### -20329 the completion check for the xml schema failed because one or more xml schema documents is missing. one missing xml schema document is identified by uri-type as uri
### -20330 the object-type identified by xml uri-type1 uri1 and xml uri-type2 uri2 is not found in the xml schema repository
### -20331 the xml comment value string is not valid
### -20332 the xml processing instruction value string is not valid
### -20335 more than one xsrobject-type exists identified by xml uri-type1 uri1 and uri-type2 uri2 exists in the xml schema repository.
### -20338 the data type of either the source or target operand of an xmlcast specification must be xml
### -20339 xml schema name is not in the correct state to perform operation operation
### -20340 xml schema xmlschema-name includes at least one xml schema document in namespace namespace that is not connected to the other xml schema documents
### -20345 the xml value is not a well-formed document with a single root element
### -20353 an operation involving comparison cannot use operand name defined as data type type-name
### -20354 invalid specification of a row change timestamp column for table table-name
### -20355 the statement could not be processed because one or more implicitly created objects are involved reason-code
### -20356 the table with dbid = dbid and obid = obid cannot be truncated because delete triggers exist for the table, or the table is the parent table in a referential constraint
### -20361 authorization id authorization-name is not defined for the trusted context context-name
### -20362 attribute attribute-name with value value cannot be dropped because it is not part of the definition of trusted context context-name
### -20363 attribute attribute-name with value value is not a unique specification for trusted context context-name
### -20365 a signaling nan was encountered, or an exception occurred in an arithmetic operation or function involving a decfloat
### -20366 table with dbid=database-id and obid=object-id cannot be truncated because uncommitted updates exist on the table with ‘immediate’ option specified in the statement
### -20369 an alter trusted context statement for context-name attempted to remove the last connection trust attribute associated with the trusted context
### -20372 the system authid clause of a create or alter trusted context statement for context-name specified authorization-name, but another trusted context is already defined for that authorization id.
### -20373 a create or alter trusted context statement specified authorization-name more than once or the trusted context is already defined to be used by this authorization id, profile name, or public.
### -20374 an alter trusted context statement for context-name specified authorization-name but the trusted context is not currently defined to be used by this authorization id, profile name, or public
### -20377 an illegal xml character hex-char was found in an sql/xml expression or function argument that begins with string start-string
### -20380 alter index with regenerate option for index-name failed. information returned: sqlcode sqlcode, sqlstate sqlstate, message tokens token-list
### -20381 alter index with regenerate option is not valid for index-name
### -20382 context item cannot be a sequence with more than one item
### -20385 the statement cannot be processed because there are pending definition changes for object object-name of type object- type (reason reason-code)
### -20398 error encountered during xml parsing at location n text
### -20399 error encountered during xml validation: location n; text: text; xsrid schema-id
### -20400 xml schema error n text
### -20409 an xml document or constructed xml value contains a combination of xml nodes that causes an internal identifier limit to be exceeded
### -20410 the number of children nodes of an xml node in an xml value has exceeded the limit number of children nodes
### -20411 a fetch current continue operation was requested for cursor-name but there is no preserved, truncated data to return
### -20412 serialization of an xml value resulted in characters that could not be represented in the target encoding
### -20422 a create table, or declare global temporary table statement for table-name attempted to create a table with all the columns defined as hidden
### -20423 error occurred during text search processing (server, index-name, text)
### -20424 text search support is not available reason-code
### -20425 column-name (in table-name) was specified as an argument to a text search function, but a text index does not exist for the column
### -20426 conflicting text search administration stored procedure running on the same index
### -20427 error occurred during text search administration stored procedure error
### -20428 uri specified in the xmlschema clause is an empty string.
### -20433 an untyped expression was specified, but an assumed data type cannot be determined from its use
### -20434 an update operation has set all of its target columns to unassigned
### -20444 an error occurred in a key-expression evaluation in index-name information returned: sqlcode: sqlcode, sqlstate: sqlstate, message token token-list and rid x rid
### -20447 format string format-string is not valid for the function-name function
### -20448 string-expression cannot be interpreted using format string format-string for the timestamp_format function.
### -20457 the procedure procedure-name has encountered an unsupported version, version, for parameter number
### -20465 the binary xml value is incomplete or contains unrecognized data at location position with the hex data text
### -20469 row or column access control cannot be activated for table table-name for reason reason-code. object-type object-name is not in a valid state for activating access control for this table
### -20470 object-type1 object-name1 must be defined as secure because object-type2 object-name2 is dependent on it.
### -20471 the insert or update is not allowed because a resulting row does not satisfy row permissions.
### -20472 permission or mask object-name cannot be altered as specified. reason code reason-code.
### -20473 the input argument of function function-name that is defined with the not-secured option must not reference column column-name for which a column mask is enabled and the column access control is activated for the table
### -20474 permission or mask cannot be created for the object-name object of the object-type type. reason code reason-code.
### -20475 a column mask is already defined for the column column-name in table table-name (existing mask name mask-name)
### -20476 the function-name function was invoked with an invalid format string format-string.
### -20477 the function-name function is not able to use format string format-string to interpret the argument string-expression.
### -20478 the statement cannot be processed because column mask mask-name (defined for column column-name) exists and the column mask cannot be applied or the definition of the mask conflicts with the requested statement. reason code reason-code.
### -20479 the source table table-name cannot be altered as specified because the table is involved in row or column access controls. reason code reason-code.
### -20487 hash organization clause is not valid for table-name
### -20488 specified hash space is too large for the implicitly created table space. reason reason-code. (partition partition-number)
### -20490 a versioning clause was specified for table table-name, but the table cannot be used as a system period temporal table. reason code = reason-code.
### -20491 invalid specification of period period-name. reason code = reason-code.
### -20493 a timestamp without time zone value cannot be assigned to a timestamp with time zone target
### -20497 a string representation of a datetime value that contains a time zone cannot be implicitly or explicitly cast to a target defined as datetime without time zone
### -20517 xmlmodify attempted to update a column which was not specified in the update set clause
### -20522 invalid specification of without overlaps or period clause. reason code reason-code.
### -20523 table table-name was specified as a history table, but the table definition is not valid for a history table. reason code = reason-code.
### -20524 invalid period specification or period clause for period period-name. reason code = reason-code.
### -20525 the requested action is not valid for table table-name because the table is the wrong type of table. reason code = reason-code
### -20527 period-name is not a period in table table-name
### -20528 the target of the data change operation is a table table-name, which includes a period period-name. a row that this data change operation attempted to modify was also modified by another transaction.
### -20531 the version number actual-version specified in a binary xml value is not supported. the highest supported version is supported-version.
### -20556 the operation failed because multiple result values cannot be returned from a scalar function function-name.
### -30000 execution failed due to a distribution protocol error that will not affect the successful execution of subsequent commands or sql statements: reason reason-code (sub-code)
### -30002 the sql statement cannot be executed due to a prior condition in a chain of statements
### -30005 execution failed because function not supported by the server: location location-name product id product-identifier reason reason-code (sub-code)
### -30020 execution failed due to a distribution protocol error that caused deallocation of the conversation: reason reason-code (sub-code)
### -30021 execution failed due to a distribution protocol error that will affect the successful execution of subsequent commands or sql statements: manager manager at level level not supported error
### -30025 execution failed because function is not supported by the server which caused termination of the connection: location location product id product-identifier reason reason-code (sub-code)
### -30030 commit request was unsuccessful, a distribution protocol violation has been detected, the conversation has been deallocated. original sqlcode=original-sqlcode and original sqlstate=original-sqlstate
### -30040 execution failed due to unavailable resources that will not affect the successful execution of subsequent commands or sql statements. reason reason-code type of resource resource-type resource name resource-name product id product-identifier rdbname rdbname
### -30041 execution failed due to unavailable resources that will affect the successful execution of subsequent commands and sql statements. reason reason-code type of resource resource-type resource name resource-name product id product-identifier rdbname rdbname
### -30050 command-or-sql-statement-type command or sql statement invalid while bind process in progress
### -30051 bind process with specified package name and consistency token not active
### -30052 program preparation assumptions are incorrect
### -30053 owner authorization failure
### -30060 rdb authorization failure
### -30061 rdb not found
### -30070 command command not supported error
### -30071 object-type object not supported error
### -30072 parameter subcode parameter not supported error
### -30073 parameter subcode parameter value not supported error
### -30074 reply message with codepoint (svrcod) not supported error
### -30080 communication error code (subcode)
### -30081 prot communications error detected. api=api, location=loc, function=func, error codes=rc1 rc2 rc3
### -30082 connection failed for security reason reason-code (reason-string)
### -30090 remote operation invalid for application execution environment
### -30104 error in bind option option-name and bind value option-value.
### -30105 bind option option1 is not allowed with bind option option2
### -30106 invalid input data detected for a multiple row insert operation. insert processing is terminated

by Mike Sun @ 20170411 Tue
