Tata Nano Bookings Exceed Supply

Tata Motors Ltd.周一称,该公司的Nano微型轿车已收到超过20.3万名客户的预订,总值近250亿卢比(合5.03亿美元)。这款微型车最低价格约为2,500美元,被称为世界上最便宜的汽车。从4月9日至4月25日,Tata Motors在旗下所有的经销商和Tata Group零售网点提供Nano预订服务。客户还可以通过一个专门的网站进行预订。Tata Motors说,公司共发出了高达61万份申请表;有近70%的订购申请了贷款,其余部分则是客户全额付款。为了解决供应不足的问题,前10万名买车人将通过抽奖方式确定。在印度西部的古吉拉特邦正在新建一个年产25万辆Nano的工厂,并将于今年晚些时候或明年初投产。在新厂投产之前,Nano汽车将由印度北部的北阿坎德邦现有的一个工厂生产。该厂最大年产量为6万辆。这款引擎尺寸624立方厘米汽油发动机后置的汽油车长度只有3米多。基本款价格为123,360卢比,豪华款则配有空调前电动车窗和后雨刷等,价格为172,360卢比。公司说,大部分的预订都是豪华款,很少一部分是基本款。Tata Motors说,第一批10万辆汽车将从7月份开始交付,预计将一直延续到2010年第四季度结束。由于Nano的低成本,这款车引起了全球关注,不过环保人士已经表示对印度日益严重的污染和道路拥堵问题感到担忧。分析师说,这款车可能不会成为负债累累的Tata Motors的摇钱树。该公司如今正面临不断放缓的需求──无论是印度的商用车还是豪华品牌捷豹(Jaguar)和路虎(Land Rover)。Tata Motors今年3月说,将向那些在首轮抽奖中没有抽中第一年仍保留预订的客户支付8.5%的利息,向第二年仍保留预订的支付8.75%。SANTANU CHOUDHURY相关阅读Tata将抽奖销售全球最廉价汽车 2009-03-24Tata拟第四季度投产超低价微型车 2008-07-03 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年05月05日15:04', 'TTM'));Tata Motors Ltd.  (ads)总部地点:印度(India)上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:TTMdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月05日15:04', '500570.BY'));Tata Motors Ltd.总部地点:印度(India)上市地点:孟买股票代码:TAMO

Tata Motors Ltd. said Monday it has received bookings from more than 203,000 customers totaling nearly 25 billion rupees ($503 million) for its Nano minicar, which with a basic price of about $2,500 has been called the world's cheapest car.Tata Motors offered the Nano for bookings from April 9-April 25 at all its dealerships as well as outlets of Tata Group's retail chains. Bookings were also made through a specially created Web site.As many as 610,000 application forms were sold by the company, Tata Motors said. As much as 70% of the bookings were financed, while the remainder were fully paid by the customers, it said.To cope with supply shortages, the first 100,000 owners are being selected by lottery.A new, dedicated 250,000-units-a-year Nano factory is scheduled to start operations later this year or early next year in the western state of Gujarat.Until then, the car will be manufactured at an existing factory in the northern state of Uttarakhand, which produces a maximum 60,000 cars a year.The 624-cubic centimeter rear-gasoline-engine car measures just over three meters in length. A basic model will cost 123,360 rupees, while a top end model, which includes features such as air-conditioning, front power windows and rear wiper, costs 172,360 rupees.Most bookings were received for the top-end model and the fewest for the base model, the company said.Tata Motors said delivery of the first 100,000 cars will begin from July and is expected to be completed in the last quarter of 2010.The Nano has generated global interest because of its low cost, but environmentalists have raised concerns about increasing pollution and road congestion in India.Analysts have said the car may not be a money spinner for debt-strapped Tata Motors, which is facing slowing demand, both for its commercial vehicles in India and its luxury brands Jaguar and Land Rover.Tata Motors said in March it will pay an 8.5% interest rate to customers who aren't successful in the initial lottery but retain their bookings for the first year and will pay 8.75% for the second year.SANTANU CHOUDHURY
