groovy入门(二)Codes as data, or closures

groovy入门(二)Codes as data, or closures


One of the things that makes Groovy different than most compiled languages is that you can create functions that are first class objects. That is you can define a chunk of code and then pass it around as if it were a string or an integer.
square = { it * it }
The curly braces around the expression "it * it" tells the Groovy compiler to treat this expression as code. In the software world, this is called a "closure".
There are some built in functions that take a function like this as an argument. One example is the "collect" method on arrays.
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].collect(square)

By default closures take 1 parameter called 'it', you can also create closures with named parameters.
printMap = { key, value -> println key + "=" + value}

printList = { println it }

More Closure Examples
fullString = ""
orderParts = ["BUY", 200, "Hot Dogs", "1"]
orderParts.each {
  fullString += it + " "
println fullString

First, the closure is interacting with a variable outside itself.
The second thing that is different about this example is that the closure is "anonymous".

Another map example:
myMap = ["asdf": 1 , "qwer" : 2, "sdfg" : 10]
result = 0
myMap.keySet().each( { result+= myMap[it] } )
println result

Dealing with Files
fileDirectory = "d:\\temp\\"
fileName = "test.txt"
file = new File(fileDirectory + fileName)
printFileLine = { println "File line: " + it }
file.eachLine( printFileLine )


Dealing with strings
stringDate = "2005-07-04"
dateArray = stringDate.split("-")
year = dateArray[0].toInteger()
year = year + 1
newDate = year + "-" + dateArray[1] + "-" + dateArray[2]

