drop a database

drop a database
使用“DROP DATABASE ”语句可以删除所有的控制文件,及控制文件中的所列的其他文件
为了成功执行以上命令,all of the following conditions must apply:
<wbr><wbr> 1.The database must be mounted and closed.<br><wbr><wbr> 2.The database must be mounted exclusively--not in shared mode.<br><wbr><wbr> 3.The database must be mounted as RESTRICTED.<br> drop database 命令不能删除归档日志文件,backup copies,backup 。oracle 推荐使用rman来删除这些文件。<br><br> ????<br> If you used the Database Configuration Assi stant to create your database, you can use<br> that tool to delete (drop) your database and remove the files.<br> 这句话有点疑惑,如果创建数据库时没使用dbca,能用dbca删除数据库。 </wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr>
