Layna Fischer,没有告诉我为什么

上周给,Layna Fischer去了封email,询问wfmc有关or-splite定义的事宜。在我看来,wfmc Terminology & Glossary 中有关or-slite的表述是不正确的,也许其是想“作为xor-splite”表述的。毕竟在Terminology & Glossary 中存在or-splite而无xor-splite。但在xpdl中,存在xor-splite而无or-splite。这是非常“混淆”的概念。


   Today,I read the article named "Process Modeling Notations and Workflow Patterns" on the web site(
   The article gives some example patterns expression used BPMN.
   I found that the article considered the "EXCLUSIVE CHOICE" pattern could be expressed by or-split,and said that is descripted by wfmc Terminology & Glossary . 
   But I found that there is no split type "OR" in wfmc xpdl,and Aalst,author of workflow patterns also thought "EXCLUSIVE CHOICE" pattern could be expressed by XOR-Split.You can find it form YAWL web site.
   Now,I want to know why xpdl don't support or-split,and description about or-split is ritht or not in Terminology & Glossary ?

而Layna Fischer回了信:

Dear James Hu(我的英文名字)

Many thanks for your message and your interest in the work of the WfMC.

Your question is best answered by joining our discussion of technical and organizational issues in our web-based forum at I am also copying the chair of the XPDL working group, Robert Shapiro for comment.

Because of your interest in workflow & BPM, we would like to invite your organization to join the WfMC.

The WfMC offers particular relevance for your future in a world of business process management standards. Through membership, you can actively contribute to the development of BPM standards and interfaces and in turn, help influence the growth of the industry.

Building on the successful release last year of Wf-XML 2.0 and growing support for XPDL, our current directions include working closely with e-Governments around the world as well as joint work with specific standards groups within OASIS, such as BPEL, ebXML bp, and ASAP, and in addition to our long-established associations with OMG and AIIM. The WfMC Standards Reference Model has proved its importance in other areas of technology, most notably the ISO Seven Layer reference model for computer communications.

···· 结下来在信的最后就是告诉我 join wfmc的益处···可惜,我没有Full Membership ($3500)
