import*; import java.util.*; import*; public class SimpleFTP { protected static int proxySet=0; protected static String socks4Host=null; protected static int socks4Port=-1; protected static String socks4User=null; String host = null; int port = -1; BufferedReader in = null; PrintStream out = null; Socket socket = null; public SimpleFTP() { } public static void setSocks4Proxy(String host,String user){ setSocks4Proxy(host,1080,user); } public static void setSocks4Proxy(String host,int port,String user){ proxySet=1; socks4Host=host; socks4Port=port; socks4User=user; } public static Socket getSocket(String addr,int port)throws UnknownHostException,IOException{ if(proxySet==1){ return getSocks4Socket(addr,port); } else { return new Socket(addr,port); } } private static Socket getSocks4Socket(String address,int port)throws UnknownHostException,IOException{ Socket s=new Socket(socks4Host,socks4Port); InetAddress ip=InetAddress.getByName(address); byte[] addr=ip.getAddress(); byte[] user=socks4User.getBytes(); byte[] header=new byte[9+user.length]; header[0]=0x4; header[1]=0x1; header[2]=(byte)(port>>8); header[3]=(byte)port; System.arraycopy(addr,0,header,4,4); System.arraycopy(user,0,header,8,user.length); header[header.length-1]=0x0; //send request s.getOutputStream().write(header); byte[] response=new byte[8]; s.getInputStream().read(response); //check whether available;if illegal ,the socket is already disconnected by server int CD=response[1]; switch(CD){ case 90: return s; case 91: throw new IOException("request rejected or failed"); case 92: throw new IOException("request rejected becasue SOCKS server cannot connect to identd on the client"); case 93: throw new IOException("request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids"); default: throw new IOException("ERROR RESPONSE CODE:"+CD); } } public void open(String host,String user,String pass)throws IOException,UnknownHostException { open(host,21,user,pass); } public void open(String host, int port,String user,String pass) throws IOException, UnknownHostException { if (socket != null) { disconnect(); } socket = getSocket(host, port); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); out = new PrintStream(socket.getOutputStream(), true); System.out.println("$"+in.readLine()); if(user == null){ user = "anonymous"; } if(pass == null){ pass = "anything"; } String code = cmd("USER "+user); if(code.startsWith("331")){ code = cmd("PASS "+pass); if(code.startsWith("230")){ return ; } } else if(code.startsWith("230")){ return ; } disconnect(); throw new IOException("Authentication Failed"); } public void noop(){ cmd("NOOP"); } public String pwd() throws IOException { String code = cmd("PWD"); return code.substring(code.indexOf("\"")+1,code.lastIndexOf("\"")); } public boolean cd(String dir) { String msg = cmd("CWD "+dir); if(msg != null && msg.startsWith("250")){ return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean cdup() { String msg = cmd("CDUP"); if(msg != null && msg.startsWith("250")){ return true; } else { return false; } } public String[] ls()throws IOException{ String path = pwd(); Object[] params = pasv(); out.println("LIST"); byte[] data = readBytes((String)params[0],((Integer)params[1]).intValue()); String str = new String(data); String[] ss = str.split("\n"); String[] fs = new String[ss.length-3]; for(int i=3; i<ss.length; i++){ String postfix = (ss[i].startsWith("d"))? "/":""; String file = ss[i].substring(ss[i].lastIndexOf(" ")+1,ss[i].length()-1); fs[i-3] = path+"/"+file+postfix; } String msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println("$"+msg); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println("$"+msg); return fs; } public int get(String remote_file,String local_file)throws IOException { if(!remote_file.startsWith("/")){ remote_file = pwd()+"/"+remote_file; } Object[] params = pasv(); out.println("RETR "+remote_file); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(local_file); int size = readStream((String)params[0],((Integer)params[1]).intValue(),fos); fos.close(); String msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println("$"+msg); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println("$"+msg); return size; } public int put(String local_file,String remote_file)throws IOException { if(!remote_file.startsWith("/")){ remote_file = pwd()+"/"+remote_file; } Object[] params = pasv(); out.println("STOR "+remote_file); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(local_file); int size = writeStream((String)params[0],((Integer)params[1]).intValue(),fis); fis.close(); String msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println("$"+msg); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println("$"+msg); return size; } public String cmd(String cmd){ return cmd(cmd,true); } public String cmd(String cmd,boolean echo) { check(); try { if(echo) System.out.println("$"+cmd); out.println(cmd); String ret = in.readLine(); if(echo) System.out.println("$"+ret); if(ret.startsWith("421")){ disconnect(); return null; } return ret; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } private Object[] pasv()throws IOException { String msg = cmd("PASV"); //hardly return error code, I do none check here int[] nums = new int[6]; msg = msg.substring(msg.indexOf("(") + 1, msg.lastIndexOf(")")); String[] ps = msg.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { nums[i] = Integer.parseInt(ps[i]); } String host = nums[0]+"."+nums[1]+"."+nums[2]+"."+nums[3]; int port = nums[4]*256 + nums[5]; Object[] os = new Object[2]; os[0] = host; os[1] = new Integer(port); return os; } private byte[] readBytes(String host,int port)throws UnknownHostException,IOException{ Socket s = getSocket(host,port); byte[] buffer = new byte[512]; int pos = 0; int num; while((num = s.getInputStream().read(buffer,pos,buffer.length-pos)) != -1){ pos += num; if(pos >= buffer.length){ byte[] bs = new byte[pos+512]; System.arraycopy(buffer,0,bs,0,pos); buffer = bs; } } s.close(); if(pos >= buffer.length){ return buffer; } else { byte[] bs = new byte[pos]; System.arraycopy(buffer,0,bs,0,pos); buffer = null; return bs; } } private int readStream(String host,int port,OutputStream os)throws UnknownHostException,IOException { Socket s = getSocket(host,port); byte[] buffer = new byte[512]; int total = 0; int num; int count = 0; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); long cur_time = time; long last = 0; while((num = s.getInputStream().read(buffer)) != -1){ total += num; os.write(buffer,0,num); if(count%5 == 0){ System.out.print("*"); } cur_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if((cur_time-time-last) >10000){ cmd("NOOP"); System.out.print("\nSIZE:"+total/1024+" k\tkps="); last = cur_time - time; System.out.println(1000.0*total/1024/last); } } s.close(); os.flush(); return total; } private int writeBytes(String host,int port,byte[] data)throws UnknownHostException,IOException{ Socket s = getSocket(host,port); s.getOutputStream().write(data); s.close(); return data.length; } private int writeStream(String host,int port,InputStream is)throws UnknownHostException,IOException { Socket s = getSocket(host,port); byte[] buffer = new byte[512]; int num = 0; int total = 0; while((num = != -1){ s.getOutputStream().write(buffer,0,num); total += num; } s.close(); return total; } private void check() { if (socket == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("connection already disconnected"); } } public void disconnect() { try { in.close(); out.close(); socket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { socket = null; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //[email protected]/即时战略/帝国时代4合1.rar SimpleFTP ftp = new SimpleFTP(); ftp.setSocks4Proxy("","ruanjue");"",21,"","11211");"即时战略"); ftp.cmd("TYPE I"); ftp.get("帝国时代4合1.rar","E:/game/帝国时代4合1.rar"); ftp.disconnect(); /*Socket socket = new Socket("", 21); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(socket.getOutputStream(), true); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket. getInputStream())); String msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); out.println("USER webdb"); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); out.println("PASS apples"); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); out.println("PWD"); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); out.println("CWD /disk/web/"); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); out.println("TYPE A"); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); out.println("PASV"); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); int[] nums = new int[6]; msg = msg.substring(msg.indexOf("(") + 1, msg.lastIndexOf(")")); String[] ps = msg.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { nums[i] = Integer.parseInt(ps[i]); } Socket s2 = new Socket(nums[0] + "." + nums[1] + "." + nums[2] + "." + nums[3], nums[4] * 256 + nums[5]); out.println("RETR /disk/web/ruanjue/application/perl/"); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s2. getInputStream())); String str = null; while ( (str = buffer.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(str); } buffer.close(); s2.close(); ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(nums[4] * 256 + nums[5]); out.println("PORT 192,168,4,124," + nums[4] + "," + nums[5]); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); out.println("LIST"); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); s2 = server.accept(); buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s2.getInputStream())); str = null; while ( (str = buffer.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(str); } buffer.close(); s2.close(); server.close(); out.println("QUIT"); msg = in.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); out.close(); in.close(); socket.close();*/ } }