

VMware成立于1998年,总部位于加州Palo Alto,在世界各地都有办事处。VMware的客户包括20,000多个规模不等的组织,其中包含所有财富百强企业。VMware的技术用于真正地降低IT成本,在选择操作系统上提供更大的灵活性,并且提供更加自动化和容错的系统基础以便能应对不同的业务需要。

VMware is the world’s leading provider of virtualization solutions for x86-based servers and desktops. Through a pioneering approach to virtualization, VMware technology works to separate the software from the underlying hardware. This allows a single computer to run multiple operating systems and applications, delivering significant improvements in efficiency, availability, flexibility and manageability.

Founded in 1998, VMware is headquartered in Palo Alto, California, with offices around the world. VMware’s customer base consists of more than 20,000 organizations of all sizes, including 100% of Fortune 100 companies. VMware delivers technology designed to substantially lower IT costs, provide more flexibility in choosing operating systems, and offer a more automated and resilient systems infrastructure capable of responding to variable business demands.
